Appendix VII. Accessibility assessment tools

There are some tools for evaluating and checking compliance issues of accessibility or test accessibility by simple browser extension or online. Those are free tools to check WCAG 2.0 or Section 508. Below you can find the list of evaluation tools.

Assessment tools (Browser extension or stand-alone software)

      1. axe: A free accessibility evaluation browser extension that allows a user to test web applications to help identify and resolve common accessibility issues
      2. Cynthia Says: Online accessibility evaluation tool for checking Section 508 Standards and/or WCAG guidelines. It allows users to test web pages and provides feedback
      3. Siteimprove Accessibility Checker: Highlight issues such as accessibility problems on the page and provides explanations of how they impact users (Available for Chrome and Firefox extension)
      4. TAW: Online accessibility evaluation tool. It allows users to discover website accessibility and provide recommendations to resolve violations.
      5. Wave Evaluation Tool : A suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. It can identify accessibility and web content accessibility guideline errors (Available for standalone and Chrome extension)

If you want to look more, you can find more tools in W3C Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool List: The List of software programs or online services that help developers determine if web content meets accessibility guidelines by W3C

Please check Appendix II for screen readers which might be used to check accessibility issues of a DL.