ATM SCI 705: General Information

Prerequisites: Graduate standing, permission of instructor. This course is not restricted to Atmospheric Science students.
Office hours: M W 12:30 – 2:00pm or by appointment. (Subject to change but don’t worry – I am generally available most days.)
Required text: Occasional articles will be handed out in class. Also, the following texts are not required reading but may nonetheless be useful – they have been placed on 2-hr reserve at the library.

  • Air Pollution Meteorology and Dispersion, Arya, Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • The Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Garratt, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Principles of Air Pollution Meteorology, Lyons and Scott, Belhaven, 1990.
  • Atmospheric chemistry and physics: From air pollution to climate change, Seinfeld and Pandis, Wiley, 1998.
  • An Introduction to Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Stull, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
  • Assignments: 60%
    1. a. Century day b. Day-of-week c. Blue moon.
    2. Solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation with constant and varying diffusivities.
    3. Solution of the one-dimensional advection equation using several numerical schemes.
    4. Computation of surface heat and momentum fluxes; determination of diabatic wind profiles.
  • Semester project: 40%
    • Solution of the two-dimensional advection equation. The project includes numerical and graphical programming, a comprehensive written report conforming to American Meteorological Society style guidelines, and an oral presentation to the class.
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