The Midwest Vocal Express is a chorus that competes in international competitions. The chorus has ranked in the top seventeen international choruses for the last sixteen years, winning bronze medals in 2002, 2003 and 2006. The style of music is a cappella, including barbershop four part harmonies. I was MVE Chapter Secretary from 2006-2009 and from 2013-2017, I write a monthly newsletter called the MVEer Monthly. We have been green plastic army men, penguins, fish in an aquarium, Pinocchio, guys attending a 1926 County Fair, and many other ways of storytelling through song. Sometimes we are just in tuxedos, but we entertain in whatever costume we choose.
2017 Land O’ Lakes District Champions Click here for our website or watch a YouTube from our International Barbershop Harmony performance in Nashville, TN from July 2016 below.