Contact Information

Bettina Arnold
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Sabin Hall 229
3413 N. Downer Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Tel: (414) 229-4175
Department Profile: Bettina Arnold
Google Scholar: Bettina Arnold
National Geographic: Explorer Profile
Harvard University, Ph.D. February 1991 (Anthropology)
Harvard University, M.A. March 1986 (Anthropology)
Yale University, B.A. June 1983 (Archaeology) Magna Cum Laude, with Distinction in the Major
Ph.D. Dissertation Title
The Material Culture of Social Structure: Rank and Status in Early Iron Age Europe (advisers: Peter S. Wells, K.C. Chang, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky)
Research Interests
European prehistory with an emphasis on the pre-Roman Iron Age. My work has been directed toward the following specific research topics: the archaeological interpretation and analysis of tribal states, particularly as reflected in mortuary contexts; material culture as a symbolic system and a means of communicating social relationships; the role of alcohol and its consumption in establishing and maintaining social systems in prehistoric and historic societies; the archaeological interpretation of prehistoric gender configurations; and the socio-political history of archaeology, particularly its role in identity construction in 19th and 20th century nationalist and ethnic movements in Europe and the United States.
Positions Held
Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2009-present)
Adjunct Curator, Milwaukee Public Museum (2010-present)
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2000-2009)
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1996-2000)
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota (September 1992-1996)
Lecturer, Minneapolis Community College (Winter/Spring Quarter 1993; Spring Quarter 1991)
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Moorhead State University (September 1991-July 1992)
Grants, Fellowships and Awards
UWM Graduate School FRACAS Subvention Grant 2014 | $15,000 |
UWM Distinguished Service Award 2013 | $1500 |
UWM Center for International Education Faculty Travel Grant 2009 | $300 |
Listing in the European Science Foundation Database 2005 | |
Listing in German Studies of North America: A Directory of Scholars 2004 | |
UWM Center for International Education Faculty Travel Grant 2004 | $ 500 |
UWM Employee Development Excellence Award December 2003 | |
National Geographic Society Research Award 2002 | $17,675 |
UWM Graduate School Research Award 2000 | $1,500 |
National Geographic Society Research Award 2000 | $14,000 |
NEH Summer Stipend 1999 | $4,000 |
National Geographic Society Research Award 1999 | $15,000 |
UWM Graduate School Research Committee Award 1998-1999 | $12,450 |
Fellow, UWM Center for Twentieth Century Studies 1998-1999 | |
UWM Graduate School Research Incentive Fellowship Support Grant 1997-1998 | $1,000 |
UWM Office of International Studies and Programs/Faculty Travel Awards 1997 | $ 300 |
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant June-Sept 1995 | $10,000 |
National Graduate Fellows Program (NGFP)/Jacob Javits Fellowship 1986-1989 | $38,000 |
2010. The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography. Derek B. Counts and Bettina Arnold (eds). Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2008. The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula. Vol. 6, e-Keltoi. Alberro, Manuel and Bettina Arnold (eds). Center for Celtic Studies: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
2001. Gender and the Archaeology of Death, Bettina Arnold and Nancy L. Wicker (eds). Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
1999. From the Ground Up: Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology, Nancy L. Wicker and Bettina Arnold (eds). British Archaeological Reports International Series 812. Oxford: Archaeopress.
1995. Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State: The Evolution of Complex Social Systems in Prehistoric Europe, Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Journal Articles and Chapters in Books
2022. The perils of a usable past: archaeology’s journey from culture history to culture wars. Getty-CAS Spring School Working Paper Series 13/1 The Impact of the Political on Archaeological Research, pp. 1-22. University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
2022. “If you brew it, they will come”: Experimental archaeology, ancient alcohol and museums. In: Valamoti SM, Dimoula A, Ntinou M (eds), Cooking with Plants in Ancient Europe and Beyond: Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, pp. 493-504. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2022. National Socialist archaeology as a Faustian bargain: the contrasting careers of Hans Reinerth and Herbert Jankuhn. In Bernard M. Levinson and Robert P. Ericksen (eds), Betrayal of the Humanities under National Socialism, pp. 332- 357. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
2021. “And make some other man our King”: mortuary evidence for labile elite power structures in early Iron Age Europe. In Tim Thurston and Manuel Fernández-Götz (eds), Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record, pp. 106-124. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2021. “Man the hunter and field archaeologist vs. woman the gatherer and laboratory analyst”, pp. 14-15; and “Men were active producers of tools, art and innovation, while women were passive home-bound breeders”, pp. 10-11. In: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bisserka Gaydarska and Uroš Matić (eds), Gender Stereotypes in Archaeology. A Short Reflection in Image and Text. Leiden, Sidestone Press. Free download available:
2021. Prähistorische Geschmackswelten. Archäologie in Deutschland, January 2021:40-41. With Josh Driscoll.
2021. Rauschende Feste, große Vorräte. Archäologie in Deutschland, January 2021:34-37. Josh Driscoll, trans. B. Arnold.
2020. Intersectionality and elite identity in Iron Age west-central European mortuary contexts. In Patrice Brun, Bruno Chaume and Federica Sacchetti (eds), Vix et le Phenomene Princier. Colloque international de Châtillon-sur-Seine, France, pp. 299-309. Préhistoires de la Méditerranée. Una Éditions, Bordeaux.
2019. Internal conflict in Iron Age Europe: methodological challenges and possible scenarios. With Manuel Fernandez-Götz. World Archaeology, Vol 51(5):654-672. DOI:
2019. Von Bozen nach Wisconsin und zurück – die Entdeckungen des William Frankfurth. Archäologie in Deutschland, (5): 44-45.
2019. A landscape of ancestors—looking back and thinking forward. With Matthew L. Murray. In Celeste Ray and Manuel Fernández-Götz (eds), Historical Ecologies and Complex Societies: Festschrift for Carole Crumley, pp. 235-247. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
2019. “Der stete Antiquar”: William Frankfurth (1829-1891) aus Milwaukee, WI, USA. In: Günther Kaufmann and Andreas Putzer (eds), Die Anfänge der Archäologie im Süden Tirols: Forschungsgeschichte bis 1919, pp. 1-12. Bolzano, Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum.
