Appendix I-b-4: Transcript 4

Transcript No.4


Digital Library I

1.1. Exploration begins at 00:02:10


{Can you tell me what are you trying to do now?}

Just looking at the page right now. I’m just looking at the choices at the top.


There’s the search box.

So I’m just looking at the choices the links that are towards the top of the page just to see what’s here.


There’s a lot of links.


<hdlvl2 Results: 1-40 of 295>

And it looks like somebody might have already searched for something cuz there’s search results on the page.



Gonna use headings to see what else is on here.

<Refine your Results hdlvl1>

Yeah. Looks like somebody searched for something.



<hdlvl2 Subject.>

Um. Subject. I’m not sure is


{What are your perception of this page?}

Um. So far it just seems like a lot of information on one page a lot of links.



Even in the search results it seems like a lot of information. *laughs*

I’m trying to figure out what the search key was um cuz I’m curious why so many results came up.

<link View 603 Items.>

603 items.


<Digital Collections>

I go to digital collections. That’s probably why there’s so many? *laughs*





{So what do you think of this area?}

Um. It has some headings. It just seems like there’s a lot of long lists of links so I don’t know if there might be a better way to organize this then having all these links *laughs* but um yeah that’s all I see so far.

{She enters the Sort By combo box and arrows through it.}

Seems like they have not that many ways to organize the information only if you

{She presses escape to exit the combo box.}


{So I noticed you spend more time in this area. What do you think about those?}

Well it seems like this is the main part of the page cuz somebody was searching for something and these are like the different categories of the search results?



{She expands the menu by pressing the space bar and arrows through it.}

{Can you tell me what are you trying to do now?}

I’m just looking around. I’m just trying to see what options might be in the menu on the page. I’m not really looking for anything specific just kind of looking around the page.

{She opens the Digital Collections combo box and arrows through it.}

So there’s different areas of categories to search in.

And this is just the digital collections what we’re looking at now.

{She presses escape to exit the combo box.}

{Why don’t you try to search anything you want?}


{She enters the search box and types in civil war. She gets 40 suggestions and arrows through them. She presses enter on civil war Washington.}


New page at 00:10:22

{So can you tell me why are you click the civil war Washington?}

Um cuz I was looking for something for the U.S. Civil War so I thought that would be a good way to start



{She tries to navigate by heading but realizes that the results are not separated by headings.}


It would probably be easier if some of these were maybe headings or something easier to navigate so you don’t have to arrow through all of the


<link View 8,724 items.>

That’s a lot. *laughs*

{What’s your perception of the order of this search result?}

I don’t know it doesn’t seem to be in a particular order?


Like the first result was only about Washington it seems like and not about the Civil War at all and then the second one was the Civil War but the third one was probably most related to what I was thinking of.

<Explore the faces, places and events of the U.S. Civil War through photograph,>

Yeah. Explore the places and faces of the Civil War.

Exploration ends at 00:12:26


1.2. Exploration Post Interview

{What approaches did you follow to become familiar with this digital library?}

Um so I just looked first at the links at the top of the page and then I looked at what seemed to be the main part of the page which was the search results and kinda tried to see how they might be organized.


{Can you tell me the main 3 difficulties or problems that you encountered when exploring this digital library?}

It was a little bit hard to see how the results were organized cuz it was a lot of ways to organize it? there was a lot of categories to choose from and it seemed like almost too much information? And then like I mentioned before I think if some of the results were tagged in some way with headings or something it might be easier to toggle through them but they’re all listed as links just like everything else on this page is a link so that makes it a little harder to navigate them.


{For each problem that you encountered which features did you use?}

Well I kind of just read through everything cuz it was mostly navigation things that I was talking about so I kinda just used the arrows and the headings that were there to navigate the page.


{Just I noticed it is not related problems but you used the search suggestions when you find that your}

Yeah I did.

{So do you think this feature was useful?}

Um yeah I think it could be if you weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for cuz sometimes it’s ok to have some choices but if none of them match then you can just type what you wanted anyway so


{Ok. Are there any desired feature that would have helped you in the exploration?}

Maybe just something to I don’t wanna say hide content but maybe some way to just show the content that you’re most interested in cuz it just seemed like a lot of information at once.

{So you don’t like the hide content style?}

Yeah. that could work just something so that you could just

{show the content}

show that what you’re most interested in instead of having so much information at once.


Subject knowledge: 2


1.3. Task 1 begins at 00:18:04

{She enters the search box and types in Rosa Parks NAACP.}

So um I’m searching for Rosa Parks and the NAACP to see what comes up first.

{She presses enter to activate the search button.}


New page at 00:18:29

<NO results found for Rosa Parks NAACP>

And there is no results. K so


{So what do you think about this search result?}

I’m surprised that there’s no results. *laughs* um but I’m gonna see what the suggestions are.

