Graduate Students

I encourage my graduate students to engage in professional development, including presenting papers and organizing sessions at conferences that can then be submitted for publication. In the past five years PhD and Masters students have attended and presented at national and international meetings every year, including the SAAs, AAAs, and EAAs.

PhD students are also strongly encouraged to apply for external funding; in the past five years students working under my supervision have received grants or other financial support from the following sources: Wenner-Gren, Fulbright-Hayes, NSF, IGHERT, AOP, and the AIA.

Current PhD Students

Jaclyn De Medicci (Chair)

Joshua Driscoll (Chair)
Archaeology of ancient alcohol

Shaheen Gutierrez (Chair)
Decapitation burials in Roman Britain

Alexis Jordan (Chair)
Iron Age mortuary practices in Cornwall and Devon

Michelle LaBerge (Chair)
Archaeological, chemical and experimental approaches to prehistoric textile dyes

Brian McConnell (Chair)
Reuse and repair of sheet bronze feasting equipment in Iron Age Britain

Sean McConnell (Chair)
Remote sensing approaches to Irish medieval sites

Emily Stanton (Chair)
Death-styles in Iron Age mortuary contexts

Current Masters Students

Christopher Allen (Chair)
Analysis of Iron Age representations of the human head from a gendered perspective

Karissa Annis (Chair)
Lake dwelling ceramics from Robenhausen at the Milwaukee Public Museum

Maria Barca (Chair)
Impact of gender and class on disease and trauma in 18th century London

Katherine Duff (Chair)
Representations of Polynesia at the Milwaukee Public Museum and the Field Museum

Ann Eberwein (Chair)
Lake dwelling botanical remains from Robenhausen at the Milwaukee Public Museum

Devinne Fackelman (Chair)
Inclusion of fossils in burials in pre-Christian and early Christian Ireland and Britain

Mikayla Fehring (Chair)

Lauren Jones (Chair)

Paul Moriarity (Chair)
Comparative analysis of overkill in Neolithic central Europe and pre-contact Southwestern US

Chloe Perry (Chair)

Andrew Roberts (Chair)
Experimental analysis of the relationship between form, material and function in prehistoric European and Egyptian stave bows

Kate Santell (Chair)
Comparative analysis of German-American WPA lake dwelling murals at the Milwaukee Public Museum and National Socialist Schultafeln

Rachel Strohl (Chair)

Shelby Stuparits (Chair)
Analysis of folk archaeology in the Burren

Alexis Volta (Chair)
Human-animal intersections represented by mask fibulae in burials of the Early La Tène Dürrnberg