2019. Expect the unexpected: implications of recent analyses of mortuary vessels for early Iron Age social configurations and commensality in southwest Germany. In Philipp Stockhammer and Janine Fries-Knoblach (eds), Was Tranken die frühen Kelten? Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importgefäße im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa, pp. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2018. The grave’s a not-so-private place: elite multiple burials in early Iron Age west-central Europe. With Manuel Fernández-Götz. Germania 95: 181-198.
2018. Agency in architectural choice: the Heuneburg hillfort as monument and metaphor. With Manuel Fernández-Götz. Understanding Ancient Fortifications: Between Regionality and Connectivity, Ariane Ballmer, Manuel Fernández-Götz and Dirk P. Mielke (eds), pp. 147-156. Oxford: Oxbow.
2017. Elites before the Fürstensitze: Hallstatt C sumptuous graves between Main and Danube. With M. Fernandez-Goetz, Connecting Elites and Regions: Perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe, 183-199. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2017. Blut klebt an Hallstattscherben. Krim-Congo-Fiebervirus bei den frühen Kelten? With Conner Wiktorowicz and Matthew L. Murray. Archäologie in Deutschland 2017 (2): 5.
2017. Keltischer Trank aus Brew City, USA. With Joshua Driscoll. Archäologie in Deutschland 2017 (2): 64-65.
2017. Hemorrhagic fever virus, human blood, and tissues in Iron Age mortuary vessels. With Conner Wiktorowicz, John E. Wiktorowicz, Matthew L. Murray, & Alexander Kurosky. Journal of Archaeological Science, 78(February), 29-39.
2016. Paramount elites and gender studies in Iron Age Europe. In D. Krausse, M. Fernández-Götz, L. Hansen and I. Kretschmer (eds), The Heuneburg and the Early Iron Age Princely Seats: First Towns North of the Alps, pp. 169-174. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2016. Two Hallstatt burial mounds in the Hohmichele group in the ‘Speckhau’. With Matthew L. Murray. In D. Krausse, M. Fernández-Götz, L. Hansen and I. Kretschmer (eds), The Heuneburg and the Early Iron Age Princely Seats: First Towns North of the Alps, pp. 121-127. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2016. Das Geheimnis von Sammlung 213: Milwaukee, USA. Der Hobbyarchäologe William Frankfurth in den Alpen. With Harald Stadler. In Florian Müller and Harald Stadler (eds), Graben, Entdecken, Sammeln: Laienforscher in der Geschichte der Archäologie Österreichs, 259-276. Vienna, Berlin, Münster: LIT Verlag.
2016. Belts vs. blades: the binary bind in Iron Age southwest German mortuary contexts. In Lara Ghisleni, Alexis M. Jordan, Emily Fioccoprile (eds), Special issue “Binary Binds”: Deconstructing Sex and Gender Dichotomies in Archaeological Practice, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 23(2), 832-853.
2015. Fibulae and dress in Iron Age Europe. With Sabine Hagmann. Encyclopedia of Dress and Fashion. New York: Berg.
2015. Zwei hallstattzeitliche Grabhügel der Hohmichele-Gruppe im „Speckhau“. With M.L. Murray. In D. Krausse, I. Kretschmer, L. Hansen and M. Fernández-Götz (eds), Die Heuneburg: Ein Keltischer Fürstensitz an der oberen Donau, pp. 114-117. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart.
2015. Reconstituting community: 3D visualization and early Iron Age social organization in the Heuneburg mortuary landscape. With Kevin Garstki and Matthew L. Murray. Journal of Archaeological Science 54: 23-30.
2015. Archaeology and politics in the 21st century: still Faustian, but not much of a bargain. In Kristian Kristiansen, Ladislav Smejda and Jan Turek (eds), Paradigm Found: Archaeological Theory, Past, Present and Future. Essays in Honor of Evžen Neustupný, pp. 178-185. Oxford: Oxbow.
2014. Life after life: bioarchaeology and postmortem agency. In John Crandall and Debra Martin (eds), The Bioarchaeology of Postmortem Agency: Integrating Archaeological Theory with Human Skeletal Remains. Special section Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24(3): 523-529.
2014. The archaeology of death: mortuary archaeology in the U.S. and Europe 1990-2013. With Robert J. Jeske. Annual Review of Anthropology 43: 325-346.
2014. Pins and rings as head ornaments in early Iron Age southwest Germany. With Sabine Hagmann. Encyclopedia of Dress and Fashion. New York: Berg.
2014. Erasure of the Past. In Helaine I. Silverman and Vasiliki Kynourgiopoulou (eds), World Heritage volume, Encylopedia of Global Archaeology, pp. 2441-2448. New York: Springer.
2013. The lake dwelling diaspora and natural history museums: identity, collecting and ethics. In Francesco Menotti and Aidan O’Sullivan (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology, pp. 875-891. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2012. Gürtelfrauen und Dolchmänner: Zwei Hügel der Speckhau-Hohmichele-Gruppe. In Jörg Heiligmann and Barbara Theune-Großkopf (eds), Die Welt der Kelten: Zentren der Macht – Kostbarkeiten der Kunst, pp. 127-129. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag.
2012. The Vix Princess redux: a retrospective on European Iron Age gender and mortuary studies. In Lourdes Prados Torreira (ed.), La Arqueología funeraria desde una perspectiva de género, pp. 215-232. Madrid: UA Ediciones.
2012. Gender and temporality in Iron Age west-central Europe. In Mary Jo Maynes and Marynel Ryan (eds), Temporalities and Periodization in Human History: Conversations across the Disciplines of History and Archaeology Special Section Social Science History 36(1): 85-112.
2012. “Soul Stones”: Unmodified Quartz and Other Lithic Material in Early Iron Age Burials. In Peter Anreiter, Eszter Bánffy, László Bartosiewicz, Wolfgang Meid and Carola Metzner-Nebelsick (eds), Archaeological, Cultural and Linguistic Heritage: Festschrift for Erzsébet Jerem in Honour of her 70th Birthday, pp. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2011. The illusion of power, the power of illusion: ideology and the concretization of social difference in early Iron Age Europe. In Reinhard Bernbeck and Randall McGuire (eds), Ideologies in Archaeology, pp. 151-174. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2010. Memory maps: The mnemonics of Central European Iron Age burial mounds. In Katina Lillios and Vasileios Tsamis (eds), Material Mnemonics: Everyday Memory in Prehistoric Europe, pp. 147-173. Oxford: Oxbow.
