WisCUR Executive Committee Meeting, May 18, 2021

Attending: Cherie Barta, Catherine Chan, Nigel Rothfels, Julie O’Leary, Lissa Schneider-Rebozo,  Jalal Nawash, Julie Dresen and Karen Havholm.

  1. UW-System Symposium Debrief – Jalal Nawash reported on the UW-System Symposium, which was held April 28th. Attendance was somewhat lower than in the past, but the event went well and the feedback was mostly positive – the format was engaging and easy to access. Students were positive about being grouped in zoom rooms together (as opposed to having individual zoom rooms as was the case with NCUR), which allowed them to interact with each other. Students will receive certificates that will state the number of views their site received. Jalal will share the data once the site is closed down. Feedback from the Exec board – it would have been helpful to have access to the website and a presentation schedule ahead of the event so this information could be shared. Jalal clarified that advance access was not an option due to the version on the Forager One platform that was used, but the site did remain available after the event. It was also suggested to let mentors know students were grouped in the rooms, with no specific schedule. Other feedback on the platform and experience with the symposium can be directed to Jalal at nwashj@uww.edu. Invoices to campuses will be forthcoming. UW-Whitewater will host the symposium again in 2022; the date of the event is set for April 22.
  2. NCUR 2021 experience – There was discussion of student participation in NCUR at Home. Student experience was somewhat of a concern, as attendee numbers at the virtual sessions were low. We anticipate that NCUR 2022 is also expected to be virtual, since the campus that was to have hosted the event has withdrawn. It will be helpful for NCUR to have feedback about student and attendee expenses at this year’s event as they plan for the next one. Karen Havholm requests those who would like to provide feedback to e-mail her with comments about student/mentor/attendee experience from your campus at havholkg@uwec.edu with the subject line NCUR 2021 experience.
  3. 2022 Research in the Rotunda date Kathy Divine requested feedback from WisCUR on proposed dates for Research in the Rotunda 2022: March 9, April 6, April 13, and April 20 are under consideration. The consensus of the Exec committee was that March is preferred, or early in April. No date is set for NCUR 2022. (NOTE: March 9 has been selected as the date for Research in the Rotunda since this meeting).
  4. Collaborative summer programming – There was little interest in collaborating on virtual student development programming for summer, but campuses are encouraged to share sessions with the listserv if they are offering a virtual session that would be open to students from other campuses. WiSys has posted their summer SPARK Symposium series, which includes some sessions for students.
  5. NCUR 2023 will be hosted by UW-Eau Claire, April 13 – 15, 2023. Karen Havholm is the lead in planning the Faculty-Administrator Network sessions and will be coming to WisCUR for input and participation in panel sessions. Save the date and mark your calendars!
  6. WisCUR Annual Meeting and Elections – While many of us are anxious for in-person interactions with our peers, there is still enough uncertainty about what the campus re-entry process might require in the fall that there was apprehension about setting a date for the annual meeting at this time. Stay tuned.
  7. Board nominations and election – Nigel Rothfels and Lissa Schneider-Rebozo will be finishing up their board terms and we thank them sincerely! There will be two open board positions to be filled and we will proceed with nominations and elections through the listserv, as we have in the past. Watch for an e-mail on that topic.