Topspin 3.6.3 available

Topspin version 3.6.3 is available. I updated the workstations in B-10 with the newer version. I have not yet updated the 500 spectrometer software.

For those only doing basic processing there is no significant difference to the previous 3.6.x versions. So if you installed Topspin on your office or home computer, there is no need to rush to update. One new feature is the Dinamic NMR simulation option under Analyse->Lineshapes->Fit Dynamic NMR models (dnmr) that allows to fit exchange broadening.

For those that have not installed Topspin on their computers, I recommend installing the latest version if you do install. I updated the links on the NMR lb website at

to reflect the redesigned Bruker website, and also updated my installation instructions accordingly.