2010. Beasts of the Forest and Beasts of the Field: The Master of Animals in Iron Age Continental Europe. In Derek B. Counts and Bettina Arnold (eds), The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography, pp. 193-210. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2010. Bettina Arnold and Derek B. Counts. Prolegomenon: The many masks of the Master of Animals. In Derek B. Counts and Bettina Arnold (eds), The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography, pp. 9-24. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2010. Eventful archaeology, the Heuneburg mud-brick wall and the early Iron Age of southwest Germany. In Douglas Bolender (ed.), Eventful Archaeologies, pp. 176-186. Buffalo: State University of New York Press.
2009. Life among the Celts” and “Into Battle. Calliope: Meet the Early Irish, pp. 14-17 and 24-27.
2008. “Reading the body”: Geschlechterdifferenz im Totenritual der frühen Eisenzeit. In Ulrich Veit, Beat Schweizer and Christoph Kümmel (eds), Köperinszenierung – Objektsammlung – Monumentalisierung: Totenritual und Grabkult in frühen Gesellschaften, pp. 375-395. Münster: Waxmann.
2006. Gender in mortuary ritual. In Sarah M. Nelson (ed.), Reader in Gender Archaeology, pp. 137-170. Walnut Creek: AltaMira.
2006. Mabinogion. In David Scott Kastan (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature, Vol. 4, pp. 348-350. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2006. “Arierdämmerung”: Race and Archaeology in Nazi Germany. In Chris Gosden (ed.), Race, Racism and Archaeology. World Archaeology 38 (1): 8-31. London: Routledge.
2006. Pseudoarchaeology and nationalism. In Garrett G. Fagan (ed.), Archaeological Fantasies: How Pseudoarchaeology Misrepresents the Past and Misleads the Public, pp.154-179. London: Routledge.
2005. Teaching with intent: the archaeology of gender. In K. Anne Pyburn (ed.), Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 1(2):83-93. AltaMira.
2005. Mobile Men, Sedentary Women? Material culture as a marker of regional and supra-regional interaction in early Iron Age southwest Germany. In Halina Dobrzanska, J.V.S. Megaw and Paulina Poleska (eds), Celts on the Margin: Studies in European Cultural Interaction 7th c. BC – 1st c. AD. Essays in Honor of Zenon Wozniak, pp. 17-26. Krakow: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of the Sciences.
2004. Early Iron Age mortuary ritual in southwest Germany: The Heuneburg and the “Landscape of Ancestors” project. In Ladislav Smejda and Jan Turek (eds), Spatial Analysis of Funerary Areas, pp. 148-158. Plzen: University of West Bohemia.
2004. Machtbeziehungen und Geschlechterdifferenz in der vorgeschichtlichen Eisenzeit Europas. In Bernhard Heininger, Stephanie Böhm and Ulrike Sals (eds), Machtbeziehungen, Geschlechterdifferenz und Religion, pp. 9-34. Münster: LIT Verlag.
2004. Dealing with the devil: the Faustian bargain of archaeology under dictatorship. In Michael Galaty and Charles Watkinson (eds), Archaeology Under Dictatorship, pp. 191-212. New York: Kluwer/Plenum.
2003. The Heuneburg. In Pam J. Crabtree and Peter Bogucki (eds), Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, pp. 249-252. Charles Scribner/The Gale Group.
2003. Iron Age Germany. In Pam J. Crabtree and Peter Bogucki (eds), Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, pp 241-246. Charles Scribner/The Gale Group.
2003. Feasting in Iron Age Europe. In Pam J. Crabtree and Peter Bogucki (eds), Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, pp. 179-183. Charles Scribner/The Gale Group.
2003. Landscapes of Ancestors: Early Iron Age Hillforts and their Mound Cemeteries. Expedition: The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 45 (1): 8-13. Special Issue: The Celts.
2003. Untersuchungen an einem zweiten hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügel der Hohmichele-Gruppe im “Speckhau”, Markung Heiligkreuztal, Gemeinde Altheim, Landkreis Biberach. Bettina Arnold, Matthew L. Murray und Seth A. Schneider. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2002: 78-81.
2003. “Put out the geese, the Celts are coming!” Iron Age migration and social change in central Europe. Bettina Arnold and Matthew L. Murray. In C. Allum, J. Kahn, Christine Cluney and Meaghan Peurakmaki-Brown (eds), Ancient Travelers. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Chacmool Conference, pp. 111-118. Calgary: Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary.
2002. A transatlantic perspective on German archaeology. In Heinrich Härke (ed.), Archaeology, Ideology and Society: The German Experience (2nd edition), pp. 401-425. Series Gesellschaften und Staaten Vol. 7. Bern and Frankfurt: Fritz Lang Verlag.
2002. Heuneburg and Speckhau, Germany. In Timothy Darvill (ed.), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2002. Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In Timothy Darvill (ed.), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2002. A landscape of ancestors in southwest Germany. Bettina Arnold and Matthew L. Murray. News & Notes. Antiquity 76(292): 321-322.
2002. Justifying genocide: the supporting role of archaeology in “ethnic cleansing”. In Alex Hinton (ed.), Annihilating Difference: The Anthropology of Genocide, pp. 95-116. University of California Press.
2002. A landscape of ancestors: the space and place of death in Iron Age West-Central Europe. In Helaine Silverman and David Small (eds), The Space and Place of Death, AP3A No. 11. Arlington: Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association.
2002. “Sein und Werden”: Gender as Process in Mortuary Ritual. In Sarah Nelson and Myriam Rosen-Ayalon (eds), In Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches, pp. 239-256. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
2001. The limits of agency in the analysis of elite Celtic Iron Age burials. Journal of Social Archaeology 1(2): 211-223.
2001. Editorial Comment: Archaeology and the Media. Antiquity 75(289):463-466.
2001. Underwater archaeology and film at the Gateway to the Baltic: Report on the 4th International Archaeology-Film-Art Festival, Kiel Germany April 2000. AIA Newsletter 16(5): 9, 12.
