The first in the world PhD dissertation in Triboinformatics was defended today!

The first in the world PhD dissertation in Triboinformatics was defended today! Congratulations to Dr. Md Syam Hasan! The title of the thesis is “TRIBOINFORMATIC APPROACHES FOR SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION: TRIBOLOGICAL AND WETTING PROPERTIES”

Tribology is the study of surface roughness, adhesion, friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting solid surfaces in relative motion. In addition, wetting properties are very important for surface characterization. The combination of Tribology with Machine Learning (ML) and other data-centric methods is often called Triboinformatics. In this dissertation, triboinformatic methods are applied to the study of Aluminum (Al) composites, antimicrobial, and water-repellent metallic surfaces and organic coatings. The dissertation demonstrates that Triboinformatic approaches can be successfully implemented in surface science, and tribology and they can generate novel insights into structure-property relationships in various classes of materials.