Mortuary Analysis

Personal ornament of high status female individual

Mortuary archaeology is one of the strengths of the UWM program and student theses and projects have ranged from statistical analyses of the La Tène cemetery of Münsingen-Rain in Switzerland to decapitation practices in Roman Britain.

Selected Publications

2021. “And make some other man our King”: mortuary evidence for labile elite power structures in early Iron Age Europe. In Tim Thurston and Manuel Fernández-Götz (eds), Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record, pp. 106-124. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2020. Intersectionality and elite identity in Iron Age west-central European mortuary contexts. In Patrice Brun, Bruno Chaume and Federica Sacchetti (eds), Vix et le Phenomene Princier. Colloque international de Châtillon-sur-Seine, France, pp. 299-309. Préhistoires de la Méditerranée. Una Éditions, Bordeaux.

2019. Expect the unexpected: implications of recent analyses of mortuary vessels for early Iron Age social configurations and commensality in southwest Germany. In Philipp Stockhammer and Janine Fries-Knoblach (eds), Was Tranken die frühen Kelten? Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importgefäße im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa, pp. Leiden: Sidestone Press.

2018. The grave’s a not-so-private place: elite multiple burials in early Iron Age west-central Europe. With Manuel Fernández-Götz. Germania 95: 181-198.

2017. Elites before the Fürstensitze: Hallstatt C sumptuous graves between Main and Danube. With M. Fernandez-Goetz, Connecting Elites and Regions: Perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe, 183-199. Leiden: Sidestone Press.

2017. Wiktorowicz, C. J., Arnold, B., Wiktorowicz, J. E., Murray, M. L., & Kurosky, A. (2017, February). Hemorrhagic fever virus, human blood, and tissues in Iron Age mortuary vessels. Journal of Archaeological Science, 78(February), 29-39.

2016. Belts vs. blades: the binary bind in Iron Age southwest German mortuary contexts. In Lara Ghisleni, Alexis M. Jordan, Emily Fioccoprile (eds), Special issue “Binary Binds”: Deconstructing Sex and Gender Dichotomies in Archaeological Practice, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 23(2), 832-853.

2014. Life after life: bioarchaeology and postmortem agency. In John Crandall and Debra Martin (eds), The Bioarchaeology of Postmortem Agency: Integrating Archaeological Theory with Human Skeletal Remains. Special section Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24(3): 523-529.

2014. The archaeology of death: mortuary archaeology in the U.S. and Europe 1990-2013. With Robert J. Jeske. Annual Review of Anthropology 43: 325-346.

2012. The Vix Princess redux: a retrospective on European Iron Age gender and mortuary studies. In Lourdes Prados Torreira (ed.), La Arqueología funeraria desde una perspectiva de género, pp. 215-232. Madrid: UA Ediciones.

2008. “Reading the body”: Geschlechterdifferenz im Totenritual der frühen Eisenzeit. In Ulrich Veit, Beat Schweizer and Christoph Kümmel (eds), Köperinszenierung – Objektsammlung – Monumentalisierung: Totenritual und Grabkult in frühen Gesellschaften, pp. 375-395. Münster: Waxmann.

2006. Gender in mortuary ritual. In Sarah M. Nelson (ed.), Reader in Gender Archaeology, pp. 137-170. Walnut Creek: AltaMira.

2002. A landscape of ancestors: the space and place of death in Iron Age West-Central Europe. In Helaine Silverman and David Small (eds), The Space and Place of Death, AP3A No. 11. Arlington: Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association.

2002. “Sein und Werden”: Gender as Process in Mortuary Ritual. In Sarah Nelson and Myriam Rosen-Ayalon (eds), In Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches, pp. 239-256. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.

2001. The limits of agency in the analysis of elite Celtic Iron Age burials. Journal of Social Archaeology 1(2): 211-223.

2001. Gender and the Archaeology of Death, Bettina Arnold and Nancy L. Wicker (eds). Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.