2001. The West-Central European Early Iron Age. In Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember (eds), Human Relations Area Files Encyclopedia of Prehistory Vol. 4: Europe, Chapter 31, pp. 364-379. New York: Kluwer Academic.
2001. Abschließende Untersuchungen in einem hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügel der Hohmichele-Gruppe im “Speckhau”, Markung Heiligkreuztal, Gemeinde Altheim, Landkreis Biberach. Bettina Arnold, Matthew L. Murray und Seth A. Schneider. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2000: 67-70.
2001. Power drinking in Iron Age Europe. British Archaeology 57:12-19.
2000. A transatlantic perspective on German archaeology. In Heinrich Härke, (ed.) Archaeology, Ideology and Society: The German Experience, pp. 398-422. Series Gesellschaften und Staaten Vol. 7. Bern and Frankfurt: Fritz Lang Verlag.
2000. Untersuchungen in einem hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügel der Hohmichele-Gruppe im “Speckhau”, Markung Heiligkreuztal, Gemeinde Altheim, Landkreis Biberach. Bettina Arnold, Matthew L. Murray und Seth A. Schneider. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1999: 64-67.
2000. The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals. Reprinted in James M. Bayman and Miriam T. Stark (eds), Exploring the Past: Readings in Archaeology, pp. 471-480. Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
1999. The contested past. Anthropology Today 15(4): 1-4. London: Royal Anthropological Institute.
1999. “Drinking the Feast”: Alcohol and the legitimation of power in Celtic Europe. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9(1): 71-93.
1998/1999. The power of the past: Nationalism and archaeology in 20th century Germany. Archaeologia Polona 35/36:237-253 “Archaeology in the 20th Century: Ideas – People – Research“. Polish Academy of the Sciences.
1998. Comment in Current Anthropology 39(1):27. Article by Heinrich Härke “Archaeologists and migrations: a problem of attitude”.
1996. Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson (eds), Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State: The Evolution of Complex Social Systems in Prehistoric Europe, . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paperback edition.
1996. “Honorary males” or women of substance? Gender, status and power in Iron Age Europe. Journal of European Archaeology 3(2): 153-168. Ayrshire: Cruithne Press.
1996. The past as propaganda: Totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany. Reprinted in Robert W. Preucel and Ian Hodder (eds), Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, pp. 549-569. New York: Plenum.
1996. Cups of bronze and gold: Drinking equipment and status in early Iron Age Europe. In Daniel A. Meyer, Peter C. Dawson and Donald T. Hanna (eds), Debating Complexity: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Chacmool Conference, pp. 104-112. Calgary: The Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary.
1995. Archaeology in Nazi Germany: The legacy of the Faustian bargain. Bettina Arnold and Henning Haßmann. In Philip L. Kohl and Clare Fawcett (eds), Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology, pp. 70-81. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1995. The material culture of social structure: rank and status in early Iron Age Europe. In Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson (eds), Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State: The Evolution of Complex Social Systems in Prehistoric Europe, pp. 43-52. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1995. Introduction. Beyond the mists: forging an ethnological approach to Celtic studies, with D. Blair Gibson. In Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson (eds), Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State: The Evolution of Complex Social Systems in Prehistoric Europe, pp. 1-10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1995. “Bog Body”. Anthropology and Humanism 20(1):64.
1995. The Kartomat: A field drawing machine. Bettina Arnold and Egon Gersbach. Journal of Field Archaeology 22(3):369-376.
1993. Newsbrief: Lake Constance Yields breast Relief. Archaeology March/April: 23.
1992. The past as propaganda: How Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37.
1991. The deposed princess of Vix: The need for an engendered European prehistory. In Dale Walde and Noreen D. Willows (eds), The Archaeology of Gender: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Chacmool Conference, pp. 366-374. Calgary: University of Calgary.
1990. The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany. Antiquity 64(244):464-478.
1988. Slavery in late prehistoric Europe: Recovering the evidence for social structure in Iron Age society. In Michael N. Geselowitz and D. Blair Gibson (eds), Tribe and Polity in Late Prehistoric Europe: Demography, Production and Exchange in the Evolution of Complex Social Systems, pp. 179-192. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Reprinted Articles/Chapters in Books
2019 (2014). Third printing of Erasure of the past. In Claire Smith (ed.), Encylopedia of Global Archaeology, 3nd ed. New York: Springer.
2018 (2014). Second printing of Erasure of the past. In Claire Smith (ed.), Encylopedia of Global Archaeology, 2nd ed. New York: Springer.
2010 (1992). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals”. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. 6th reprinting in Mari Pritchard Parker and Elvio Angeloni (eds), Annual Editions in Archaeology 05/06 Unit 5, pp. 148-151. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
2008 (1990). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany” Antiquity 64: 464-478. In Tim Murray and Chris Evans (eds), Histories of Archaeology: A Reader in the History of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2007 (2006). Reprint of “Gender in mortuary ritual”. In Sarah M. Nelson (ed.) Handbook of Gender Archaeology, pp. 137-170. Walnut Creek: AltaMira. In Sarah M. Nelson (ed.) Women in Antiquity: Theoretical Approaches to Gender and Archaeology, pp. 107-140. Walnut Creek: AltaMira.
2006 (1992). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals”. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. 6th reprinting in Linda L. Hasten (ed.), Annual Editions in Archaeology, 05/06, Unit 37, pp. 164-167. Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill.
2004 (1992). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals”. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. 5th reprinting in Linda L. Hasten (ed.), Annual Editions in Archaeology 04/05, Unit 37, pp. 193-6. Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw Hill.
2001 (1992). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals”. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. 3rd reprinting in Linda L. Hasten (ed.), Annual Editions in Archaeology, 01/02, Unit 37, pp. 197-200. Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill.
1999 (1992). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals”. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. 2nd reprinting in Linda L. Hasten (ed.), Annual Editions in Archaeology 00/01, Unit 37, pp. 134-136. Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill.
1996 (1990). Reprint of “The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany” Antiquity 64: 464-478. The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany. Reprinted in Robert W. Preucel and Ian Hodder (eds), Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, pp. 549-569. New York: Plenum.
