Math 233 is the last in a three semester sequence of courses in calculus. The goal of the course is to introduce students to differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables, with the end goal the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for such functions.
- Vector algebra and the geometry of space.
- Calculus for curves in space.
- Limits, continuity and differentiability of functions of two and three variables.
- Optimization of functions of several variables.
- Integration of functions of several variables and their fundamental theorem of calculus.
Applications to both physics and mathematics will be considered. For example, we will derive
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion from Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
The Department has ordered a text for the course: Essential Calculus by James Stewart. There is a website for the text. We will be covering all of Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13. There will be a test on each chapter, and we will roughly cover a section per class meeting. You are to have read the section of the text to be covered before coming to the class at which it will be discussed. You are expected to come prepared with questions. Homework (see below) for each section will be due at the next class meeting after the section has been discussed.
If you already own some other calculus book I will not require you to buy this one if the one you own covers the same material as this one. You will have to talk to me about what sections to read. Copies of the text on reserve at the library.
There will four mid-term examinations. Together these test will determine roughly 50 percent of your grade. There will also be a cumulative final exam, determining roughly 30 percent of your grade. The remainder of your grade will be determined by your homework.
All makeup exams will be given on study day in December. The grading scale will be A+ = 98-100, A = 94-97, A- = 91-93, B+ = 88-90, B = 84-87, B- = 81-83, C+ = 78-80, C = 74-77, C- = 71-73, D+ = 66-70, D = 61-65, D- = 50-60, F = 0-49.
Students are expected to be proficient in college algebra, trigonometry and the calculus of functions of a single variable. The college algebra and trigonometry information may be found at College Algebra with Trigonometry. The basic facts are summarized at
Tutoring information can be found here.
Homework exercises are due daily excepting the day of an examination and two or three other days, and must be delivered at the beginning of class. NO EXCEPTIONS, as solutions will be provided on this site shortly after class ends. There are 34 assignments and they determine directly about 20 percent of your grade. Homework will be graded for both correct answers and presentation. Disorganized or messy papers will get a grade of F. All graphs must be neat and on graph paper. You should do additional problems from your text for practice. Solutions will be provided.
Office hours will be posted on my webpage. All relevant email will be answered promptly. I would prefer you come to my office hours over your patronizing the tutors. I am around a lot. Don’t let me just sit in my office napping.
You are expected to abide by the UW-System Code of Academic Conduct at all times and on all graded work.