Several great UWM undergraduate students have worked on the Southern Iberian Shear Zone project with me. In this project, groups of students have had the opportunity to analyze outcrops near the beautiful village of Almonaster la Real, Spain and work on subsequent analysis of samples and measurements. In their projects, undergraduate students have studied microstructures in thin sections, major element geochemistry using x-ray fluorescence, magnetic fabrics using AMS (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility), boudin shape analysis, and fold orientation analysis.

SISZ field team 2024 including undergraduate students Drew Truitt, Camille King, Olliver Plank, and Alexander Mbise; new graduate student J Schneider, and colleague Dr. Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz.

UWM 2023 Field Group (MS student Kayla Kopinski and undergrads Paige Pimentel, Steph Fones, George Meyer, J Schneider) with colleagues Carlos Fernández and Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz.

J and Steph with one of their oriented samples

Paige and Kayla tracking small shear zones across the outcrop

Dyanna helping J trace structural features on images of our outcrop

George found a cute lizard

We learned about drone flying and creating 3D outcrop models from our colleague Javier Fernández Lozano