

The Atmosphere in some respects acts quite randomly. However, this “randomness” obeys certain laws. This figure shows the spatial distribution of a random walk scaling exponent for the Northern Hemisphere 500 mb height field. Contoured values greater then 50 indicate the tendency for anomalies to be persistent independent of the time scale


Total number of links (connections) at each geographic location. The uniformity observed in the tropics indicates that each node possesses the same number of connections. This is not the case in the extratropics where certain nodes possess more links than the rest. For details on how this figure was produced please read “What do networks have to do with climate?”


Summary of synchronization events, coupling between the modes during these events, and climate shifts


What was Homer honing in the Odyssey?



The origins of randomness, and its Greek translation




New Minoans 

SERRA Geoengineering


Climate: a dynamical system with mismatched space and time domains

Lorenz-63 Model as a Metaphor for Transient Complexity in Climate

On the interconnections among major climate modes and their common driving factors

Supplementary material for “On the interconnections among major climate modes and their common driving factors”

Insights on Streamflow Predictability Across Scales Using Horizontal Visibility Graph Based Networks

Supplementary material for “Insights on Streamflow Predictability Across Scales Using Horizontal Visibility Graph Based Networks”

An application of slow feature analysis to the genetic sequences of coronaviruses and influenza viruses

Supplementary material for “An application of slow feature analysis to the genetic sequences of coronaviruses and influenza viruses”

On Time Scales of Intrinsic Oscillations in the Climate System

Supplementary material for “On Time Scales of Intrinsic Oscillations in the Climate System”

On the cause-and-effect relations between aerosols, water vapor, and clouds over East Asia

Supplementary material for “On the cause-and-effect relations between aerosols, water vapor, and clouds over East Asia”


Time scales of the European surface air temperature variability: The role of the 7–8 year cycle

Supporting Information for “Time-scales of the European surface air temperature variability: The role of the 7-8 year cycle

On the min–max estimation of mean daily

Dynamical evidence for causality between Northern Hemisphere annular mode and winter surface air temperature over Northeast Asia

On the Range of Frequencies of Intrinsic Climate Oscillations

Randomness: a property of the mathematical and physical systems

Transient behavior in the Lorenz model

Synchronization and causality across time scales in El Ni~no Southern Oscillation

Synchronization and causality across time scales in El Niño Southern Oscillation

Model falsifiability and climate slow modes

The Little Boy: El Niño and natural climate change


Teleconnections in the Atmosphere and Oceans

Climate change and the demise of Minoan civilization

What Do Networks Have to Do with Climate?

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere’s climate variability

Community Structure and Dynamics in Climate Networks

Climate Subsystems Pacemakers of Decadal Climate Variability

Climate Mode Covariability and Climate Shifts

Directional influences on global temperature prediction

Climate Subsystems: Pacemakers of Decadal Climate Variability

Review On the origins of decadal climate variability a network perspective

Climate and Landscape Factors Associated with Buruli Ulcer Incidence in Victoria Australia

A climate model intercomparison at the dynamics level

Supplementary Material
A climate model intercomparison at the dynamics level

Geoengineering carries unknown consequences

Indications of a climate effect on Mediterranean fisheries

Two contrasting views of multidecadal climate variability in the twentieth century

Dynamical evidence for causality between galactic cosmic rays and interannual variation in global temperature

Robustness of causal effects of galactic cosmic rays on interannual variation in global temperature

Why Geoengineering and Climate Don’t Go Together
Comment on “Atlantic and Pacific Multidecadal Oscillations and Northern Hemisphere Temperatures


Estimated return periods for Hurricane Katrina

What do networks have to do with climate

High-Frequency Variability in Hurricane Power Dissipation and Its Relationship to Global Temperature

Twenty Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences

A new dynamical mechanism for major climate shifts

A new dynamical mechanism for major climate shifts-2

A new dynamical mechanism for major climate shifts

A Network Analysis of U.S. Hurricanes

Anti-persistence in the global temperature anomaly field

Anti-persistence in the global temperature anomaly field-2

Reconstructing dynamics from observables The issue of the delay parameter revisited

Reducing Forecast Uncertainty to Understand Atmospheric Flow Transitions

On the Role of Atmoshperic Teleconnections in Climate

Topology and Predictability of ElNino and La Nina Networks

Topology and Predictability of El Nino and La Nina Networks-2

Physica A

On the variability of ENSO at millennial timescales

Long-term natural variability and 20th century climate change

Has the climate recently shifted?

