Lab Personnel
Karyn M. Frick
Principal Investigator, email
- B.A., Psychology and Biology (1991), Franklin & Marshall College
- M.A., Psychology (1993), The Johns Hopkins University
- Ph.D., Psychology (1996), The Johns Hopkins University
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Biological Sciences (1996-2000), Wellesley College
- Assistant Professor of Psychology (2000-2006), Yale University
- Associate Professor of Psychology (2006-2010), Yale University
- Associate Professor of Psychology (2010-2013), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Professor of Psychology (2013-2020), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Distinguished Professor of Psychology (2020-present), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Current administrative positions:
- Associate Department Chair
- Head, Neuroscience Area in Psychology
- Founding Co-Director, Neuroscience B.S. program
- Director, UWM Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Academic Success Through Aging Research (STAR) Program (NIH grant R25AG076406)
- Past President, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society

Miranda R. Schwabe
Graduate Student, email
- B.S., Neurobiological Sciences (2017), University of Florida
- M.S., Psychology (2021), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Sarah B. Beamish
Graduate Student, email
- B.S., Biological Sciences (2018), University of Delaware
- M.S., Psychology (2021), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Aaron W. Fleischer
Graduate Student, email
- B.S., Biology, Chemistry (2018), University of South Dakota
- M.S., Psychology (2021), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Farah Abdelazim
Graduate Student, email
- B.A., Psychology (2022), Winona State University
Jing Xu
Graduate Student, email
- M.D., Clinical Medicine (2019), Southwest Medical University
- M.Sc., Surgery (2022), Chongqing Medical University
Parinaz Mohammadi
Graduate Student, email
- B.S., Cellular and Molecular Biology (2024), University of Zanjan
Undergraduates/Post-baccalaureate students
- Elaina Milkie
- Hailey Beaty
- Vivian Jones
- Julia Chrupek
- Elisa Haluska
- Cesar Morales Saldana
Lab Alumni
Graduate students:
- Jodi E. Gresack, Ph.D. (Yale, 2007; Principal Research Scientist at PsychoGenics, Inc.)
- Lauren Levy Harburger, Ph.D. (Yale, 2008; formerly Lauren J. Levy; Assistant Professor of Psychology at SUNY Purchase)
- Stephanie M. Fernandez, Ph.D. (Yale, 2008; Primary Care Psychologist at Beth Israel-Deaconess HealthCare/Pastor Medical Group in Brookline, MA)
- Patrick T. Orr, Ph.D. (Yale, 2010; Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton)
- Jennifer J. Tuscher, Ph.D. (UWM, 2017; Postdoctoral Associate in Neurobiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham)
- Jaekyoon Kim, Ph.D. (UWM, 2018; Postdoctoral Associate at the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, University of Iowa)
- Lisa Taxier, Ph.D. (UWM, 2021; Postdoctoral Associate in Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill)
- Gustavo Dalto Barroso Machado, M.D., M.Sc., M.S. (UWM, 2023; Adjunct Instructor of Psychology, UWM)
Postdoctoral Fellows:
- Michael C. Lewis, Ph.D. (Yale, 2005-2008. Director at Sage Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA)
- Angela S. (Pechenino) Romo, Ph.D. (Yale, 2006-2008. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, American River College, Sacramento, CA).
- Lu Fan, M.D., Ph.D. (Yale, 2008-2010. Internal Medicine Physician at Penn Medicine’s Princeton Medicine Physicians in Plainsboro, NJ)
- Zaorui Zhao, Ph.D. (Yale, 2008-2010)
- Marissa Iden (Boulware), Ph.D., (UWM, 2010-2013. Research Scientist II, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI)
- Ashley Fortress, Ph.D. (UWM, 2011-2015. Scientific Review Officer, National Eye Institute, Bethesda, MD)
- Wendy Koss, Ph.D. (UWM, 2015-2019. Research Assistant Professor and Behavior Core Director at the Purdue University Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, Lafayette, IN.
