We Weren’t Written in the Stars

By Sydni Doughtie


but maybe God jotted us down
on some tiny notebook he keeps in his pocket

and one day he ripped the page by accident
when shoving it back into his jeans
after having a ground-breaking idea:
“Plate tectonics,” he whispered to himself

and as our paper got crumpled
the notebook got tossed
to the passenger’s seat of a 1970 Chevy Impala
(or whatever God drives)
a slight breeze caught our page
since God drives with all the windows down

and we gently floated our way to Earth
to discover each other
and God might wonder
where he misplaced this page
’cause we’re dog-eared at the corner
and we know he wrote us down
to be remembered


Sydni Doughtie is a senior in college and almost didn’t want to admit that, in case her submissions do not get chosen and she has to try again next year.

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