{Uh huh.}



<bullet get additional search tips by visiting our>

Additional search tips

The tips were not very helpful. *laughs*

{She enters the search box.}

Ok so I’m gonna take out the NAACP and just search for Rosa Parks.




New page at 00:19:12

See if that helps.


<Results: 1-1 of 1>

And there’s only 1 result. Ok.

{What do you think about the search result?}

That surprises me as well. *laughs* surprised there’s only one.




<link Rosa Parks Papers.>

So Rosa Parks Papers.


<The collection, which contains approximately 7,500 items in the Manuscript Devision,>

Yeah that’s a lot of stuff to search. *laughs*

{So what do you think about this?}

I think that it’s helpful that it found this collection, but it’s not helpful for finding specific like information. Um I don’t, think we have enough time for me to read through 7,000 papers. *laughs* I’m just trying to see what else is here.

Um. I’m trying to think of another way to find this information.

Let’s see what happens if I click on this.

{She presses enter on Rosa Parks Papers.}


New page at 00:21:35

{So you clicked the search result?}

Yeah just to see what is on here. To see if maybe they break it down into some more categories.



<lnk Collection Items. Lnk Articles and Essays.>

Collection items. Articles and essays.


<lnk Rosa Parks reflections on her bus arrest, Ca. 1956-1958.>

So that would have information about her arrest.

Just trying to see if any of these mention NAACP


but it’s kind of tricky  cuz a lot of these seem to be pictures and some are not.


Wonder if there’s a way to narrow this.

{Can you tell me what are you trying to do now?}

Yeah. I’m trying to see if there’s any links or um ways to filter all these items?


It’s kind of hard to tell because the only thing I see up here is um articles and esays but I know that some of these must be pictures the way it’s describing them so I’m looking for if there was any way to filter between what’s what like articles versus pictures versus essays but it doesn’t seem like there is.


<lnk Rosa Parks reflections on her bus arrest, Ca. 1956-1958.>

This might tell me what year she was arrested.

{She presses enter to activate the link.}


New page at 00:24:16

{Can you tell me why you clicked this item?}

Um it says her reflections on when she was arrested so I was just  gonna see if it had the date but it seems to be an image.

That would probably help except that it’s an image. *laughs* So based on the description she might’ve been arrested in 1956 but it’s doesn’t exactly say  that and then if the item itself is an image that’s not very helpful.

<combo box gif (14>

Yeah. It’s an image.

Um that’s the same description.

{She goes back to the previous page.}


New page at 00:26:15

If I could read the actual item that might give me the answer but the item was an image.

{So you cannot access?}


Let’s see if there’s anything else here.

<lnk Rosa Parks reflections on her bus arrest, Ca.>

That’s not what I’m looking for.

I’m gonna see if I click on articles and essays narrows it down to just



New page at 00:27:05

{Can you tell me why you clicked on articles and essays?}

Yeah I’m trying to see if these results if you click articles and essays if those are not images cuz maybe I can actually read them a little bit easier.

So again when I’m looking for through these they have like a link and then a description so if there was an easier way to go between each of these


{So you thought that this organization and the layout is unfamiliar?}

It is familiar I’m just saying now that if there was another option for navigating it might be a little easier.


<lnk “Beyond  the Bus: Rosa Parks lifelong struggle for>

So I’m gonna see what happens if I click on it.




New page at 00:28:39

{And can you tell me why are you click this?}

Cuz it seems like it has some basic information about her so I’m gonna see if I can read any of it.




So this seems to have some pretty general information so I’m just going through it to see if I can find the information.


<When her arrest on December 1, 1955 sparked>

Ok so she was arrested on December 1, 1955.


<virtual find>

So I’m gonna do a Jaws find to see if I can find NAACP to get to search of the information.


{She types NAACP into the virtual find dialog box and presses enter.}

<In 1943, she became secretary of the Montgomery branch of the NAACP and continued that work for the next decade.>

Ok. So there’s the second part. 1943 and she was the secretary of the Montgomery branch of the NAACP.



1.4. Task 1 Post Interview

{Can you  tell me what approach did you take to find information during task 1?}

Um well first I tried to combine terms like Rosa Parks and NAACP but that did not come up with any results so then I just searched for her name instead.

{Can you tell me the main 3 problems or difficulties you encountered in performing this task?}

I think this one was kind of the opposite of the first page we saw there wasn’t that many results but there was only one result and when I clicked on it, it was a little bit tricky to tell what was what as in like some stuff was photos some was articles and it was a little bit harder to organize the information. Another problem was once I clicked on a link finding the main content to see if it was just a description of the content or if it was the actual content was a little confusing at first.

