The Phantom Sip

Nonfiction by Kate Stukenborg

Under the Empty Fields

Fiction by Lia Smith-Redmann

Incantation for Erin

Poetry by k Russell

Dating back to 2000, Furrow showcases outstanding writing and art from undergraduates across the U.S. and gives UW-Milwaukee students training in editing, publishing, publication design, web design, publicity, fundraising, and business practices. Through the generous support of local donors and the UW-Milwaukee Department of English, we publish a full-color, print issue of the journal every May and feature new work regularly on our website. Our goal is to connect student writers and artists with a broader network of creative spirits within and beyond Milwaukee. Twice we have won AWP's National Program Directors' award for best undergraduate literary journal in the U.S.

We publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and comics from undergraduates all across the U.S. Our next submissions period is from December 1, 2024 to February 20, 2025.

Interested in becoming an editor? Enroll in UWM’s English 418 or Art 427 in the spring semester. Click here for more info.