Enhance Images Exercise

Enhance Images Exercise

To demonstrate your understanding of optimization settings, and image creation/manipulation; please edit & optimize digital images using Adobe Photoshop or an alternative graphics program. The sample files for this exercise can be found under sample files.

Part 1—Correct Tonal Quality
Original File Name: Trees.tif

  1. Use the Image Adjustment Tools (Levels, Brightness/Contrast) to correct the tonal quality (amount of contrast & detail) of this image.
  2. Save resulting image as yourlastnameTREES.jpg (e.g. XieTREES.jpg).


Part 2—Size Adjustments
Original File Name: capetown.tif

  1. Resample this image so its pixel dimensions are approximately 800 X 540 **Note: Please make a copy of the original image before you resample** Save resulting image as yourlastnameCAPE1.jpg (e.g. XieCAPE1.jpg).
  2. Resample this image so it will print out on a color laser printer at approximately 3 in X 2 in at a resolution of 150 ppi. **Note: Please make a copy of the original image before you resample** Save resulting image as yourlastnameCAPE2.jpg (e.g. XieCAPE2.jpg).
Part 3—Crop/Resize/Color Correction
Original File Name: temple.tif

  1. Use the crop tool to straighten the image and crop out the white border around this image.
  2. Use the Image Adjustment Tool (Levels, Color Balance, Contrast, etc.) to correct the tonal quality and color balance of this image.
  3. Resize (Resample) this image so that its final pixel dimensions are approximately 300 X 400 ppi. Save resulting image as yourlastnameTEMPLE.jpg (e.g. XieTEMPLE.jpg).

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