Appendix II. Factors

1. Complex information presentation

1.1. Complex information presentation: excessive information or features

Definition: A DL presents too much information at once.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

1.2. Complex information presentation: illogical structure

Definition: A DL does not present the organization of page elements in a rational way within or across DL page(s).

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls

A3/D4. Difficulty locating or accessing information related to visual items

A5/D6. Difficulty locating or accessing search features

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

E4. Difficulty navigating through a DL

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

1.3. Complex information presentation:  illogical organization of information

Definition: A DL does not present information topics in a rational way.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

A5/D6. Difficulty locating or accessing search features

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

E4. Difficulty navigating through a DL

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

1.4. Complex information presentation: inconsistent page structure

Definition: Different pages of the DL organize their content and navigation structure differently.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

E4. Difficulty navigating through a DL

1.5. Complex information presentation: multiple layers (or steps) to relevant DL items

Definition: Accessing an item (e.g., transcript of a visual item) requires clicking several links.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

A3/D4. Difficulty locating or accessing information related to visual items


2. Inadequate features/functions

2.1. Inadequate features/functions:  links

Definition: Links do not direct a user to the intended page.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A1. Difficulty accessing a clickable element

2.2. Inadequate features/functions: pre-populated search field

Definition: Search input box displays keywords from previous search or placeholder text.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E6. Difficulty recognizing pre-existing text in an input box

2.3. Inadequate features/functions: tracking searches

Definition: Existing features do not help users to examine search history.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

H3. Difficulty tracking searches


3. Inadequate feedback

3.1. Inadequate feedback: DL state

Definition: Existing notifications do not help the user track a change in the state of the DL including page loading status.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E5. Difficulty recognizing current status of a DL

3.2. Inadequate feedback: dynamic applications/features/content

Definition: Existing notifications do not alert the user that a dynamic application, feature, or content is available, updating, or updated.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

H1. Difficulty constructing search queries

C1. Difficulty detecting or using dynamic features and content

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls

3.3. Inadequate feedback: input box

Definition: DL does not notify whether an input box is blank or includes pre-populated text.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E6. Difficulty recognizing pre-existing text in an input box


4. Inadequate help information

4.1. Inadequate help information: media player

Definition: Directions for locating or operating a media player control are either absent or ambiguous.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls

4.2. Inadequate help information:  navigation aids

Definition: Features or information regarding the search path are either missing or insufficient.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

4.3. Inadequate help information: overall

Definition: Existing help resources do not assist users in identifying relevant help topics.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information


5. Inadequate indication

5.1. Inadequate indication: advanced search

Definition: The availability of advanced search is not notified to the screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A5/D6. Difficulty locating or accessing search features

5.2. Inadequate indication: auto-suggestion

Definition: The availability of suggested keywords or phrases is not notified to the screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A5/D6. Difficulty locating or accessing search features

5.3. Inadequate indication: search terms or key terms found

Definition: Words or phrases found on a page by keyword search are not signaled by a non-visual indicator to alert the user of their presence.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

D2. Difficulty locating a specific word, phrase, or related term


6. Inadequate Knowledge

Sub factor: Inadequate knowledge: assistive technology

Definition: Users do not possess the know-how necessary to operate a DL using screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

I1. Situations related to compatibility issues

6.1. Inadequate knowledge: DL

Definition: Users do not have enough information or experience related to the digital library being used.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

C5. Difficulty understanding or using a specific feature

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

6.2. Inadequate knowledge: domain knowledge

Definition: Users do not have familiarity or background knowledge regarding a given search topic.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

H1. Difficulty constructing search queries

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

H2. Difficulty refining search queries

6.3. Inadequate knowledge: information retrieval

Definition: Users lack the necessary know-how regarding how to search for information.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

H1. Difficulty constructing search queries

D1/E1. Difficulty detecting or locating search results

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

I1. Situations related to compatibility issues

6.4. Inadequate knowledge: non-DL IR systems

Definition: Users have insufficient experience using a non-DL IR system.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

6.5. Inadequate knowledge: operating system

Definition: Users do not have enough experience related to the usage of the OS.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

I1. Situations related to compatibility issues


7. Inadequate support

7.1. Inadequate support: keyboard input

Definition: Active elements do not activate using typical keyboard commands.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A1. Difficulty accessing a clickable element

7.2. Inadequate support: contextual cues

Definition: Content surrounding an inaccessible or incomprehensible item does not assist a user in understanding what this item entails.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

