For reprints of articles, email
Druguet, E., Czeck, D. M., Carreras, J., 2021. Fluid-assisted localized embrittlement in an overall ductile fold-and-shear belt: a case study from Cap de Creus. Journal of Structural Geology 153, 104460.
Díaz-Azpiroz, M., Fernández, C., Czeck, D. M., 2019. Are we studying deformed rocks in the right sections? Best practices in the kinematic analysis of 3D deformation zones. Journal of Structural Geology 125, 218-225.
Czeck, D. M., Traut, J. T., Hudleston, P. J., 2019. Rheologic information determined from cleavage refraction in naturally deformed interlayered quartzites and phyllites. In: Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: 50 Years of Research since the Seminal Text Book of J. G. Ramsay. Bond, C. E. & Lebit, H. D. (eds). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 487.
Díaz-Azpiroz, M., Leever, K.A., Brune, S., Fernández, C., and Czeck, D. M., 2016. Editorial: Tectonics of oblique plate boundary systems. Tectonophysics 693(B), 165-170.
Goodwin, L. B., Medaris, L. G. Jr., Dott, R. H., Marshak, S., Czeck, D. M., Bjørnerud, M., Craddock, J. P., Ormand, C., 2016. What’s New at Baraboo? A Field Trip For Educators. Wisconsin Geologic and Natural History Survey Field Guide. Geological Society of America North-Central Section fieldtrip. Can be accessed at:
Díaz-Azpiroz, M., Barcos, L., Balanyá, J.C., Fernández, C., Expósito, I., Czeck, D., 2014. Testing triclinic transpression models in highly partitioned brittle shear zones. A case study from the Torcal de Antequera massif (External Betics, southern Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 68, 316-336.
Fernández, C., Czeck, D. M., and Díaz-Azpiroz, M., 2013. Testing the model of oblique transpression with oblique extrusion in two natural cases: steps and consequences. Journal of Structural Geology 54, 85-102.
Yonkee, W. A., Czeck, D. M., Nachbor, A., Barszewski, C. B., Pantone, S., Balgord, E., and Johnson, K. R., 2013. Strain accumulation and fluid-rock interaction in a naturally deformed diamictite, Willard thrust system, Utah (USA): Implications for crustal rheology and strain softening. Journal of Structural Geology 50, 91-118.
Druguet, E., Czeck, D. M., Alsop, G. I., Bons, P. D., 2013. Preface: Deformation localization. Journal of Structural Geology 50, 1-4.
DeVasto, M. A., Czeck, D. M., and Bhattacharyya, P., 2012. Using image analysis and ArcGIS® software to improve automatic grain boundary detection and quantify geological images. Computers and Geosciences 49, 38-45.
Druguet, E., Castaño, L.M., Czeck, D.M., Hudleston, P.J., Carreras, J., 2012. The tectonic significance of dikes of irregular fold-like shape. Geology 40, 579-582.
Bauer, R.L., Czeck, D.M., Hudleston, P.J., Tikoff, B., 2011. Structural geology of the subprovince boundaries in the Archean Superior Province of northern Minnesota and adjacent Ontario, in Miller, J.D., Hudak, G.J., Wittkop, C., and McLaughlin, P.I., eds., Archean to Anthropocene: Field Guides to the Geology of the Mid-Continent of North America: Geological Society of America Field Guide 24, p. 203-241.
Carreras, J., Czeck, D. M., Druguet, E., Hudleston, P. J., 2010. Structure and development of an anastomosing network of ductile shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology 32, 656-666.
Czeck, D. M. and Poulsen, K. H., 2010. Field trip guide: Deformation in the Rainy Lake Region: A Fabulous Display of Structures Controlled by Rheological Contrasts. Institute on Lake Superior Geology 56th Annual Meeting, International Falls, MN, 2010; 56 Part 2, 47-75.
Czeck, D. M., Fissler, D. A., Horsman, E., and Tikoff, B., 2009. Strain analysis and rheology contrasts in polymictic conglomerates: an example from the Seine metaconglomerates, Superior Province, Canada. Journal of Structural Geology 31, 1365-1376.
Bhattacharyya, P. and Czeck, D. M., 2008. Using network analyses within GIS technologies to quantify geometries of shear zone networks. Geosphere 4, 640-656.
Druguet, E., Czeck, D. M., Carreras, J., and Castaño, L. M., 2008. Emplacement and deformation features of syntectonic leucocratic veins from Rainy Lake zone (Western Superior Province, Canada). Precambrian Research 163, 384-400.
Horsman, E., Tikoff, B, Czeck, D. M., 2008. Rheological implications of heterogeneous deformation at multiple scales in the Late Cretaceous Sierra Nevada, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 120, 238-255.
Czeck, D. M. and Ormand, C. J., 2007. Geometry and folding history of the Baraboo Syncline: Implications for the Mazatzal Orogeny in the north-central U.S. Precambrian Research 157, 203-213.
Czeck, D. M., Maes. S. M., Sturm, C. L., and Fein, E. M., 2006. Assessment of the relationship between emplacement of the Algoman Plutons and regional deformation in the Rainy Lake region, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43, 1653-1671.
Czeck, D. M. and Hudleston, P. J., 2004. Physical experiment of vertical transpression with localized nonvertical extrusion. Journal of Structural Geology 26, 573-581.
Bhattacharyya, P. and Czeck, D., 2004. Weathered M&M’s, using candies to demonstrate concepts of weathering and sedimentary processes in lecture-based introductory earth science courses. Journal of Geoscience Education 52, 293-300.
Czeck, D. M. and Hudleston, P. J., 2003. Testing models for obliquely plunging lineations in transpression: a natural example and theoretical discussion. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 959-982.
Czeck, D. M. and Fralick, P., 2002. Field trip guide to the Seine River Conglomerates and adjacent rocks near Mine Centre, Canada. Institute on Lake Superior Geology 48th Annual Meeting, Kenora, ON, 2002; 48 Part 2, 37-67.