Media coverage of the Frick lab:
Watch Dr. Frick talk with UWM Chancellor Dr. Mark Mone ahead of their Chancellor Chat in February 2024.
Hear Dr. Frick interviewed on Chicago’s The Steve Cochran Show on WLS-890AM in October 2023.
Listen to Dr. Frick’s interviews on the podcasts FemTech Focus (episode 208) and Beyond the Paper Gown about hormones and drug development for menopausal women.
Watch a 2022 news story from NBC26 Green Bay on our lab’s latest Alzheimer’s Association grant to study effects of a new highly-selective estrogen receptor beta drug in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
Watch a 2020 profile of our lab’s research on hormones and Alzheimer’s disease produced in association with Dr. Frick’s UW System Regent Scholar award (“Regent Scholar Awards 2020: Karyn Frick”)
Watch a 2019 profile on Today’s TMJ4 News of the collaborative work on developing novel estrogen receptor drugs for memory loss being done by the Frick lab and colleagues at Marquette University and Concordia University Wisconsin (“Milwaukee Area Professors Closer to Preventing Dementia in Women”).
Listen to a 2019 story on WUWM featuring an interview with Dr. Frick about the lab’s research (“Wisconsin Researchers Look For Ways To Prevent Dementia”).
Listen to Dr. Frick’s 2018 interview on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Central Time about Alzheimer’s disease (“A Quest to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Amid Bleak Prediction”).
Watch a 2018 profile of the Frick lab’s research on Today’s TMJ4 News (“Milwaukee Researchers Work Toward a Cure for Alzheimer’s”).
Watch Dr. Frick’s presentation at the June 2018 UW Board of Regents Meeting about the implications of her work for Alzheimer’s disease (“UW System Faculty Spotlight”).
Listen to a 2017 interview on WUWM’s UWM Today with Dr. Frick and Dr. Fred Helmstetter about studying the brain (“UWM Neuroscientists Receive Major Grants to Study Brain Function”).
Listen to Dr. Frick’s 2013 interview about “How Estrogen Protects Memory” with WUWM’s Tom Luljak on UWM Today.
Print/Online media:
- UWM Report: “Inaugural Chancellor Chat explores UWM scientist’s groundbreaking research” (2/24)
- UWM Report: “Why estrogen decreases Alzheimer’s risk in some women, but not others” (10/22)
- “Alzheimer’s Association grant funds University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee drug discovery for high-risk women” (9/22)
- WISCONSININNO: “Wauwatosa drug startup targeting menopause, Alzheimer’s, raises seed capital” (5/22)
- Lubar Entrepreneurship Center: “Deep Dive: Estrigenix Therapeutics” (1/22)
- MKE Startup News: “Breakthrough estrogen discovery in Milwaukee (11/21)
- BBC News Mundo: “Que es la niebla mental, uno de loss sintomas menos conocidos de la menopausia (y por que la puedes sentir mucho antes de dejar de menstruar” (6/21)
- Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest: “Concordia-UWM-Marquette spinoff takes second at Wisconsin Gov.’s Business Plan Contest” (6/21)
- Women’s Health Research at Yale Newsletter: “Research begun by WHRY continues to show possible pathway to derail dementia” (3/21)
- Alzheimer’s Association: “Celebrating women in science” (3/21)
- UWM Report: “Three new UWM Distinguished Professors named” (2/21)
- UWM Report: “UWM professor recognized as 2020 UW System Regent Scholar” (4/20)
- UWM Research Magazine: “Nurturing new treatments” (3/20)
- UWM Report: “Students dive into research before starting freshman year” (8/19)
- LeDevoir (Montreal): “Le manque d’oestrogenes, une cause de l’Alzheimer” (8/19)
- Scientific American Blog: “Estrogens and Memory Loss in Women” (7/19)
- WUWM 89.7: “Wisconsin Researchers Look For Ways To Prevent Dementia” (2/19)
- Wisconsin Academy of Science Arts & Letters: “Gender, Memory, and the Aging Brain” (10/18)
- Health News Digest: ‘Stripped down’ Estrogen Holds Promise for Treating Dementia in Women (10/18)
- Wisconsin Public Radio: UW-Milwaukee Team Researches Alzheimer’s Uneven Impact on Women (9/18)
- Concordia University Wisconsin: Concordia-led estrogen research effort holds promise for treating dementia in women (9/18)
- UWM Research Magazine: “Menopause on Your Mind: Neuroscientist Karyn Frick explores how estrogen loss affects memory” (2/18)
- Women’s Health Research at Yale Newsletter: “Don’t Forget About Estrogen: Female Sex Hormones and Mechanics of Memory” (10/17)
- Milwaukee Courier: “Milwaukee Scientist Receives Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant to Study Potential Sex differences in Alzheimer’s” (10/16)
- Nature Neuroscience Reviews: “Recognizing Wnt signaling in memory” (9/13)
- UWM News: “Study helps deconstruct estrogen’s role in memory” (9/13)
- ScienceDaily: “Newly Identified Molecules Necessary for Memory Formation” (8/13)
- Yale Alumni Magazine: “This is Your Brain on Estrogen” (3/09)
- New Haven Register: “Estrogen’s Pathway to Memory Identified” (9/08)
- Boston Globe: “Estrogen Helps Form Memories in Mice” (9/08)
- Medical News Today: “Yale Researchers Find How Estrogen Aids Memory” (8/08)
- Yale University: “Karyn Frick Honored for Contributions to Women’s Health” (5/08)
- American Psychological Association (APA): “Exercise and Mental Stimulation Both Boost Mouse Memory Late in Life” (8/07)
- APA’s “Monitor on Psychology”: “The Biology of Behavior” (6/07)
- USA Today: “Almonds, daily exercise keep brain healthy” (11/05)
- Science Magazine: “Outrunning Alzheimer’s Disease” (3/05, comment on Lazarov et al., 2005)
- Society for Neuroscience: “New Insights into Hormone Therapy Highlight When Estrogen Best Aids Brain” (10/04)
- Yale Alumni Magazine: “Of Mice and Menopause” (6/03)
Current Collaborators:
- William Donaldson, Ph.D., Estrigenix Therapeutics, Inc.
- David Frick, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Mahmun Hossain, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Timothy Jarome, Ph.D., Virginia Tech University
- Janine Kwapis, Ph.D., Penn State University
- Steve Ramirez, Ph.D., Boston University
- Daniel Sem, Ph.D., Concordia University Wisconsin
- Farida Sohrabji, Ph.D., Texas A&M School of Medicine
- Leon Tai, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Past Collaborators:
- Robert Astur, Ph.D., University of Connecticut
Mark G. Baxter, Ph.D., Wake Forest University
- Maya Frankfurt, Ph.D., Hofstra University
- Jeansok J. Kim, Ph.D., University of Washington
- Mary Jo LaDu, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
- Victoria Luine, Ph.D., Hunter College
- Devin Mueller, Ph.D., Kent State University
- Luke Remage-Healey, Ph.D., UMass Amherst
- Glenn E. Schafe, Ph.D., Hunter College
My Scientific Society Homes and Other Neuroscience Resources:
- Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society
- Organization for the Study of Sex Differences
- Pavlovian Society
- Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
- Society for Neuroscience
- Neuroguide: Neurosciences on the Internet
- PubMed central
- Science magazine