D1/E1. Difficulty detecting or locating search results

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

E3. Difficulty identifying items that require downloading before viewing

E5. Difficulty recognizing current status of a DL

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

7.3. Inadequate support: document formatting

Definition: Text formatting of a DL document (e.g., transcript of a visual item) is not suitable for recognition by screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A2. Difficulty accessing content of a scanned document

7.4. Inadequate support: previously visited page

Definition: Lack of features to support BVI users go back to previously visited pages.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

7.5. Inadequate support: transcript legibility

Definition: Illegible transcripts are presented in DLs due to low quality of the transcription.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

A2. Difficulty accessing content of a scanned document

7.6. Inadequate support: visual item description

Definition: Existing visual items do not have appropriate alt text or supplementary description.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features


8. Inappropriate labeling

8.1. Inappropriate labeling: active elements

Definition: Existing label of an active element does not clarify its purpose/function or how to interact with it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

A1. Difficulty accessing a clickable element

E3. Difficulty identifying items that require downloading before viewing

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

8.2. Inappropriate labeling: applications

Definition: Existing label of an application does not clarify its purpose/ function or how to interact with it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

A3/D4. Difficulty locating or accessing information related to visual items

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout


8.3. Inappropriate labeling: features

Definition: Existing label of a feature does not clarify its purpose/function or how to interact with it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

E2. Difficulty identifying current location or tracking paths

A5/D6. Difficulty locating or accessing search features

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

C5. Difficulty understanding or using a specific feature

F2. Difficulty understanding results structure or layout

8.4. Inappropriate labeling: file formats

Definition: Existing label of a file format does not correctly indicate the format of an item.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

G1. Avoidance of format, approach, or features

B2. Difficulty assessing format of an item

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

8.5. Inappropriate labeling: metadata

Definition: Existing label of metadata does not follow the DCMI standard.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

C3. Difficulty recognizing or interpreting a label

8.6. Inappropriate labeling: misplaced labels

Definition: Use of placeholder text within a label input box.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

E6. Difficulty recognizing pre-existing text in an input box

8.7. Inappropriate labeling: unlabeled active elements

Definition: Active element is not assigned a descriptive label.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A1. Difficulty accessing a clickable element



9. Incompatibility

9.1. Incompatibility: content incompatible with screen reader software

Definition: Content of DL page or document is organized/formatted in a way incompatible with screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

C1. Difficulty detecting or using dynamic features and content

9.2. Incompatibility: media player incompatible with screen reader software

Definition: Media player provided by the DL does not work with screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A4/D5. Difficulty locating or accessing multimedia controls


10. Lack of features/functions/items/information

10.1. Lack of features/functions/items/information: a shortcut to the desired content

Definition: Existing features do not help users directly access an item of interest (e.g., transcript of a scanned document.)

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A3/D4. Difficulty locating or accessing information related to visual items

10.2. Lack of features/functions/items/information: descriptive information

Definition: Existing item or features does not include a meaningful label, supplementary instruction, or metadata description.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

B1. Difficulty assessing relevance of an item

B2. Difficulty assessing format of an item

D2. Difficulty locating a specific word, phrase, or related term

10.3. Lack of features/functions/items/information: transcripts for visual items

Definition: Transcripts are not provided for visual items.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

A3/D4. Difficulty locating or accessing information related to visual items


11. Unclear instruction

11.1. Unclear instruction: the overall structure of a DL

Definition: DL does not explain what the overall structure is and/or how to use it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

11.2. Unclear instruction: the browse categories of a DL

Definition: DL does not explain what the browse categories are and/or how to use them.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

F1. Confusion about digital library structure or browse categories

11.3. Unclear Instruction: file type/format

Definition: No indication of the file type/format of an item and/or how to view it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

B2. Difficulty assessing format of an item

11.4. Unclear instruction: DL features

Definition: DL does not explain what a specific feature is and/or how to use it.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situations:

C4. Difficulty understanding how to use a DL

C5. Difficulty understanding or using a specific feature

11.5. Unclear instruction: help feature

Definition: DL does not explain how to locate and/or use needed help information.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

C2/D7. Difficulty locating or understanding help information

11.6. Unclear instruction: keyword search

Definition: DL does not explain how to use the search box and/or how to construct search statements.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

H1. Difficulty constructing search queries

11.7. Unclear instruction: compatibility of web browsers

Definition: DL does not indicate if the web browser being used is incompatible with screen reader software.

Leading to the following Help-seeking situation:

I1. Situations related to compatibility issues