Zip drive – Craig Guilbault’s Papers
SUMMARY of Craig Guilbault’s publications
Ancel-Davis-Guilbault CAT(0) reflection manifolds
Ancel-Guilbault An extension of Rourkes proof that Omega3 is 0 to nonorientable 3-manifolds
Ancel-Guilbault Compact contractible n-manifolds have arc spines (n ≥ 5)
Ancel-Guilbault Interiors of compact contractible manifolds are hyperbolic
Ancel-Guilbault Mapping swirls and pseudo-spines
Ancel-Guilbault Z-compactifications of open manifolds
Calcut-Guilbault-Haggerty Extreme nonuniqueness of end sum
Fischer-Guilbault On the fundamental groups of trees of manifolds
Geoghegan-Guilbault Topological Properties of spaces admitting proper group actions
Geoghegan-Guilbault-Mihalik Topological properties of spaces admitting a coaxial homeomorphism-AGT
Geoghegan-Guilbault-Mihalik Noncocompact group actions and semistability at infinity
Gu-Guilbault Compactifications of manifolds with boundary JTA
Guilbault A non-Z-compactifiable polyhedron
Guilbault A solution to de Groot’s absolute cone conjecture
Guilbault An elementary deduction of the topological Radon Theorem from Borsuk-Ulam
Guilbault An open collar theorem for 4-manifolds
Guilbault Compacta with the shapes of finite complexes-EGW obstruction
Guilbault End shapes and boundaries
Guilbault Linked pairs of contractible polyhedra in Sn
Guilbault Manifolds with non-stable fundamental group at infinity
Guilbault Noncollarable ends of 4-manifolds–some realization theorems
Guilbault Products of open manifolds with R
Guilbault Some compact contractible manifolds containing disjoint spines
Guilbault Weak Z-structures for some classes of groups
Guilbault-Healy-Pietsch Group boundaries for semidirect products with Z
Guilbault-Mooney CE equivalences of boundaries
Guilbault-Mooney Croke-Kleiner boundaries are CE equivalent
Guilbault-Moran A comparison of the dimension of a metric space
Guilbault-Moran Coarse Z-boundaries of groups
Guilbault-Moran Proper homotopy types and Z-boundaries of spaces
Guilbault-Moran-Schreve Compressible spaces and EZ-structures
Guilbault-Moran-Tirel Boundaries of Baumslag-Solitar groups
Guilbault-Tinsley Manifolds with nonstable fundamental group II
Guilbault-Tinsley Manifolds with nonstable fundamental group III
Guilbault-Tinsley Noncompact manifolds that are inward tame