Special Issue of “Entropy” journal: Entropic Methods in Surface Science

The concept of entropy can be successfully applied to various surface phenomena ranging from friction to capillarity to self-assembly of colloidal crystals and microdroplet clusters. Friction and surface degradation are dissipative processes and the growth of entropy is an immanent feature of friction. Entropic methods can be used to characterize solid surfaces, their roughness, heterogeneity and temporal evolution. Entropic contribution due to molecule ordering in an interfacial layer plays a role in water and other liquid surface tension. The entropic methods are also applicable to biological surfaces and can be used to better understand aging, self-organization, and self-assembly.

Papers that deal with any aspect of entropy in surface science are welcome, including surface thermodynamics, friction and wear, microdroplet clusters, rupture and crack propagation, colloidal crystals, wetting, surface roughness, information and statistical approaches in the surface science, self-assembly, Shannon entropy, Voronoi entropy, and other relevant topics.

Guest Editor: Prof. Michael Nosonovsky

Keywords: physical chemistry of surafces, self-assembly, friction, colloidal crystals, droplet clusters, wetting, capillarity

For more details please check http://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/surf_sci