

Christine Lilek, “State Job Opportunities for Geologists”, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, March 7 (flyer, slides)

Dr. John Jansen, “The role of the geoscientist in the transition to large scale industrial agriculture; or how to feed 9 billion people without trashing the planet”, Collier Geophysics, Nov. 9 (flyer)

  • Invited Seminar, University of Iowa, 2023

Dr. Paradis gave a seminar titled, “Enhanced Biogeochemical Flushing of Uranium in Groundwater” for the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department on Friday, Sept. 15 (slides)

Daniel Feinstein, “Watershed Heat Flow, Lags and Damping Under Warming: Modeling Climate Change in the Subsurface”, United States Geological Survery Upper Midwest Water Science Center, May 11 (flyer, slides)

Dr. Kenneth Belitz, “The Quality of Groundwater Used for Pulic Supply in the Continental United States”, 2023 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, April 13 (flyer)

John Gurda, “Milwaukee: A City Built on Water”, Milwaukee Writer & Historian, Nov. (flyer)

Dustin Looman, “Conservation Corps General Info and Monarch Project”, Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa, April 7 (flyer)

Bruce Lindsey, “Relation between Road-Salt Application and Increasing Radium Concentrations in a Low-pH Aquifer, Southern New Jersey”, United States Geological Survey, March 31 (flyer, slides)

Dr. Eric Stewart, “Geologic mapping as a tool for predicting groundwater contamination: Assessing arsenic risk in east-central Wisconsin”, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Feb. 24 (slides)

  • Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2022 Annual Meeting,  March 10-11, 2022:

Leah Dechant (master’s student) oral presentation titled, “Mass discharge of road salt via groundwater to surface water interactions in southeastern Wisconsin” (slides)

Dr. Reginald Archer, “Expanding Geoscience Pathways at the intersection of “Earth” Programs and Teacher Education at HBCUs”, Tennessee State University, May 6 (flyer)

Dr. Bradley Cramer, “Building GEO-STEM for the 21st Century and Facing our Lack of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”, University of Iowa, March 11 (flyer)

Dr. Sarah Sheffield, “Unraveling the evolutionary relationships of ancient echinoderms”, University of South Florida, Feb. 11 (slides)

  • Invited Seminar, UWM Geography, 2020

Dr. Paradis gave a seminar titled, “What I did last summer: simulated flood events at a uranium-contaminated field site” for the Geography Department on Friday, Nov. 13 (slides)

Dr. Daniel Wright, “Computational Science to Support Decision-Making in a Wetter Wisconsin”, UW-Madison, Sept. 17 (slides)

Loretta Kwong, “Environmental Consulting: From Field Geologist to Project Manager”, Arcadis Oct. 15

Adam Schmidt, Cullen Meurer, Gabrielle Sulikowski, Jiyan Hatami, & Charles Paradis, “The Milwaukee Column: A simple, affordable, and effective apparatus for teaching and research of one-dimensional flow and transport in porous media”, May 17 (oral presentation)

Cullen Meurer, Aaron Tigar, Micheal Bradley, Kara Tafoya, Katherine Telfyan, Raymond Johnson, & Charles Paradis, “Enhanced mass reduction of uranium via alkalinity-driven desorption and groundwater flushing”, May 17 (oral presentation)

Jennifer Bolger-Breceda, “Issues Impacting Milwaukee’s Waterways: ‘How do we get to ‘Swimmable, Fishable, Drinkable?”, Milwaukee Riverkeeper, Jan. 23

Cheryl Nenn, “The State of Milwaukee’s Rivers: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, Milwaukee Riverkeeper Jan. 30 (slides)

Dr. Ray Johnson, “Uranium Production Near Grand Junction, Colorado: History, Geology, and Radiation Comparisons”, US DOE Legacy Management April 2 (slides)

  • Invited Seminar, Marquette University, 2019

Dr. Paradis gave a seminar titled, “In-situ characterization and remediation of contaminated aquifers” for the Physics Department on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019 (slides)

Dr. Beth Conerty, “Great Technology to Industry Adoption, the Long Road of Commercialization”, University of Illinois, Oct. 17 (slides)

Dr. Steve Techtmann, “Microbial Community Response to Heavy and Light Crude Oil in the Great Lakes”, Michigan Tech, Oct. 24 (slides)

Dr. Mark Felice, “Methane transport and microbial community response during field-scale soil methane release experiments”, University of Minnesota, Oct. 31 (slides)

Dr. Chris Atchison, “Moving beyond tradition: Rethinking field-based teaching and learning in the geosciences”, University of Cincinnati, Nov. 14

  • GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2019

Dr. Paradis hosted a technical session entitled, “Field Tracer Studies for Aquifer Characterization” at the Geological Society of America’s Annual Meeting in Phoenix Arizona. The session was held on Sunday, September 22 from 1:30 PM to to 5:30 PM (link here). Guest speakers included the following: 1) Dr. Raymond Johnson from the US Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management, 2) Dr. Rick Devlin from the University of Kansas, and 3) Dr. Phillip Stauffer from Los Alamos National Laboratory.