{For each problems that you encountered, what features did you use?}

So for the search part where it was only one option, I just explored that option to try to see what clicking on different things does and I saw that link that said articles and essays so I clicked that. I mostly just explored and kind of tried to see what would happen if I clicked different things. The first time that didn’t really work cuz it was an image and that didn’t help me. *laughs*

{Are there any desired features that would have helped you complete this task?}

Maybe if once you clicked on the collection for instance it was a little bit easier to tell like if they had a link that said articles a link that said photos a link that said  you know scans or whatever so that I didn’t waste time clicking on stuff that wasn’t actually text I could read.

{so notifying the file type is}

Mmhmm. Yeah exactly. That would probably be easier.

{Yeah ok.}


Subject knowledge: 1


1.5. Task 2 begins at 00:38:24

{She enters the search box, types sAN fRANSISCO EARTHQUAKE and presses enter to activate the search button.}

So um gonna type San Francisco and earthquake and see if that gets anything.


New page at 00:38:45

Oops. And the caps lock is on. Oopsie.

{She deactivates caps lock.}

< no results found>

That’s probably not a good way to search.

{She modifies her search query to San Fransisco Earthquake and presses enter to activate the search button.}


New page at 00:39:05


<no results>

So again like I tried last time there’s no results if you put too many terms it seems like


And so I’m gonna let’s see

<Suggestions enabled.>

There’s no suggestions. Ok um I’m gonna try great earthquake and see if that does anything.

{She begins typing and then deactivates the caps lock key once again.}

{She modifies her search query to Great Earthquake and presses enter to activate the search button.}


New page at 00:40:03

<2 results>

Ok so there’s only 2 results this time.



<link Before and After  the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916>

So this collection seems to be just films based on the title.

<This collection consists of twenty-six films of San Francisco>

Yep. Twenty-six films of San Francisco. So this says before and after the great fire


and then let me see what this other collection is.


<The Life of a City: Early Films of New York,>

And that’s not what I’m looking for. Um the second one seems like it does not have to do with what I was searching for at all. It’s a great life of New York so that doesn’t have anything to do with what I was looking for so I’m gonna go back up to the other one.



Let’s see if I can find something.

<link Before and After  the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916>



New page at 00:41:29

{Can you  tell me why are you click this?}

So I clicked on the collection that was before and after the great earthquake. There was only 2 results and the second result was about New York and not San Francisco so I clicked on the first one to see what’s on here.

So the title already says films so I’m gonna assume that these are all film clips but it does say before and after the fire and since we’re looking for information about the earthquake and fire, only certain items would probably work.


Just see what’s here.

<lnk Birds-Eye View of San Francisco, Cal. from a balloon.>

So some of these seem to be um just regular pictures probably before the earthquake and fire.


Ok. This one says San Francisco earthquake and fire so I’m thinking that this is a film or video of the actual event.

{But you are not sure.}

But I’m not sure. Yeah.

<Listen to this Page alt+l btn.>

Um. Hmm. That’s interesting.

{Can you tell me why you are interesting?}

This says listen to this page? I’m just haven’t seen that on this type of page before. I’ve seen it like on articles and stuff but I’ve never seen it on like a search page. That’s kind of interesting. *laughs*

Another thing that I find a little bit confusing is when I first got the search results it said the collection had 34 items? But right here when it says featured items, there’s definitely not 34 so now I’m curious if there’s more somewhere else on the page or if you have to click into the items and it’s not really clear.


<sections menu hdlvl>

Ok so here’s the sections


but that doesn’t seem to tell me much either


so that’s kind of confusing.


I’m gonna try to click on this link that I saw earlier about San Francisco earthquake and fire 1906

<link San Francisco Earthquake an Fire, April 18, 1906>



New page at 00:44:44

and see what happens.


So it says right away that this is a film



and it has the video but that doesn’t seem to be accessible. Um I’m not gonna play the video but I’m just trying to see if there’s anything else here.

{You wanna looking for the description?}

Yeah just looking for more information.

{And what’s your perception of this page?}

I don’t know. It just seems like it doesn’t I can’t find like a description of what’s in the video at all and it doesn’t seem like the video itself has accessible controls on it? I didn’t actually try it though. Just says video controls. There’s no buttons or anything. I’m curious.

{She hits space to expand the video and she is able to access the controls.}

Oh ok so yeah. I can play it. So that’s good. The buttons are accessible.

I’m curious if this video even has any sound or anything though. It might not cuz it’s kind of old.

{She attempts to play the video.}

Yeah. Seems like it probably doesn’t have any sound so that’s really not that helpful. *laughs* I’m still gonna try to see if there’s


<About this Item hdlvl>

Ok  about this item.



