How do you start with the DLAUG?
You can check Introduction under left Navigation pane to know about the background, motivation, purpose, process, overview, and audience information.
How is the DLAUG organized?
The DLAUG is organized by categories and specific types of help-seeking situations under each category, including the following categories of situations:
A. Difficulty accessing information
B. Difficulty identifying current status, path, or cursor mode
C. Difficulty locating specific information, items, or features
D. Confusion about multiple programs or DL structures
E. Difficulty constructing or refining searches
F. Difficulty with Help
G. Avoidance tendency
H. Difficulty evaluating information
I. Difficulty with compatibility issues
The DLAUG is organized by the help-seeking situations according to the frequency of occurrences of the situations and their impact on BVI users’ information search process.
Under each type of help-seeking situation, the following components are presented:
Definition of the type of help-seeking situation
Factors that lead to the situation
Guideline or Design Recommendations to solve the situation
Rationale and Objective that provide a set of reasons behind the creation of guidelines
Techniques and Methods to comply with a specific DL design guideline
Recommended Features to implement a specific technique or method
Examples that show good and/or bad designs for a recommended feature
Related Resources that provide extra resources corresponding to the situation
See Also to link to the corresponding category or categories of situations that the current situation belongs to
The numbering of Techniques and Methods, Recommended Features, and Examples corresponds to the numbering under Guideline or Design Recommendations.
How do you access a specific situation and associated guidelines?
There are two approaches to access a specific situation and associated guidelines. First, you can use the left navigation pane to identify a specific situation that you are interested in to check its corresponding guidelines. Second, you can use Types of Help-seeking situations in the introduction.
How do you use the DLAUG?
You first select a specific situation that you would like to address for your design. You can view the definitions of the situation and leading factors for the situation as well as the rationale for guidelines proposed for dealing with this situation. Second, you can check the related guidelines as general design principles. Third, in order to implement a guideline, refer to the corresponding techniques and methods based on the numbering system. Fourth, you can select appropriate features associated with the techniques and methods. Fifth, examples are provided to help you apply a specific feature. In addition, Related Resources are presented for further reading. Finally, each situation is cross-referenced with related situations.
How to conduct a user study?
Check Appendix I. User study
What are the types of factors leading to help-seeking situations?
Check Appendix II. Factors
What are the levels of conformance recommendation?
Check Appendix III. The level of conformance recommendation.
What are the differences and similarities between the DLAUG and WCAG?
Check Appendix IV. The similarities and differences between the DLAUG and WCAG.
How to find keyboard shortcuts?
Check Appendix V. Keyboard shortcuts
What are the types of accessibility assessment tools?
Check Appendix VI. Accessibility assessment tools
How do you find the Glossary terms?
You can see the list of terms by clicking the Glossary in the left navigation pane.