Each spring, UW-Milwaukee offers a course on Literary Journal Production (English 418/Art 427), and the students in that course serve as editors for Furrow.

Deciding which submissions to publish is only one part of publishing a literary journal. We also edit and copyedit submissions, design the layout, handle promotion, maintain our website, build our audience, and raise money to pay for all of this. It’s a lot of work, and we’re proud to announce we recently received the AWP National Program Directors’ Prize for the Best Undergraduate Literary Journal.

Each student in English 418 / Art 427 serves in 1-2 editorial positions, such as Poetry Editor, Copyeditor, Managing Editor, Graphic Designer, Layout Designer, Social Media Strategist, Staff Photographer, etc. This gives Furrow editors real-world experience they can use on their resumes.

The class fills up fast, so if you’re interested, register as early as you can. We are looking for smart, creative, well-organized, and reliable collaborators. Furrow’s editors are a wildly talented bunch and have gone on to prestigious graduate programs and jobs with such organizations as the University of Wisconsin Press, Radio 88.9 Milwaukee, and even Vanity Fair.

Prerequisites for English 418: Junior standing; satisfaction of OWC-A; English 233, 234, 235, or 236.

Prerequisites for Art 427 (G/UG): Junior standing & consent of instructor.

In Spring 2025 the course will meet Thursdays 4:00-6:40. It will be taught by Sophie Nunberg. 

Note: The Art & Design majors who sign up through Art 427 tend to serve as Art Editors, Graphic Designers, Staff Photographers, and Layout Designers. Their tasks may involve logo design, rebranding, selection of art submissions, cover design, preparation of promotional images, and layout design of the print issue, website, and promotional materials.

For more info, visit the rest of our website or contact Professor Valerie Laken.

Cover image Furrow Issue 24
2019 Cover

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