And that’s just the title. Oh there’s a summary. Ok.

So there’s some information in this description that’s pretty helpful. Doesn’t necessarily describe the video itself but it does talk aboutlike the date and that the fire was 3 days and that’s useful information. Talks about where it was.

{So are you satisfied this item?}

Yeah. I think of the choices I found, it was probably the most relevant. The other films and pictures seem to be before the fire and not really about the earthquake or the fire.

{She goes back a page to look for more resources.}


New page at 00:48:43

So now that I know what year it was, I’m gonna see if I go back and try to search um with that and maybe San Francisco and see if anything different comes up.

{So are you trying to search now.}


{She enters the search box, types San Fransisco 1906 and presses enter to activate the search button.}


New page at 00:49:30

<no results>


{So what do you think?}

I’m surprised that not even the one we were just on came up. *laughs* That doesn’t seem very efficient. At least the result that we were just looking at I would’ve thought that would’ve come up. So let’s try something else.

Let me try earthquake.

{She enters the search box, types Earthquake and presses enter.}


New page at 00:50:17

<Search results for Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fi>

Wait. That’s not what I searched for.

{Earthquake 1906 is in the search box.}

Ok so this time

<19 results>

This one got a lot more results.



Ok. So that’s the one I already looked at.




<link [Unidentified Staples and Charles, San Francisco After the Earthquake and Fire of 1906].>

Um this one is also about some a different result.

So this is similar film but a ifferent one then the first one we saw.


<Early San Francisco – Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916 – Digital Collections lnk.>

Um. This one seems similar also. I don’t think it’s the same one.






So I’m gonna look at the other one.

<link San Francisco Earthquake an Fire, April 18, 1906>

This one we already saw.

<link [Unidentified Staples and Charles, San Francisco After the Earthquake and Fire of 1906].>

This one.



New page at 00:52:23


<lnk Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francis>

So this is part of the same collection.



This is also a film.

Let me see if there’s a summary.


This one doesn’t seem to have a summary like the other one did.


Haven’t seen this today.




Oh there it is. Ok.

Yeah so this is also about the fire and the earthquake.

{Do you believe you find another file?}


Yeah. It seems like a different one.


1.6. Task 2 Post-Interview

{Can you tell me what approaches did you take to find information during task 2.}

I tried to search for San Francisco earthquake. That didn’t do anything so then I just tried the key term of the great earthquake and that worked.

{And can you tell me the main 3 problems or difficulties you encountered in performing this task?}

It seems like the search results are I don’t know they’re not what I would expect them to be. For instance, the first one matched what I was looking for but the second one was just about New York. It wasn’t about an earthquake or anything like that so it was kind of strange that that came up so I would say the search results were kind of weird. And then another issue I had was just like the last time like the Rosa Parks one where it was kind of hard to once you click on the collection it was hard to see I the only reason I knew they were films was cuz it was in the title the title but there was no way to distinguish films from photos from other content so having a file type would be helpful.

{Any other problems?}

Once you’re in the collection it’s hard to tellwhere all the material is cuz like I said it said that there should be 34 items but that list didn’t show 34 and it wasn’t quite clear where to find the rest of them.

{And for each problem that encount, what features did you use?}

So for the first thing with the search results I kind of used the description of the collection to identify  the one I wanted so it’s useful to have that description there. For the second problem I just had to click on the different items to figure out what they were I mean I knew they were films cuz that’s what the title said but if it was a different collection I’d I would just have to click on it to find out what kind of file it was. And then for the last issue I didn’t really find a solution. I’m still not really sure where to find all the content in that collection.

{When you are trying to find the description and summary, uh do you think that is useful or not useful?}

I think the description and summaries are useful yeah. I don’t know I guess I forget to look for help features. *laughs*

{Are there any desired features that would have helped you complete this task?}

Not specifically just in general the results didn’t seem very they didn’t seem to match what I was looking for very much.

{You optional related search result showing the more than you expect?}

Um yeah and also when I search for San Francisco and 1906 nothing came up which is to me is kind of strange.

{So search results should be showing to you more related to the your search topic.}



Digital Library 2

2.1. Exploration begins at 01:41:23

Um so first I’m just gonna look at the top of the page and see what links there are.



<vtdlnk Browse All.>

So there’s a browse button.

<lnk Help.>

There’s help.


Search box.

<lnk Advanced Search.>

There’s an advanced search feature.

<hdlvl2 All Collections.>

  1. They have a list of all their collections


um with descriptions.

And these ones seem to be labeled with headings so that’s good.



Lot of different collections

Let’s see. Lots and lots of collections.

