- Rajbhandari, Prasanna, “Impact Location in an Isotropic Plate Without Training” Masters Thesis, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, August 2016
- Suri, Shvetashva, “Microstructure, Wetting Angle, and Corrosion of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys”, Masters Thesis, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Sugust 2016.
- Salowitz, Nathan; “Integration and Deployment of Thick Film Piezoelectric Actuators/Sensors on Organic Stretchable Substrates” Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, April 2013
Journal Publications
18) Haider, Muhammad Istiaque; Rezaee, Maysam; Salowitz, Nathan; “Investigation into Post Constrained Recovery Properties of Nickel Titanium Shape Memory Alloys” Smart Materials and Structures, online 8/13/2019
17) Altammar, Hussain; Dhingra, Anoop; Salowitz, Nathan “Initial Study of Internally Embedded Shear Mode Piezoelectric Transducers for Detection of Joint Defects in Laminate Structures” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures online 7/22/2019
16) Altammar, Hussain; Dhingra, Anoop; Salowitz, Nathan, “Ultrasonic Sensing and Actuation in Laminate Structures Using Bondline-embedded d35 Piezoelectric Sensors” Invited Paper for special issue on “Recent Advances of Piezoelectric Transducers and Applications” Sensors, vol 18, issue 11, 11/11/2018 ISSN 1424-8220
15) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan; “Shear Actuation of Piezoelectric Transducers Embedded within Laminate Structures for Damage Detection” e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN: 1435-4934, April 2019
14) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan “Ultrasonic Inspection of Bonded Metal Laminates Using Internal Shear-mode Piezoelectric Transducers” e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN: 1435-4934, November 2018 .
13) Salowitz, Nathan; Correa, Ameralys; Santebennur, Trishika; Moghadam, Afsaneh; Yan,Xiaojun; Rohatgi, Pradeep; “Mechanics of nickel–titanium shape memory alloys undergoing partially constrained recovery for self-healing materials” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 29, issue 15, pp 3025-3036, 6/18/2018,
12) Kilicli, Volkan; Yan, Xiaojun; Salowitz, Nathan; Rohatgi, Pradeep; “Recent Advancements in Self-Healing Metallic Materials and Self-Healing Metal Matrix Composites” JOM (The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) 4/2/2018
11) Salowitz, Nathan; “Flexible electronics: Stretchable sensors don’t feel the strain” Invited Paper Nature Electronics, vol. 1, pp. 156-157, 3/8/2018
also accessible at :
10) Rahbhandari, Prasanna; Tautges, Kenan; and Salowitz, Nathan; “Impact Location in an Isotropic Plate without Training,” Procedia Engineering, vol. 188, pp. 170-177, 2017 ISSN: 1877-7058
8) Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Kopsaftopoulos, Fotis; Li, Yu-Hung; Chang, Fu-Kuo, “Design and Analysis of Radially Polarized Screen Printed Piezoelectric Transducers” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures, 9/1/2016.
7) Suri, Shvetashva; Correa, Ameralys; Rohatgi, Pradeep; and Salowitz, Nathan “Initial integration of structural health monitoring of self-healing materials,” e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN: 1435-4934, October 2016
6) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Nardari, Raphael; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Sang-Jong; Kopsaftopoulos, Fotis; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Recent advancements and vision toward stretchable bio-inspired networks for intelligent structures,” Invited Paper Structural Health Monitoring – An International Journal, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 609-620, November 2014.
5) Guemez, Alfredo; Salowitz, Nathan; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Trends on research in structural health monitoring,” Structural Health Monitoring – An International Journal, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 579-580, November 2014.
4) Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Sang Jong; Salowitz, Nathan; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Development of High Performance BS-PT Based Piezoelectric Transducers for High-temperature Applications” e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN: 1435-4934, February 2014.
3) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro-fabricated expandable sensor networks for intelligent sensing materials”. Invited Paper, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 14, no.7, pp.2138-2144, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2297699.
2) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Kyunglok; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Bio-inspired stretchable network based intelligent composites” Journal of Composite Materials, Invited Paper, Volume 47, Issue 1, pp. 97- 106, January 2013, DOI:1177/0021998312442900
1) Lanzara, Giulia; Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “A Spider Web-Like Highly Expandable Sensor Network,” Advanced Materials, Volume 22, Issue 41, pp. 4643-4648, 11/2/2010, DOI: 1002/adma.201000661
Conference Publications
27) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan; “Bondline inspection with shear-mode piezoelectric transducers” in Proceedings of ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 2019, Louisville, Kentucky, September 9 – 11, 2019 [Accepted, reference number: 5641]
26) Haider, Muhammad Istiaque; Salowitz, Nathan; “Mechanics of post constrained recovery residual stress produced by NiTi” in Proceedings of ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 2019, Louisville, Kentucky, September 9 – 11, 2019 [Accepted, reference number: 5619]
25) Rezaee, Maysam; Tsai, LiChih; Salowitz, Nathan; “Quantitative Measurement of Thin Film Adhesion Force” in Proceedings of ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 2019, Louisville, Kentucky, September 9 – 11, 2019 [Accepted, reference number: 5615]
24) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan “Selective Actuation and Sensing of Antisymmetric Waves using Shear-mode Piezoelectric Transducers” 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 10-12, 2019. [Accepted for technical presentation, reference number: 422]
23) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan “Shear Actuation of Piezoelectric Transducers Embedded Within Laminate Structures for Damage Detection” Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China November 12-15, 2018
22) Haider, Muhammad Istiaque; Correa, Ameralys; Moghadam, Afsaneh; Yan, Xiaojun; Salowitz, Nathan “Experimental Exploration of Post Constrained Recovery Mechanics of NiTi” in Proceedings of ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 2018, San Antonio Texas, September 10 – 12, 2018
21) Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan “Ultrasonic Inspection of Bonded Metal Laminates Using Internal Shear-mode Piezoelectric Transducers” in Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester, England, 2018
20) Altammar, Hussain; Dhingra, Anoop; Salowitz, Nathan “Investigating the Feasibility of Ultrasonic Shear Actuation for Evaluation of Adhesive Joints in Multilayered Structures: FE Simulation,” in American Society of Nondestructive Testing Annual Conference 2017, Nashville, TN, 2017.
19) Salowitz, Nathan; Kilicli, Volkan; Yan, Xiaojun; Rohatgi, Pradeep K., “Recient Developments in Self-Healing Metallic Materials and Mechanics of Self Healing Composites,” in Contributed Papers from Materials Science & Technology 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017, pp. 201-203.
18) Salowitz, Nathan; Moghadam, Afsaneh; Correa, Ameralys; ”Mechanics of NiTi Reinforced Self-Healing Materials Producing Crack Closing Loads”, Proceedings of ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 2017, Snowbird Utah, September 18 – 20 2017,
17) Correa, Ameralys; Dorri, Afsaneh; Rohatgi, Pradeep; Salowitz, Nathan” Mechanics and design of self-healing materials to complement SHM” Invited Paper, Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford University, September 12 – 14 2017
16) Salowitz, Nathan; “Mechanics & Analysis of Self-Healing Materials” The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, UC San Diego, June 4-7 2017
15) Salowitz, Nathan; Correa, Ameralys; Moghadam, Afsaneh; Rohatgi, Pradeep; “Mechanics based design and testing of crack closing self-healing materials to carry external loads” Invited contribution In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures, Orlando Florida 3/20/2017
14) Rahbhandari, Prasanna; Tautges, Kenan; Salowitz, Nathan; “Hyperbolic impact location in isotropic plate structures without training,” in Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2016.
11) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Roy, Surajit; Nardari, Raphael; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Sang-Jong; Kopsaftopoulos, Fotie; Chang, Fu-Kuo, “A vision on stretchable bio-inspired networks for intelligent structures,” Invited Keynote in Structural Health Monitoring 2013 – A Roadmap to Intelligent Structures, pp. 35-44, Stanford, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-60595-115-7
10) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Sang-Jong: Li, Yu-Hung; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Screen printed piezoceramic actuators/sensors microfabricated on organic films and stretchable networks” Structural Health Monitoring 2013: A Roadmap to Intelligent Structures, Stanford University, pp. 1543-1550, September 2013, ISBN: 978-1-60595-115-7
9) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Lanzara, Giulia,Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Bio-inspired intelligent sensing materials for fly-by-feel autonomous vehicles,” IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2012, DOI: 1109/ICSENS.2012.6411534
8) Salowitz, Nathan; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Sang-Jong; Roy, Surajit; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Structural health monitoring of high temperature composites” Proceedings of The ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, pp. 273-280, Denver Colorado, November 2011, DOI: 1115/IMECE2011-64788
7) Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Kyunglok; Lanzara, Giulia; Salowitz, Nathan; Peumans, Peter; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Bio-inspired smart skin based on expandable network” Structural Health Monitoring 2011: Condition-based Maintenance and Intelligent Structures,Stanford University, pp. 1717-1723, September 2011, ISBN:978-1-60595-053-2
6) Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Kyunglok; Lanzara, Giulia; Kim, K.; Chen, Yong; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Development of a bio-inspired stretchable network for intelligent composites” International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju South Korea, August 2011.
4) Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Kyunglok; Lanzara, Giulia; Salowitz, Nathan; Peumans, Peter; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro-fabricated, expandable temperature sensor network for macro-scale deployment in composite structures,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2011, DOI: 1109/AERO.2011.5747597
3) Salowitz, Nathan; Lanzara, Giulia; Guo, Zhiqiang; Rose, James; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of planar electrodes for multifunctional piezoelectric sensors,” Structural Health Monitoring 2009: from System Integration to Autonomous Systems, Stanford University, pp. 1080-1087, September 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60595-007-5
2) Lanzara, Giulia; Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Chatterjee, Debarshi; Kim, Kyunglok; Peumans, Peter; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Multifunctional sensor nodes in stretchable network for structural health monitoring,” Structural Health Monitoring 2009: from System Integration to Autonomous Systems, pp. 805-814, Stanford University, September 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60595-007-5
1) Maniscalco, Matthew; Lee, Nicolas; Dektor, Shandor; Salowitz, Nathan; Grote, Elizabeth; Twiggs, Robert; “A design concept for a robotic lunar regolith harvesting system” Submitted to the 2007 ICRA Space Robotics Workshop, Rome Italy, April 2007
30) Tsai, Li Chih; Rezaee, Maysam; Salowitz, Nathan; “Quantitative Measurement of Thin Film Adhesion Force“ 11th CEAS Student Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/27/2019
29) Altammar, Hussain; Dhingra, Anoop; Salowitz, Nathan; “Using shear-mode piezoelectric transducers for ultrasonic inspection of joint defects” 11th CEAS Student Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/27/2019
28) Haider, Muhammad Istiaque Haider; Salowitz, Nathan “Residual Stresses Produced by Nickel Titanium after Undergoing Constrained Recovery” Milwaukee Engineering Research Conference, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee 3/1/2019
27) Yee, Michael; Altammar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan “Piezoelectric Materials Used for Damage Detection” 2018 Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee 8/3/2018
26) DeBoer, Jacy; Haider, Muhammad Istiaque; Salowitz, Nathan “Exploration of the Mechanical Behavior of Shape Memory Alloys” 2018 Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Competition , University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee 8/3/2018
25) Sanetezideh, Ehsan; Yadzi, Armin; Salowitz, Nathan; “Performance Monitoring of Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems” 2018 IEEE-Milwaukee Larry Hause Research Poster Competition. Marquette University 5/3/2018 [2nd Place Graduate Poster]