1995 (1992). Reprint of The past as propaganda: how Hitler’s archaeologists distorted European prehistory to justify racist and territorial goals. Archaeology July/August 1992:30-37. Annual Editions in Archaeology 95/96. In Linda L. Hasten (ed.), pp. 132-135. Guilford: Dushkin Publishing Group.
Book Reviews
2020. Review of Wendling, H., Augstein, M., Fries-Knoblach, J., Ludwig, K., Schumann, R., Tappert, C., Trebsche, P., und Wiethold, J. (Hrsg.): Übergangswelten – Todesriten: Forschungen zur Bestattungskultur der europäischen Eisenzeit (Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 86). Langenweissbach: Beier & Beran. 2018. Archäologische Informationen 43 (2020).
2019. Review of Ludwig Wamser, Mauenheim und Bargen. Zwei Grabhügelfelder der Hallstatt- und Frühlatènezeit aus dem nördlichen Hegau. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg 2. Germania 96: 361-365.
2016. Review of Manuel Fernández-Götz, Holger Wendling, and Katja Winger, eds. Paths to Complexity: Centralism and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2014. American Journal of Archaeology, July 2016 (120.3).
2013. Review of Ian Armit Headhunting and the Body in Iron Age Europe, 2012. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 23(1): 142-144.
2012. Review of Tom Moore and Xosé-Lois Armada (eds), Atlantic Europe in the First Millennium BC: Crossing the Divide, 2011. Archaeological Journal 169: 555-556.
2012. Review of Larissa Bonfante (ed.) The Barbarians of Ancient Europe: Realities and Interactions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. American Journal of Archaeology, April 2012.
2009. Review of Philip L. Kohl, Mara Kozelsky, and Nachman Ben-Yehuda (eds), Selective Remembrances: Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts, 2007. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In American Journal of Archaeology, 13(4):657-658.
2009. Review of Barry Cunliffe Europe between the Oceans: 9000 BC – AD 1000. Yale University Press. American Scientist, July-August 2009 pp. 330-332.
2008. Review of G.M. Cohen and M.S. Joukousky (eds). 2004 Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Current Anthropology, 49(2):342-343.
2008. Review of J.-P. Legendre, L. Olivier and B. Schnitzler (eds). 2007 L’archéologie nazie en Europe de l’Ouest. Paris: Infolio. Antiquity, 82:234-236.
2003. Review of Patrice Brun and Bruno Chaume (eds). Vix et les éphémères principautés celtiques: Les VI-V siècle avant J.-C. en Europe centre-occidentale. Actes du colloque de Châtillon-sur-Seine. Paris: Editions Errance 1997. Germania 81(1): 318-322.
2002. Review of Stefan Burmeister Geschlecht, Alter und Herrschaft in der Späthallstattzeit Württembergs. Tübinger Schriften zur Ur- und Frühgschichtlichen Archäologie 4. Münster: Waxmann. 2000. Solicited by European Journal of Archaeology.
2002. Review of Alison Rautman (ed.), Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record. University of Pennsylvania Press 2000. American Journal of Archaeology, 106:476-477.
2002. Review of Wolfgang Kimmig (ed.), Importe und mediterrane Einflüsse auf der Heuneburg. Heuneburg Studien XI, Römisch Germanische Forschungen 59. Mainz: Phillip von Zabern Verlag 2000. Antiquity, 76(292):586-587.
1998. Review of Siân Jones The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present. Routledge 1997. Journal of Anthropological Research, 54: 271-273.
1997. Review of John A. Atkinson Iain Banks and Jerry O’Sullivan (eds) Nationalism and Archaeology: Scottish Archaeological Forum. Cruithne Press 1996. American Antiquity, 62(3):567-568.
1996. Review of Miranda Green (ed.) The Celtic World. Routledge 1995. American Journal of Archaeology, 100(2):439-440.
1992. Review of Klavs Randsborg The 1st Millennium AD in Europe and the Mediterranean: An Archaeological Essay. Cambridge University Press 1991. American Anthropologist, 94(4):1008.
In Press
Gone but not forgotten: cremation, curation and commemoration in the Speckhau mound group near the Heuneburg hillfort. With Matthew L. Murray. In Carola Metzner-Nebelsick and Anneli O’Neill (eds), Cremation Burials in Europe between the 2nd Mill. B.C. and the 4th c. A.D.: Archaeology and Anthropology. Munich: University of Munich.
Submitted for Publication
Bettina Arnold and Matthew L. Murray, with contributions by Tanja Kreß. A Landscape of Ancestors: Archaeological Investigations of Two Iron Age Burial Mounds in the Hohmichele Group, Baden-Württemberg. LAD Baden-Württemberg: Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag. Submitted September 2018 (2nd submission July 2020).
“Lieber Freund!” 19th c. correspondence networks and the early history of the Milwaukee Public Museum. In: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bettina Arnold and Laszlo Bartosiewicz (eds). Connecting People and Ideas: Networks and Networking in the History of Archaeology. August 2022.
Connecting People and Ideas: Networks and Networking in the History of Archaeology. Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bettina Arnold and Laszlo Bartosiewicz (eds). Springer. October 2022.
An enigma wrapped in a mystery: Speckhau Tumulus 17 Grave 1. With Matthew L. Murray. In: L. Hansen, D. Krausse, R. Tarpini (eds). Heuneburg. Forschungen und Berichte in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag.
In Progress
Women-sojourners and men-of-the-place? The evidence for individual mobility in early Iron Age southwest Germany. In James Johnson, Guus Kroonen, and Rune Iversen (eds), Mobilities and Migrations in the Making of Later Eurasian Prehistory: Festschrift for David Anthony. CUP. September 2021.
The wandering warrior: new approaches to understanding early La Tène migration. In Elite Mobility and Funerary Practices in Early Iron Age Europe, edited by S. van der Vaart-Verschoof, R. Schumann and L. Olivier. Leiden, Sidestone Press. Fall 2021.
The Power of the Past: Archaeology and Politics. Volume solicited by Wiley. Proposal submitted July 1, 2020.
Collections from the Swiss Site of La Tène in U.S. Natural History Museums. With Richard Kubicek. Cahiers d’archéologie romande: University of Neuchatel.
Introduction. In Bettina Arnold (ed.), Handbook of Continental Celtic Archaeology. Volume solicited by Oxford University Press.