I’m gonna go to the bottom of the page and go back work up from there to see what other stuff is at the bottom.

So it seems like the majority of this is collections


So that’s good.

<About the Collections heading le>

Now there’s about the collections.


I’m gonna go back to the top and look at some of these.

{What’s your perception of this page?}

I like that it has a list of all the collections to start with with descriptions cuz if you weren’t really sure where to start, that might be useful just to look through the options, the titles and the descriptions.

I saw that this one has an advanced search link so I’m kinda curious what the options are on it.


This one gives you a little bit more choices. you can choose how your termsare searched for so that’s really useful if it works. *laughs*

Ok I’ll search for Ok so that’s title. So that’s nice that you can choose where the word is also. That’s good. And or. Ok I don’t have anymore so. So it seems like it has some really good search options. I don’t know how well they work. I’m gonna go back down towards the about cuz I don’t even know what kind of stuff is in this site really. *laughs* so I’m gonna go back to listen about the collections. Let’s see what I might wanna search for. Ok. So. Botanical stuff agriculture gardening.

Ok um so it seems like this is a database about plants and gardening overall. I’m gonna go back and look at some of the titles of some of these collections to see if there’s something I wanna search for.


<Botanical Art hdlvl3 lnk.>

Botanical art.

<The New Parks Beyond the Harlem hdlvl3>

The new parks.

<Books on Trees hdlvl3 lnk.>

Books on trees.

Ok so I saw there was one about trees.


<Books on Trees hdlvl3 lnk.>

Books on trees.

Ok so I’m gonna see if I can search in here something.




{She enters the search box and types Elm Tree.}

{So are you trying to advanced search?}

Yeah just curious.


No. I don’t need contributors. See if I can find anything in here. Title? No it wouldn’t be in the title. I’m curious so I have contributors title or subjects so I’m gonna try subjects.




<javascript :/ lnk.>



New page at 01:47:33

So I’m gonna assume that was the link to search.


So that’s all collections again.


It’s not immediately clear where my search results are.


Gonna try the bottom.

Ok so let me try see if there’s something here.

{Just can you tell me what are you experiencing here?}

I’m looking for if there’s any search results on the page and just navigating it’s not obvious whether if there are any or where they are so I’m just trying to see if there’s something near the search box that tells me if there was no results.

Ok so it’s kinda summarizing my search. And it goes back to all collections so gonna assume that there was no search results but I’m trying to look for something that actually tells me there was no search results.

Yeah. So I’m not finding anything like that.

Let me see if there’s

<virtual find>



Ok. So it’s not clear if I didn’t get any results or if um I’m just not finding them so that’s a little bit tricky.


Gonna go back up here. Gonna click on.Oh. There we go.




New page at 01:49:32

Let’s see.

<hdlvl2 Using the Simple Search.>

Ok. Simple search. So that would probably give you a lot of results.

<same page lnk Advanced Search.>

Advanced search.

<After using the simple search or advanced search, you can make your initial results more specific by searching within results from the simple search box>

That’s good.

<shift tab>

{She presses enter on Advanced Search.}


New page at 01:51:09


2.2. Exploration Post-Interview

{What approaches did you follow to become familiar with digital library?}

I looked at the links listed at the beginning first just to kinda see what the options were. I saw browse. I saw home. And then I got towards the middle of the page and used headings cuz I noticed that the different collections were listed by heading which made it a little bit easier to read the titles and there was a description so that was helpful. And then I decided to look towards the bottom of the page to see if there was any extra information at the bottom and there was an about section and some extra links but nothing really that I was looking for just some extra information.

{Can you tell me the main 3 difficulties or probems that you encountered when exploring digital library?}

When I did a search I could not tell if I got no results or if there were results I couldn’t tell where they were so having a feature that would tell you you know no results available would be helpful. I don’t really know what other problems necessarily cuz I was mostly just looking around.

{Oh. Ok so just one maybe That you cannot find the any search result.}


{I noticed when you encountered problems after you searched the advanced search I saw you click the search tip.}


{Do you think is that helpful?}

Yeah. I think it was useful that it described the 2 types of searches simple and advanced and it kinda gave some tips and suggestions so you know different strategies for searching like it was talking about using the asterisk


so yeah I think that was helpful.

{Are there any desired feature that would have helped in the exploration?}

Um Not that I can think of yet.

{Ok it’s fine.}

Exploration ends at 01:54:16


Subject knowledge: 1


2.3. Task 1 begins at 01:57:46

{So are you trying to search?}

Start with a simple search.


I’m gonna see what comes up when I type perfume.

{She types perfume into the search edit box and presses enter.}


New page at 01:58:04


Ok so this time I can tell that I have some kind of search results

{What do you think about this?}

It seems like there’s some choices to add or remove items .