24) Pecha, Kathryn; Salowitz, Nathan; “Monitoring Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems” UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/27/2018
23) Sanetezideh, Ehsan; Yadzi, Armin; Salowitz, Nathan; “Performance Monitoring of Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems” CEAS 10th CEAS Student Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/21/2018 [Top 3 for Mike Krauski Award]
22) Chatradi, Sahithi; Salowitz, Nathan; “Ultrasonic Baseline Free Impact Location” CEAS 10th CEAS Student Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/21/2018
21) Roy, Sucheta; Salowitz, Nathan; “Damage Detection Using Piezoelectric Transducers” CEAS 10th CEAS Student Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/21/2018
20) Pecha, Kathryn; Yazdi, Armin; Sanatizadeh, Ehsan; Salowitz, Nathan; “Characterizing Vorticity Based Flow Sensors” Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee 2017
19) Corrrea, Ameralys; Santebennur, Trishika; Salowitz, Nathan; 2017 UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium 4/28/2017 [Outstanding Research Presentation Award]
18) Correa, Ameralys; Salowitz, Nathan; “Integrating Self-Healing Materials and Structural Health Monitoring” 16th Annual UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Stevens Point, WI 4/21/2017
17) Santebennur, Trishika; Salowitz, Nathan; 16th Annual UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, UW Stevens Point 4/21/2017
16) Correa, Ameralys; Salowitz, Nathan; “Integrating Self-Healing Materials and Structural Health Monitoring” UWM CEAS 2017 Annual Student Poster Competition University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/8/2017 [Awarded First Place Undergraduate Poster]
15) Altamar, Hussain; Salowitz, Nathan; Dhingra, Anoop; “Shear Actuation of Piezoelectric Transducers for Ultrasonic Evaluation of Adhesive Joints” UWM CEAS 2017 Annual Student Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/8/2017
14) Behera, Swaroop; Suri, Shvetashva; Rohatgi, Pradeep; Salowitz, Nathan; “Effect of Silicon Content on Wetting Angle and Corrosion of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys” UWM CEAS 2017 Annual Student Poster Competition, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 4/8/2017
13) Santebennur, Trishika; Correa, Ameralys; Salowitz, Nathan; UWM Discovery Talks: STEM Research Showcase at STEM Expo for 2017 Wisconsin Science Olympiad 4/7/2017
7) Wang, David; Ladpli, Purim; Salowitz, Nathan; Hao, Dong; Alzoubi, Mohamed; Al-Hallaj, Said; Sinkula, Michael; Lopez, Herman; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Robust Multifunctional Battery Chassis Systems for Automotive Applications” ARPA-e Energy Innovation Summit, Washington D.C., February 24-26th, 2014
6) Zhuang, Yitao; Kopsaftopoulos, Fotis; Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of Smart Adhesive Films for Bondline Integrity Monitoring” Stanford-Boeing Annual Review Meeting, Stanford University, October 2nd, 2013
5) Guo, Zhiqiang; Hsu, Chien-Tung; Starek, Joseph; Pointner, Wolfgang; Kumar, Yeshwanth; Roy, Surajit; Roy, Taru; Wang, Yinan; Britt, Jonathan; Yam, Jonathan; Zhunag, Yitao; Kim, Sang-Jong; Salowitz, Nathan; Lanzara, Giulia; Pavone, Marco; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “A Robotic Arm with Artificial Intelligent Skin” The third annual review of the Bio-Inspired Stretchable Networks MURI, Stanford University, November 14th, 2012
4) Chang, Fu-Kuo; Mueller, Ingolf; Janapati, Vishnu; Larrosa, Cecilia; Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Roy, Surajit; Lonkar, Kuldeep; “An Integrated Vehicle Health Management System based on Large-Area Stretchable Sensing Network” NASA Aviation Safety Annual Technical Meeting, Louis Missouri, May 2011
3) Salowitz, Nathan; Lonkar, Kuldeep; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of Advanced Multi-Layered Hybrid Structures with Embedded Diagnostics” AFOSR Annual Grantee’s Meeting, Dayton Ohio, July 2009
2) Salowitz, Nathan; Lanzara, Giulia; Guo, Zhiqiang; Rose, James; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of Planar Electrodes for Multifunctional Piezoelectric Sensors” The 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, September 2009
1) Maniscalco, Matthew; Lee, Nicolas; Dektor, Shandor; Salowitz, Nathan; Grote Elizabeth; Twiggs, Robert; “A Design Concept for a Robotic Lunar Regolith Harvesting System” The 2007 ICRA Space Robotics Workshop, Rome Italy, April 2007
- Salowitz, Nathan; Correa, Ameralys; Moghadam, Afsaneh; Rohatgi, Pradeep; “Mechanics based design and testing of crack closing self-healing materials to carry external loads” Invited contribution In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures, Orlando Florida 3/20/2017
- Rahbhandari, Prasanna; Tautges, Kenan; Salowitz, Nathan; “Hyperbolic impact location in isotropic plate structures without training,” in Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2016.