Die Kelten in Schwaben. With Sabine Hagmann. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag.
Archaeology of Iron Age Europe. Volume solicited by Cambridge University Press, World Archaeology Series.
Nazi Archaeology: The Faustian Bargain. New York: Plenum.
Other Publications
2008. Consultant on J. Green The Ancient Celts. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.
Conferences/Events Organized
Organized Archaeological Institute of America/Milwaukee chapter “State of Wisconsin Archaeology Expert Panel” event, November 15, 2020. Teams Live Event.
UWM Unhopped Iron Brewer Challenge February 1, 2020; event held at the Honors College from 5:00-7:00pm; attendance about 75 people.
Brew City MKE “Evolution to Revolution: From Ancient Brews to Craft Brews” February 22, 2019.
UWM Unhopped Iron Brewer Challenge January 2019. Organized event with PhD advisee Josh Driscoll.
UWM Unhopped Iron Brewer Challenge December 2017.
5th Gender and Archaeology Conference held at UWM October 9-10 1998. More than 90 participants and about 40 papers presented. Two co-edited volumes: British Archaeological Reports International Series 812), and AltaMira Press.
Papers, Talks and Workshops Presented
Invited speaker, colloquium “Elite Mobility and Funerary Practices in Early Iron Age Europe”, 19-21 October 2022. Musée d’Archéologie Nationale, Saint Germain-en-Laye, France, for the Déchelette Prize. Talk title: “The wandering warrior? New approaches to understanding early La Tène migration”.
Presented paper at the 2022 Midwest Archaeological Conference, La Crosse, WI October 13-15 in “All Who Wonder Are Not Lost: Bob Jeske Festschrift Session. Talk title: “Of Mounds and Moundbuilders: An Old World/New World Comparison”.
Invited speaker, University of Kiel Collaborative Research Centre Colloquium. Talk title: “Conjunctions and disjunctions in interpretations of European Iron Age socio-temporal meshworks”. January 17, 2022.
Co-organized a two-day session at the 27th annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting (virtual) on Wednesday September 8 and Thursday September 9, 2021. Session title: Shaping a Discipline: Knowledge Transmission and Exchange in the History of Archaeology Parts I and II. Co-organizers: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu (Römisch-Germanische Kommission) and Ana Cristina Martins (Evora University).
Invited speaker, Later European Prehistory Group, University of Cambridge, UK. “The Warrior That Wasn’t: Politics and the Archaeology of Gender”. May 17, 2021.
Invited senior scholar presenting two lectures and a workshop at the virtual Getty-CAS Spring School on “The Impact of the Political on Archaeological Research” at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria April 19-23:
UWM Anthropology Colloquium series. Talk title: The Warrior that Wasn’t: Politics and the Archaeology of Gender, November 13, 2020.
Invited presentation for University of Iowa graduate seminar on Gender, Archaeology and Politics, October 22, 2020.
Interviewed about the Center for Celtic Studies and e-Keltoi for course in the UWM Department of English (ENG 306 Survey of Irish Literature) by Elizabeth Hoover, October 15, 2020.
Presented paper at 26th annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting (virtual) on Thursday August 27, 2020. Talk title: Lieber Freund!” 19th century correspondence networks and the early history of the Milwaukee Public Museum.
Co-organized session at the at 26th annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting (virtual) on Thursday August 27, 2020. Session title: Connecting People and Ideas: Networks and Networking in the History of Archaeology. Co-organizers: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu (University of Barcelona) and Laszlo Bartosiewicz (Stockholm University).
Invited speaker, UW Madison Department of Anthropology Brown Bag Lunch. Talk title: Keltenbräu: Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe. UW Madison Sewell Social Sciences Building, March 6, 2020.
Invited speaker, UWM Alumni Association, Master Chat. Talk title: The Past on Tap: Archaeology, Craft Beer and Science Education. UWM Golda Meier Library February 7, 2020.
Presented paper at the 2019 American Anthropological Association annual meeting in Vancouver, Canada November 21-24, 2019. Talk title: Stereoscopic Vision: European and US Perspectives on Archaeological Gender Studies.
Invited speaker, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, October 21, 2019. Talk title: The Past on Tap: Feasts and Fermented Brews in Prehistoric Europe.
Invited speaker, Premodern Food Cultures Conference October 17-19, 2019, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Talk title: Tapping into the Past: The Archaeology of Ancient Alcohol, Community Partnerships and Public Education.
Presenter, with Josh Driscoll, at the Beer Baron’s Bash at the Pabst Mansion. Mesopotamian Bappir: A Cold Mashed 3rd Millennium BC Brew. September 28, 2019.
Invited speaker, UISPP Commission on the History of Archaeology, Tuesday September 10, 2019. Talk title: New perspectives on the history of European archaeology in the U.S.: Old World/New World comparative analysis then and now. Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome, Italy.
Presented paper at 25nd annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Bern, Switzerland, Friday September 6, 2019. Talk title: Women-Sojourners and Men-of-the-Place? The Evidence for Individual Mobility in Early Iron Age Southwest Germany.
Presented paper at the 43rd Annual Symposium for German American Studies in Madison, WI, Friday, April 11, 2019. Talk title: The Mystery of Accession 213: William (Wilhelm) Frankfurth in the Alps.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America, Santa Fe, New Mexico Chapter, March 19, 2019. Talk title: Keltenbräu: Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe.
Panelist and co-organizer of “Evolution to Revolution: From Ancient Brews to Craft Brews” event at Brew City MKE February 22, 2019. Presented the Keltenbräu #1 braggot with Lambic yeast based on the Speckhau Tumulus 17 Grave 1 cauldron burial.
Invited speaker, University of Hohenheim, ERC PLANTCULT Workshop “Ancient Beer: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Identification in the Archaeological Record”, February 8, 2019. Talk title: Tapping into the Past: Experimental Brewing, Community Partnerships and Public Education”.
Invited speaker, Milwaukee Public Museum, William Frankfurth Family Event, December 14, 2018. Talk title: The Constant Antiquarian: Accession 213 and William Frankfurth in the Alps.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Cincinnati, OH Chapter, University of Cincinnati Blegen Hall, November 8, 2018. Inaugural Ann Santen Endowed Lecture. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Bring Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Spokane, WA Chapter, Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane, WA. November 1, 2018. Talk title: Keltenbräu: Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe.