<Add or remove other collections to your search>

There’s no heading to find the actual results so I’m just gonna arrow down.


<(530 results ).>

I got plenty of results. Oh ok so it seems like there’s some choices.


Just gonna see what’s here first.


<lnk graphic Journal of the New York Botanical Garden.>

That’s the collection.

And that’s not very helpful it just keeps repeating the title.

{And what’s your perception of this page?}

Yeah there’s not a lot of useful information. It just keeps repeating the title of the collection and there’s not a description really. Just the name. Or if there is a description it’s not accessible so it makes it hard to identify which items are useful or not useful so I’m gonna go back up and see if there’s a way to narrow this a little bit.


<Add or remove other collections to your search: hdlvl2>


Add or remove other collections.  So I’m gonna see. Without having descriptions of what these are it’s hard to know what which ones to remove or keep. Although, I know it mentioned like the tree alternative, so that books on trees might be helpful.

<lnk Books on Trees.>

But just based on the titles alone it’s not very easy to tell cuz there’s no description of these on this page. I know there was on the first page though.

<lnk Great Flower Books.>

And then there’s flower books ok so that might be helpful.


So I’m gonna see if I can uncheck some of these.

{She unchecks some boxes.}

Ok. Let me see if that helps at all.

Still part of the results.

{So what do you think so far?}

It’s kinda tricky to narrow the results. If this doesn’t help I might try again to do advance search cuz there’s still a lotta results and I still don’t know if the results themselves are gonna describe enough and they don’t. This shows just the names of the collection which is not really gonna tell me if that’s useful or not.


Yeah it’s the same stuff.

<Nursery and Seed Catalogs lnk.>

Nursery catalogs.

So doesn’t seem like it’s telling me very much information on the search results just giving me titles which is not very helpful.


I’m gonna try to do an advance search but I don’t think it’s gonna help.

<lnk Advanced Search.>



New page at 02:04:11

I’m entering perfume and tree.

{She enters perfume tree into the search edit box.}

<She enters inside a combo box.}



See if this does anything.


<You’ve searched: 10 collections hdlvl1>

Well it narrowed it down a little bit but not much. *laughs*

<All Fields: Perfume.>

Oh no. That didn’t update cuz that’s not what I

Hmm. It doesn’t seem to have did my advanced search.

{She activates the search button.}


New page at02:05:36

{So what do you think?}

It’s pretty tricky to figure out information even when you get results they’re not very descriptive.

<(0 results)>

That came up with 0 results but it just seems like it names the collection. It doesn’t really tell you any other information or if it is it’s not accessible so that makes it hard to identify which links are gonna be useful.

{K so why don’t you search again and try to click the one of item in the search result?}

{She types PERFUME into the edit box and presses enter.} {She hits caps lock because she is used to the laptop keyboard layout with Jaws.]


New page at 02:06:42




  1. So I’m gonna try to click on one of these then.


These are all the same thing.


<Seed Book of Fairview Seed Farms sla>


K so I’m gonna click on this.


New page at 02:07:21

{Can you tell me why are you click this?}

Um The journal one just seemed like it was gonna be too vague.


A seed book might have more very specific information so let’s see if this works at all.


<49 of 70>

So this specifically says it’s page 43 so I’m thinking that it actually pulled up a specific page but on the search result page there was no way for me to know that um so that’s not helpful.


<View Image and Text clickable.>

So this is an image.

Text. So you can view image and text.

<Search this item.>

So you can search the item itself so that’s helpful.

<same page lnk Text.>


<6 found in document.>

6 times in this document.


{What you’re experiencing so far?}

It doesn’t seem like the actual text is accessible? I’m still trying to see if it’s somewhere else? Ok. So there is some text here but that does not seem very accessible. *laughs* It’s pretty scrambled. Yeah so there is text but it’s kinda jumbled and not accessible and it would take me a long time to figure out if this was useful or not cuz there’s just a lot of scrambled text.


Yeah. So I know it said that there was the word perfume in here but I would have to really read through all that and I can’t because it’s all jumbled.



I’m gonna see if what’s at the bottom.


<Seed Book of Fairview Seed Farms sl>

Now I’ve got a title. So it’s just telling me 6 now.


So it looks like I can go through the book on different pages


But if I can’t read it with Jaws then that doesn’t really matter.


So I could tell that it must’ve identified perfume on page 47 cuz that’s the page it gave me


but that’s pretty much all I can find.

<Download clickable.>

I wonder if downloading it would be any better.



New page at 02:10:27

It’s just a graphic I think.

<all (PDF) clickable.>



So it’s giving me an option to download a PDF but I don’t know if that PDF will be accessible.