Long-term natural variability and 20th century climate change Supporting Information

The pacemaker of major climate shifts

Dynamical changes in the ENSO system in the last 11,000 years


Information Transfer and Home Field Advantage

A characteristic timescale in dollar-yen exchange rates

The impact of nonlinear dynamics in the atmospheric sciences

The effect of precipitation variability on ENSO precipitation teleconnections in the contiguous United States

Probing the linearity and nonlinearity in the transitions of the atmospheric circulation

Linguistic Features in Eukaryotic Genomes

Probing the linearity and nonlinearity in DNA sequences

The Problem of Extracting Precipitation Information in the Tropics from the UWMCOADS Data

On Words and Genes

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change

The architecture of the climate network

A Small-World Network Hypothesis for Memory and Dreams

Is Global Warming Injecting Randomness Into the Climate System

Observing extreme events in incomplete state spaces with application to rain fall estimation from satellite images

Exploring nonlinearity to identify genes and intergenic regions in genomes

Unfolding the relation between global temperature and ENSO

A Method to Improve Prediction of Atmospheric Flow Transitions


Dynamical Systems as Models for Physical Processes

Wavelet analysis of DNAsequences

Mapping the channels of communication between the tropics and higher latitudes in the atmosphere

Wide spread increases in low-frequency variability of precipitation over the past century

Hydrological applications of satellite data 1.Rain fall estimation

Hydrological applications of satellite data 2.Flow simulation and soil water estimates

is DNA a Language

Zipfs Law and the Structure and Evolution of Languages

Simplicity and Complexity in Gene Evolution

Do climate simulations from models forced by averaged sea surface temperatures represent actual dynamics

Global temperature as a regulator of climate predictability

On the existence of scaling in DNA sequences

Fractality in Nature

Multi-Year Prediction Model of North Atlantic Hurricane Activity

A characteristic timescale in the global temperature record

Comments on the Southern Oscillation as an example of a Simple Ordered Subsystem of a Complex Chaotic System

Long-Range Correlations in the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Origins and Implications

The Autocorrelation Function and Human Influences on Climate

A feasibility study on mean a real rain fall estimation and hydrologic response in the Blue Nile region using METEOSAT images


Multiple Attractors Fractal Basins and Longterm Climate Dynamics

Comments on Dimension Analysis of Climate Data

A Note on the Spatial Structure of the Covariability of Observed Northern Hemisphere Surface Air Temperatures

Mulitple fractal dimensions in snow

The Spatial-Temporal Scaling Properties of Rain and the Validity of Taylors Hypothesis in the Atmosphere

Comparisons of Observed Northern Hemisphere Surface Air Temperature Records

Sensitivity of the Global Climate System to Initial Conditions

Periodicity in DNA Coding Sequences Implication in Gene Evolution

The effect of truncation and round-off on computer simulated chaotic trajectories

Dobidecadal oscillations exist in the global temperature record

Nonlinear Prediction Chaos and Noise

Evidence for Strange attractor structures in space plasmas

Nonlinear prediction as a way of distinguishing chaos from random fractal sequences

Complexity and Predictability of Hourly Precipitation

Nonlinear dynamics established in the ENSO

Estimating the Dimension of Weather and Climate Attractors Important issues about the Procedure and Interpretation

Empirically derived climate predictability over the extratropical northern hemisphere

Searching for determinism in observed data a review of the issues involved

An Investigation of the Ability of Nonlinear Methods to Infer Dynamics from Observables

Exploiting Geometric Signatures to Accurately Determine Properties of Attractors

Assessing the ability of the Koppen system to delinate the general world pattern of climates

Low-frequency oscillation

Structure and Properties of the Attractor of a Marine Dynamical System

Testing for Scaling in Natural Forms and Observables


Minimum Detectable Pollution Levels From Satellite Imagery

Counting and Multiple Elliptical Dimensions in Rain

Determining Rain fall Intensity and Type from GOES Imagery in the Midlatitudes

Fractals-A New Look at Biological Shape and Patterning

A Method for Inferring Aerosol Properties From Satellite Data Over Forested Terrain

Some probabilistic aspects of fractal growth

Fractal Characterization and Simulation of Lightning

The Effect of Calibration of the Forward-Scattering Spectrometer Probe on the Sizing of Cloud Droplets

The weather attractor over very short timescales

Single Thresholding and Rain Area Delineation from Satellite Imagery

Chaos Strange Attractors and Weather

Chaos Principles and Implication in Biology

Chaos and Unpredictability of Weather

On the dynamics of a forced reaction-diffusion model for biological pattern formation

Testing the Global Warming Hypothesis

A Shore-Parallel Cloud Bandover Lake Michigan


An Evaluation of Extrapolation Techniques for the Short-Term Prediction of Rain Amounts

A Proposal for a New Statistic and Technique Development for the Design and Evaluation of Cloud Seeding Experiments

Determination and correction of the relative shift between the visible and thermal infrared GOES sensor images

On the Separability of Various Classes from the GOES Visible and Infrared Data

Comments on Physical Interpretation of Results from the HIPLEX-1 Experiment

On a New Approach for Instantaneous Rain Area Delineation in the Midlatitudes Using GOES Data