Presented paper at 24nd annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Barcelona, Spain, with Richard Kubicek and Thomas H. Hruby, Saturday September 8, 2018. Talk title: The Iron Age Abroad: Collections from the Site of La Tène in U.S. Museums.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Springfield, OH Chapter, Wittenberg College, Springfield, OH. March 20, 2018. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology brings European Iron Age back to life.
Invited speaker, with Matthew L. Murry, University of Munich International Conference on “Cremation Burials in Europe between the 2nd millennium and 4th century AD”. October 12-14, 2017. Talk title: Gone but not forgotten: cremation, curation and commemoration in the Speckhau mound group neat the Heuneburg hillfort.
Invited speaker, University of Edinburgh Department of History, Classics and Archaeology Lecture Series. September 14, 2017. Talk title: Keltenbräu: Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe.
Invited speaker, J. Paul Getty Museum’s “Bacchus Uncorked” program series. July 15 and July 16, 2017. Presentation title: The Past on Tap: Feasts and Fermented Brews in Ancient Europe.
Invited speaker, International Conference “What did the early Celts drink? Meanings and functions of imported Mediterranean vessels in Early Iron Age Central Europe,” Weltenburg Monastery, Bavaria, Germany, April 28-May 1, 2017. Talk title: Expect the unexpected: implications of recent analyses of mortuary vessels for Early Iron Age social configurations in southwest Germany.
Presented paper at 82nd annual Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, April 1, 2017. Talk title: “And Make Some Other Man Our King”: Mortuary Evidence for Labile Elite Power Structures in Early Iron Age Europe.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Southwest Texas Chapter, Chapman Center Auditorium, Trinity College, San Antonio, TX. March 23, 2017. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age back to Life.
Invited speaker, Three Rivers Archaeological Society. Logan Museum, Beloit College, Beloit, WI. November 14, 2016. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited speaker, Colloque international de Châtillon-sur-Seine, France. Vix et le Phenomene Princier. October 28, 2016. Talk title: Intersectionality and Elite Identity in Iron Age West-Central European Mortuary Contexts.
Invited speaker, Kolloquium zu aktuellen Forschungen, Institut für Archäologie FB Prähistorische Archäologie, University of Zürich, Switzerland, October 25, 2016. Talk title: Intersectionality, Personal Ornament and Gender Marking in Early Iron Age Southwest Germany.
Demonstration of copper jewelry production and fibula chronologies AIA Milwaukee Society International Archaeology Day event, October 15, 2016. Theme: You Are What You Wear: Clothing and Adornment in the Ancient World.
Presented paper at 22nd annual European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, with Manuel Fernández-Götz, Saturday September 3, 2016. Talk title: The Grave’s a Not So Private Place: Elite Multiple Burials in Early Iron Age West-Central Europe.
Invited speaker, Heuneburg Colloquium, Heiligkreuztal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Talk title: Die Verflechtung von Geschlecht, Alter und Gesellschaft: Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus Hügel 17 und 18 der Hohmichelegruppe im Speckhau. July 1, 2016.
Invited speaker, Celtic Women International meeting, Delavan, WI. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age back to Life. April 30, 2016.
Presented paper at 81st annual Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, FL with Conner Wiktorowicz, April 7, 2016. Talk title: A Bloody Mystery: Proteomic Residue Analysis of Funerary Ceramics from the Early Iron Age Heuneburg.
Presented paper at 81st annual Society for American Archaeology meeting in Orlando, FL with Matthew L. Murray, April 7, 2016. Talk title: A “Landscape of Ancestors”: Looking Back and Thinking Forward. Session in Honor of Carole Crumley.
Invited speaker, Classics seminar, Carthage College. Talk title: The Lord of the Hunt: Animal Mastery and Elite Status in Iron Age Europe. April 5, 2016.
Invited speaker, Niemann Theater Lecture Program Public Lecture sponsored by Carthage College Eta Sigma Phi and Classics Department. Talk title: Keltenbräu: Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe. April 5, 2016.
Co-presented paper at conference on Connected Elites and Regions in the Early Hallstatt Period, Leiden, Holland on November 20, 2015. With Manuel Fernández-Götz. Talk title: Elites before the Fürstensitze: Early Hallstatt Sumptuous Graves between Main and Danube.
Invited Banquet Speaker, Midwest Archaeological Conference, Milwaukee, WI November 7, 2015. Talk title: Rebuilding the Bridge: Old World/New World Comparative Analyses Then and Now.
Invited speaker, UISPP Sponsored Conference “Être et paraître en Europe. Identité et parures féminines aux âge du Bronze et du Fer”. September 17-19, 2015 Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. Talk title: Intersectionality, Personal Ornament and Gender Marking in Early Iron Age Southwest Germany.
Presented paper at 80th annual Society for American Archaeology meeting in San Francisco April 18, 2015. With Manuel Fernandez-Götz, University of Edinburgh. Talk title: Building Community: The Heuneburg Hillfort as Monument and Metaphor.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Rockford Chapter, Burpee Museum, Rockford, IL. December 4, 2014. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age back to Life.
Invited speaker, College of Wooster Archaeology Student Colloquium, Wooster, OH. October 23, 2014. Talk title: Technology and Science in the Service of Archaeology: Burial and Society in Iron Age Southwest Germany.
Presented paper at 20th annual European Archaeological Association meeting, Istanbul, Turkey September 12, 2014. With Sabine Hagmann, Landesamt für Baden-Württemberg Referat Hemmenhofen. Talk title: Dressing the Dead in Iron Age Germany: Evidence for Clothing and Costume from the Landscape of Ancestors Project.
Presented paper at 20th annual European Archaeological Association meeting, Istanbul, Turkey September 12, 2014. Talk title: Belts vs. Blades: The Binary Bind on Iron Age Southwest German Mortuary Contexts.
Invited speaker, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, WI “Agriculture to Tavern Culture” Exhibit program. Talk title: “The German Roots of Wisconsin Brewing: From the Iron Age to the Information Age”. August 19, 2014.
Invited Speaker, UWM (Re-)Mapping Galician Studies in North America Conference. Talk title: Remapping Celtic Identity in Prehistoric Europe: The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula. UWM Hefter Center, May 3, 2014.