{Can you try to download the PDF?}

Yeah. Just to see if I can read it better.


{She opens the file in Adobe Acrobat DC.}

Let me see if this is at all helpful. Oh. It didn’t work.

{She tries again and the document opens.}

There we go.


Ok which I don’t think that helped at all.


Seems like it’s blank. Well. With Jaws. Can’t read it.

{She sees the default program prompt dialog box.}


{She confirms that Adobe Reader DC would still not be the default program for the PDF filetype.}

Nope. it doesn’t seem like that did anything.


2.4. Task 1 Post-Interview

{Can you tell me what approach did you take to find information during task 1?}

So I started with the simple search. I searched for the word perfume cuz I thought it might be more specific then some of the other terms like flower or tree might’ve given me too much stuff. And then that gave me a lot of results so I tried to narrow the collections down but that was still a lot of results and I also didn’t have a description of the collections immediately in front of me so I tried to do an advanced search but that didn’t come up with anything.

{Can you tell me the main 3 problems or difficulties you encounter in performing this task?}

The search results were not labeled like with a heading. You had to kinda find them underneath some other stuff. The results were also not very descriptive. It was giving titles but no further information. It was a little bit time-consuming to try to filter the results cuz every time you would click one of those checkboxes it would take you back up to the top of the page and you would have to go back down.

{So search results were not labeled and the result were not descriptive and time-consuming to check search result?}

Mhm. Yes.

{Ok. And I noticed when you encountered problems I know first time you used the add or remove other collections to your search and do you think is that helpful?}

I don’t think it was helpful. I thought it might be but there was too many.

{And this time you used advanced search when you encountered that there was no description.}

Yeah there was nothing *laughs*

{And how bout is that useful?}


{You tried to download the PDF file.}


{And how bout that?}

Um the download was not accessible either.

{So not useful?}

{And are there any desired feature that would have helped you complete this task?}

Some more labels and definitely descriptions of the search results. At least a little bit of description cuz it was only titles and that was not helpful. And then if the pages themselves once you opened something that was not accessible. Either the page was the words were jumbled. And you couldn’t read it.

{I know this digital library have a problem with its’ descriptions.} *laughs*


Subject knowledge: 1

{Yeah I noticed this digital library have the problem with the title.}


2.5. Task 2 begins at 02:18:30


{She enters the search box.}

So I’m just gonna start with a general search and see what happens and try to go from there.

{She types roses bloom and presses enter.}


New page at 02:18:51




<(908 results right>

That’s quite a bit of results.

Ok I’m gonna try something different.

I’m gonna go back to the home page and read some of the descriptions of these collections.


New page at 02:19:24

{But can you tell me why?}

I’m gonna see if I can narrow it down by reading these descriptions and then try to search maybe within one of these to get more specific information.


<Nursery and Seed Catalogs hdlvl3 lnk vtd.>

So that one would probably be helpful. The nursery and seed catalog.


<Great Flower Books hdlvl3 lnk.>

Uh flower book would probably also be useful.

<Journal of the New York Botanical Garden hdlvl>

Not that one.

<Andre and Fransois-Andre Nisheau head>

Not  that one.

Ok so it seems like the ones towards the top would be the most helpful.

I’m gonna try Great Flower Books and click on that


New page at 02:20:32

and try to search within

{So can you tell me why you clicked this item?}

I’m guessing that the rose bloom is a flower so I’m gonna see if I can find any information about it by searching within this flower collection. Flower book.


Graphics. Lots of graphics.

<About this Collection heading>

Ok. About this collection.

<An assortment of larger botanical works of uncommon visual appeal and interest.>

These are clearly gonna be pictures and digital things so they probably would not be very helpful so I’m gonna go back to the home page.


<Home lnk.>


New page at 02:21:35


{So what’s your perception of the last page?}

Um there was a lot of graphics and it wasn’t very easy to navigate Around. Luckily there was a description so that was helpful but if I actually needed to find content, it probably would not have been very helpful.


<Nursery and Seed Catalogs hdlvl3lnkvtd.>

And this is the one I already visited and I know that this one was not very helpful either



New page at 02:21:55

But I’m gonna see if I can find some extra information.


It is digitized but I don’t think that made it accessible.

Ok so I’m gonna see if I can search  within.


So there is search option but it doesn’t tell me if I’m searching within this seeds book or

{So you are not sure the search box if you’re searching the}

Yeah I’m not sure if it’s general or if it’s for this specific one but I’m gonna try it anyways and see

{She enters the search box  and types in roses bloom and presses enter.}

what happens.


New page at 02:22:57

<Nursery and Seed Catalogs>

Ok so I think it did search within the catalog.

<You’ve searched: Nursery and Seed Catalogs hdlvl1>

Yep. Ok so it does search within the catalog.

