
  1. An empirical model of decadal ENSO variability” (invited)
  2. Mesoscale ocean eddies and climate change over the Southern Ocean” (invited)
  3. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere climate variability” (contributed)
  4. Connecting climate variability to the water levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron” (contributed)
  • Presentations at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010:
  1. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere climate variability
  2. Predictability associated with nonlinear regimes in an atmospheric model
  1. Role of Nonlinear Processes and Multi-Scale Interactions in Mid-Latitude Decadal Climate Variability
  2. Multi-decadal Climate Variability in Observed and Modeled Surface Temperatures
  • Presentations at Department of Energy (DOE) Climate Change and Prediction Program (CCPP) Meeting, Spring 2006:
  1. Global Warming Trend and Multi-decadal Climate variability
  2. Empirical Mode reduction in an Atmospheric GCM
  1. Eddy-driven decadal variability in a mid-latitude climate model
  2. Bimodal behavior in the Northern Hemisphere’s zonal-mean zonal flow and its possible association with decadal-scale coupled climate variability
  • Invited talks at IMAGe workshops III and IV.
  1. Linear-regression-based models of nonlinear processes
  2. A mechanistic model of mid-latitude decadal climate variability