- Kellie Gross, Ph.D. (UWM, 2017-2021. Faculty Research Training and Development Specialist, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)
Post-baccalaureate research assistants:
- Jennifer C. Bennett, B.S., M.S., D.V.M., (Yale, 2003-2004. Chief Veterinary Officer of the Human Society of Tacoma and Pierce County, WA)
- Talley Lambert, B.S., Ph.D. (Yale, 2004. Associate Director of the Core for Imaging Technology & Education at Harvard Medical School)
- Kristin Kerr, B.S., Ph.D. (Yale, 2004-2006. Assistant Professor of Psychology at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI)
- Chinoneyre Nzerem, B.A. (Yale, 2004-2005)
- Virginia Rogers, B.A. (Yale, 2007)
- John D. Heisler, B.A., M.S. (UWM, . Senior Sales Engineer, Financial Services, Snowflake, Inc., Wauwatosa, WI)
- Jayson C. Schalk, B.S. (UWM, 2019-2020, Continuum of Care Planning Manager, University of Nebraska Lincoln Center on Children, Families and the Law, Lincoln, NE)
- Sarah M. Philippi, B.S. (UWM, 2019-2020, PhD Student in Neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York, NY)
- Elaina Milkie, B.S. (UWM, 2023-present)
Undergrad research assistants:
- 2024 (UWM): Hailey Bailey^%, Kailey Frank^, Samuel Hauke, Vivian Jones^, Elise Haluska^, Cesar Morales Saldana, Nick Bucciarelli, Sy Lutz#, Braden Ruiz#
- 2023 (UWM): Rachel Kuehn^, Hailey Bailey^, Alexis Schnitzler^, Elaina Milkie^, Audrey Churchill, John Rotter, Evelyn Doan^, Kate Mitter^, Kailey Frank^, Elizabeth Schilling^, Maria Peterson^, Vivian Jones#, Julia Chrupek#
- 2022 (UWM): McKenna Anderson^, Rachel Kuehn^, Hailey Bailey^, Alexis Schnitzler^, Elaina Milkie^, Audrey Churchill#, Kiara Osorio#, John Rotter
- 2021 (UWM): McKenna Anderson^, Ryan Thiede^, Carnita Lincoln^, Grace Geiger^, Rachel Kuehn^, Hailey Bailey#^
- 2020 (UWM): Tiffany Polzin, Ryan Thiede^, Carnita Lincoln^, Olivia Dye^, Grace Geiger^, McKenna Anderson^, Rachel Kuehn#
- 2019 (UWM): Sarah Philippi*%, Jayson Schalk*^, Randie Alf^, Margaret Ivers, Tiffany Polzin, Ryan Thiede^, Carnita Lincoln^, Olivia Dye^, Paul Kissell&, Grace Geiger#, McKenna Anderson#
- 2018 (UWM): Rachel Gremminger^, Jacqueline Haertel^, Sarah Philippi*%, Jayson Schalk*^, Randie Alf^, Margaret Ivers, Beth Ann Lotton^, Tiffany Polzin#
- 2017 (UWM): Molly Kiefer^, Sarah Philippi^, Jayson Schalk, Jacqueline Haertel^+, Tory Clearwater#, Kylie Medenwald#
- 2016 (UWM): Molly Kiefer^, Sarah Philippi^+, Jayson Schalk, Jacqueline Haertel^+, Wasef Mahmoud#
- 2015 (UWM): Maciej Miaskowski, Molly Kiefer^+, Rachel Gremminger#, Rebecca Willer#
- 2014 (UWM): Julia Szinte^*, Maciej Miaskowski, Molly Kiefer#, Sergio Moran
- 2013 (UWM): Sarah Schram*, Julia Szinte^*, Jennifer Alberts, Megan Hollister
- 2012 (UWM): Andrew Kozlowski^, Sarah Schram
- 2011 (UWM): Andrew Kozlowski, Sarah Schram
- 2010 (Yale): Cassie Chambers*, Eileen Manning*, Kate Carter, Anusha Raja, Alex Chung, Francesca Yi, John Acheson
- 2009 (Yale): Raymond Nagem*, Cassie Chambers*, Amanda Rubin*, Eileen Manning, Lawrence Moy, Anusha Raja, Heather Elder, Kate Carter
- 2008 (Yale): Altaf Saadi*, Kenneth Kato, Lawrence Moy, Lana Verkuil, Raymond Nagem*, Cassie Chambers, Amanda Rubin*
- 2007 (Yale): Altaf Saadi*, Jason Peterson, Loran Kelly+
- 2006 (Yale): Altaf Saadi, Caitlin Purcell, Jason Peterson
- 2005 (Yale): Chang Park, Chinoneyre Nzerem (postgraduate in Yale PREP program), Wen Fan, Caitlin Purcell, Altaf Saadi
- 2004 (Yale): Ryan Miller, Nazli Saka, Jessica Falco, Carly Keidel, Jessica Falco*, Nazli Saka*, Chinoneyre Nzerem
- 2003 (Yale): Talley Lambert*, Michael Dunleavy, Ryan Miller, Adam Viera, Chinonyere Nzerem+ (San Jose State University)
- 2002 (Yale): Brian Roberts, Talley Lambert, Lynne Achenbach (Franklin and Marshall College), Heather Higgins (Harvard University)
- 2001 (Yale): Tovia Martirosian, Julie Rosenthal*, Tony Taglienti, Sue Vanderhill, Sergio Iniguez+ (Cal State San Bernadino), Anwar Parker (Johns Hopkins University), Ruth-Ann Sterling (Franklin and Marshall College)
*Conducted senior research or Honors project in the lab.
+Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) student
^Support for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) student
%Senior Excellence in Research Award (SERA) student
#UR@UWM Summer student
&UWM Ronald E. McNair Research Scholars student