- Suri, Shvetashva; Correa, Ameralys; Rohatgi, Pradeep; Salowitz, Nathan; “Initial integration of ultrasonic structural health monitoring of self-healing materials,” in Proceedings of the 8 European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Balboa, Spain, 2016.
- Salowitz, Nathan “Review of Structural Health Monitoring and Real-time Condition Assessment for Mechanical Systems,” Electrical Engineering Department Seminar, Marquette University, 4/19/2016
- Salowitz, Nathan “Review of Structural Health Monitoring and Real-time Condition Assessment for Mechanical Systems” Seminar at Rexnord Innovation Center, 1/28/2016
- Salowitz, Nathan “SHM2 Structural Health Monitoring of Self-Healing Materials” Seminar at the Army Research Laboratory’s facility at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds 12/3/2015
- Salowitz, Nathan “Embedded Sensors for Detection of Weak Bond Lines” Teleconference Seminar with Boeing 10/2/2015
- Salowitz, Nathan “Microfabricated Expandable Sensor Networks for Intelligent Structures” Seminar Presentation, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Department of Mechanical Engineering, May 1st, 2014
- Salowitz, Nathan “Intelligent Materials for Autonomous Aircraft” Guest Lecture in AA240B, Analysis of Structures, Stanford University Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics March 12th, 2014
- Salowitz, Nathan “Microfabricated Expandable Sensor Networks” Seminar Presentation, University of Wisconsin – Madison Department of Engineering Mechanics, December 10th, 2013
- Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro Fabrication and Deployment of Sensors on Stretchable Networks” The fourth annual review of the Bio-Inspired Stretchable Networks MURI, Dayton, Ohio, November 14th, 2013
- Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Screen Printed Piezoceramic Transducers Micro-fabricated on Polymer Films and Stretchable Networks” International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, September 10th 2013
- Salowitz, Nathan; “Microfabricated Expandable Sensor Networks for Intelligent Structures” Seminar presentation, Penn State University Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, March 27th, 2013
- Salowitz, Nathan; “Integration and Deployment of Thick Film Piezoelectric Actuators/Sensors on Organic Stretchable Networks” D. Defense, Stanford University, December 11th 2012
- Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro Fabrication of Active/Passive Piezoelectric Devices for Sensor Networks” The third annual review of the Bio-Inspired Stretchable Networks MURI, Stanford University, November 14th, 2012
- Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro Fabrication of Active/Passive Piezoelectric Devices for Sensor Networks” The second annual review of the Bio-Inspired Stretchable Networks MURI, Stanford University, November 9th, 2011
- Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Kyunglok; Lanzara, Giulia; Kim, K.; Chen, Yong; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Development of a bio-inspired stretchable network for intelligent composites” International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju South Korea, August 2011
- Li, Yu-Hung; Kim, Sang-Jong; Salowitz, Nathan; Roy, Surajit; Larrosa, Cecillia; Janapati, Vishnu; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “High Temperature Intelligent Composites” International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju South Korea, August 2011
- Salowitz, Nathan; Kim, Sang-Jong; Li, Yu-Hung; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Micro Fabrication of Active/Passive Piezoelectric Devices for Sensor Networks” The first annual review of the Bio-Inspired Stretchable Networks MURI, UCLA, October 10th, 2010
- Lanzara, Giulia; Zhang, Lunwei, Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of CNT Embedded Adhesive Films for Sensing, Control and Reinforcement of PZT Actuator/Sensor Networks” The American Society for Composites 25th Annual Technical Conference, Dayton Ohio, September, 2010
- Salowitz, Nathan; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Design of Intelligent Embeddable Sensor Nodes for Structural Self Sensing” Stanford University’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Affiliate’s Day, Stanford University, April, 2009
- Lanzara, Giulia; Salowitz, Nathan; Guo, Zhiqiang; Chatterjee, Debarshi; Kim, Kyunglok; Peumans, Peter; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Multifunctional Sensor Nodes in Stretchable Network for Structural Health Monitoring” The 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, September 2009
- Salowitz, Nathan; Lonkar, Kuldeep; Lanzara, Giulia; Chang, Fu-Kuo; “Integration and Modeling of Stretchable SHM Networks into Hybrid Composite Materials for bond line monitoring” The Boeing Project Review, Stanford University, October 2009