Create Multimedia File Exercise

Create Multimedia File Exercise

The objective of this exercise is to familiarize you with basic audio and multimedia editing software. Review the Hiss Removal in Audacity Tutorial and either the Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Handout or the iMovie Tutorial Handout before starting work on the exercise (all tutorials located under Software & Tutorials).

Finally, download and unzip the Multimedia Exercise Sample Files. This folder includes the following: 1 WAV file; 1 Mp3 file; 1 mp4 file; 10 image files; and 1 file guide. The file guide contains information regarding each file that may be useful during the creation of your multimedia file taken from the original source’s metadata.

Exercise Instructions

  1. Edit the Audio_1 file as instructed in the Audacity Tutorial. This will result in a new Mp3 file.
  2. Open Windows Live Movie Maker or iMovie.
  3. Create a new project.
  4. Save the project.
  5. Import the sample movie and image files.
  6. Arrange images and movie clip as you wish.
  7. Add a variety of transitions between the images and movie clips.
  8. Add a variety of image effects (including photo effects, pan and zoom, etc.).
  9. Add a title and title animation for the movie.
  10. Add credits for the movie.
  11. Insert both audio files into movie and make movie fit the length of the audio files
  12. Publish and save the movie as your_last_name.wmv or your_last_name.mp4 (for example, Xie.wmv or Xie.mp4)

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