Lisa Taxier’s Undergraduate thesis research published

Second year graduate student Lisa Taxier authored a new paper based on her undergraduate senior thesis research at Carleton College.  The paper, published in Physiology and Behavior, studied the effects pubertal ovarian hormones on paced mating and conditioned place preference in female rats.  The work showed that female rats lacking exposure to pubertal ovarian hormones show altered activity and withdrawal behavior during paced mating, but retain the ability to show a preference for a sexual partner and to acquire a conditioned place preference for paced mating.  Congratulations Lisa!

Dr. Frick to be a panelist for screening of new Alzheimer’s documentary on Jan. 4, 2017

Milwaukee Public Television will be screening the new Alzheimer’s documentary, “Alzheimer’s: Every Minute Counts” on Jan. 4, 2017 at Discovery World.  The screening will begin at 7 pm, followed by a panel discussion with numerous community members including Dr. Frick.  See MPTV’s press release for more information on the event:

Dr. Frick awarded an R01 grant by the NIMH

720px-us-nih-nimh-logo-svgDr. Frick has been awarded a 5-year R01 grant by the National Institute of Mental Health.  The grant is entitled, Mechanisms underlying memory regulation of 17beta-estradiol, canonical Wnt signaling, and BDNF in male and female mice.  The goal of this project is to determine the extent to which canonical Wnt signaling and BDNF contribute to the memory enhancing effects of estradiol in female and male mice.

Graduate student Lisa Taxier has paper accepted to PNAS

Second-year graduate student Lisa Taxier is the second author on a paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences!  The research was conducted as part of her IRTA fellowship in Dr. Peter Rapp’s lab at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, MD.  The paper is entitled, “Functional connectivity with the retrosplenial cortex predicts cognitive aging in rats”, and features the following authors: Ash JA*, Lu H*, Taxier L, Long JM, Yang Y, Stein EA, and Rapp PR (*co-first authors).  Congratulations Lisa and colleagues!

Dr. Frick discusses effects of anti-estrogen treatments in Montreal

Version 2Dr. Frick recently discussed the effects of anti-estrogen treatments on memory in a symposium entitled, “What Should Behavioral Neuroendocrinologists Be Telling Breast Oncologists About Estrogens and the Brain?”.  As part of her talk, Dr. Frick presented the lab’s work on how estradiol regulates memory formation and how inhibition of estradiol synthesis affects memory.  The symposium was held on August 8, 2016 as part of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology meeting in Montreal, Canada.