<(612 results).>

And there’s still  612 results. *laughs*

So not sure that that’s very helpful either. Let me see. I wonder

{She presses space on lnk Display Options.}

Display options.

Ok so I clicked display options but it doesn’t really seem like it did anything.



Oh. There it is.

<lnk 100>

Ok so that’s just how many results so that doesn’t really help.

Ok so the display options feature was only for the number of itesm so it wasn’t really that helpful.


So again the results are here and they must have these terms but I don’t have any other way to tell if it’s helpful or not. There’s just titles so that’s not really very helpful. I’m gonna just keep looking to see if any of the titles seem more useful.


Ok. And as I’m using tab it stops working *laughs* which is not good so the tab key is not working for some reason.


<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>

That might be helpful cuz it says it’s a guide so that might be useful.

Ok I’m gonna try this guide see if that’s got anything useful.

<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>


Doesn’t seem like anything happened.


<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>



So that link doesn’t seem to be working for some reason.

<virtual find>




{When she is tabbing nothing seems to be happening.}


<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>


So it seems like it’s not even letting me click on the result



which is obviously not very helpful *laughs* unless it’s at the bottom somewhere. Oh. Here we go.      Now wait. I think it’s not letting me because Ok hold on.

<Display a larger image and more item infor. On radio btn checked. 1 of 2>

It says it’s displaying more information but I don’t think it is. *laughs*

Ok. I’m just gonna put.

{She presses enter on the ok btn.}



New page at 02:27:15

Ok now let me try this.

<virtual find>



<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>



New page at 02:27:22

<Vicks Floral Guide/James Vick.>

There we go.

{Now can you tell me why you are click this?}

It says it’s a floral guide so I’m guessing it might have some information about taking care of plants? I don’t know if it’s gonna be accessible but probably not.




<52 of 72>

Yeah. Cuz it’s the same book so I don’t think

There’s the same options as before.

<12 found in document.>

12 items. Ok.

Graphic graphic graphic

{What’s your perception of this page?}

This one is a little more legible but I would still take me awhile to figure out if I’m reading about the right flower or the right information. It’s not very easy to find information. Like I know it’s describing a flower or the plant but I don’t know if it’s the one I’m looking for.


Ok and now it’s not accessible again. *laughs*

It seems jumbled again. So it seems like some of the pages are legible but probably when there’s graphics  or images it messes up the text so it’s not really helpful cuz you can’t read the actual text clearly. Some of it is scrambled. Some of it is not. I’m not sure if it’s what I’m actually looking for cuz I saw bloom and I saw roses but I don’t think it’s the same thing.

{So you are not sure.}

Yeah. I don’t see those words next to each other roses bloom so I don’t really know I se spring which I know it was asking about but I’m not sure if the question was asking about a plant called roses bloom or an actual rose so I’m not sure if this is the right information

<with just water enough to keep. them from shriveling, they will come out fresh in the. Spring, and start to bloom in a very short time.>

but I see that they’re saying that you can put the just give them water and they will bloom in the spring. And that’s the only information that I see. So it would probably take me awhile to find that specific information I would wanna sit and read through a lot of the material? And even though some of this is reading ok, I found spots where it’s kinda jumbled text and it doesn’t read it correctly. Something else I would try if I had more time would be to download the PDF again but run it through like maybe Kurzweil or OpenBook or something to see if I could make the text accessible but it’s definitely not immediately available. It’s not that easy to find immediately.

So it says 12.

Also it says that its found 12 places but it doesn’t tell  me what pages if it’s you know besides the page that I amm on it doesn’t tell me where the other places might be.

12 found but I need more information. Hmm.

<lnk Next>


Oops. That’s not what I wanted.

<lnk previous>


{The page numbers are listed and she is on page 50.}

I’m not even on the right page.

{So I know it is very hard and very bad digital library.}



2.6. Task 2 Post-Interview

{And can you tell me what approach did you take to find information during task 2?}

So I tried to use the descriptions of the collections instead of just doing a general search so I searched specific collection instead and then I just used the key terms.

{key term search within the collection}

{And describe the main 3 problems or difficulties you encountered in performing this task?}

It wasn’t clear if I was searching in general or if I was specifically searching in the collection and then once I did find out that I was in the collection the results were still kind a vague. There wasn’t a lot of information besides a title so I had to try to guess based on the title if that was a useful link to click on a useful part of the document and then within the actual links the item still is not completely accessible. The text is jumbled in places and it’s not easy to tell if it’s the information that you’re trying to find.

{Are there any desired features that would have helped you complete this task?}

Just better descriptions of the search results and more accessible text. If the PDF’s were accessible it’d be useful.