Co-presenter, with Masters candidate Barbara McClendon (UWM), “William Frankfurth in the Alps: The Mystery of Accession 213” at the Milwaukee Public Museum/Archaeological Institute of America 5th Annual Archaeology Fair, March 7, 2014.
Invited Speaker, University of Minnesota Department of Anthropology. February 7, 2014. Talk title: The Lord of the Hunt: Animal Mastery and Elite Status in Iron Age Europe.
Invited Speaker, Lund University Department of Archaeology. October 3, 2013. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited Speaker, Lund University Department of Archaeology. October 2, 2013. Talk title: The Lord of the Hunt: Animal Mastery and Elite Status in Iron Age Europe.
Invited Speaker, Wisconsin Archaeological Society Milwaukee Chapter September 19, 2013. Talk title: Technology and Science in the Service of Archaeology: Burial and Society in Iron Age SW Germany.
Presented paper at 19th annual European Archaeological Association meeting, Pilsen, Czech Republic September 5, 2013. Talk title: Reconstituting Community: ArcGIS and Early Iron Age Social Organization in the Heuneburg Mortuary Landscape.
Presented paper at 19th annual European Archaeological Association meeting, Pilsen, Czech Republic September 7, 2013. Talk title: Archaeology and Politics in the 21st Century: Still Faustian, But Not Much of a Bargain.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Lecturer, Athens Society, University of Georgia at Athens, March 26, 2013. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Lecturer, Westchester Society, Manhattanville College, NY March 24, 2013. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America Haupt Lecturer, New York University, February 21, 2013. Talk title: “Lake Dwelling Fever”: The History of Neolithic and Bronze Age Lake Dwelling Archaeology in Switzerland.
Invited speaker, American Association of University Women Luncheon, Astor Hotel, Milwaukee. February 2, 2013. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Discussant, Session entitled “Blurring the Borders between Life and Death: Theorizing Post-Mortem Agency in Bioarchaeology”. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA November 17, 2012.
Invited speaker, Milwaukee Public Museum, Luncheon Lecture Series. Talk title: Lake Dwelling Fever: The Rise and Fall of European Prehistory Collections in U.S. Museums. November 13, 2012.
Invited speaker, Carthage College Classics Program Guest Lecture. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life. April 20, 2012.
Invited speaker, University of Wisconsin, Madison Anthropology Department Brown Bag Lunch Talk. With Sabine Hagmann and Rosemarie Stadler. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life. March 23, 2012.
Invited speaker, Discovery World, Milwaukee WI. “Ale through the Ages” presentation. With Kevin Cullen, Sabine Hagmann and Rosemarie Stadler. Talk title: Power Drinking and Power Dressing in Iron Age Europe. March 22, 2012.
UWM Anthropology Department Colloquium, March 16, 2012. With Sabine Hagmann and Rosemarie Stadler. Talk title: Belted Women and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Archaeology Fair Presenter, Milwaukee Public Museum/Archaeological Institute of America, March 9 and 10, 2012: “Living on the Lake in Prehistoric Europe”.
Invited speaker, University of Basel, January 13, 2012. Talk title: Geschlechterdifferenz im Totenritual der frühen Eisenzeit: Untersuchungen an zwei hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügeln der Hohmichele-Gruppe. Seminar title: Annäherungsversuche zur Interpretation von Ideologie und Ritual in der archäologischen Forschung.
Archaeological Institute of America 1st Annual National Archaeology Day. “Life After Fieldwork: Behind the Scenes at UWM’s Archaeology Lab”. Organized and participated in a two hour public program presenting six archaeological research projects at the UWM Archaeology Lab, October 22, 2011. Approximately 30 members of the public attended.
Archaeological Institute of America National Lecture Program, University of Alabama, Huntsville, September 22, 2011. Talk title: Belted Ladies and Dagger Men: Technology Brings European Iron Age Back to Life.
Invited speaker, 7. Tag der Archäologie (joint meeting of the Gesellschaft für Archäologie in Württemberg und Hohenzollern e.V. and the Förderkreis Archäologie in Baden e.V.), Mannheim, Germany. October 8-10, 2010. Talk title: Untersuchungen an zwei hallstattzeitlichen Granhügeln der Hohmichele-Gruppe im “Speckhau”, Altheim (Biberach).
Co-organized session at 16th annual European Archaeological Association meeting with Hrvoje Potrebica in The Hague, Holland: Burial Mound Ladies: Gender, Age and Status in Mound Building Prehistoric Societies. September 1-5, 2010.
Presented paper at 16th annual European Archaeological Association meeting, The Hague, Holland, September 4, 2010. Talk title: Mounds as social signifiers in early Iron Age southwest Germany.
Invited speaker, II Jornados Internacionales de Arqueología y Género en la Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain: La Arqueología Funeraria desde una Perspectiva de Género. April 21-23, 2010. Talk title: The Vix Princess Redux: A Retrospective on European Iron Age Gender and Mortuary Studies.
Invited speaker, Cambridge University McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Leverhulme “Body Histories” Conference. September 11-13, 2009. Talk title: The embodiment of social structure: dress and identity in early Iron Age Europe.
SAA 74th Annual Meeting, Atlanta April 22-26, 2009. Session title: Violence and Warfare as Embodied Action. Talk title: The Cultural Construction of the Celtic warrior: An Archaeological Critique.
Invited speaker, Charles E. Brown Chapter of the Wisconsin Archaeological Society, the Wisconsin Historical Society and the UW-Madison Global Studies Cultural Heritage Preservation Research Circle. Talk title: Lake Dwelling Fever! The History of Swiss Neolithic Collections in US Natural History Museums.
Invited speaker, Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Women’s Breakfast Lecture, Miami, FL October 25, 2008. Talk title: The Archaeological Construction of the Eternal Mother.
Roundtable Panelist: Temporalities and Periodization in Human History. Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL October 24, 2008.
Invited speaker, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University. October 8, 2008. Talk title: “Beasts of the Forest and Beasts of the Field”: Animal Sacrifice in Pre-Roman Iron Age Europe.
EAA 14th Annual Meeting, Malta September 16-21, 2008. Talk title: The Drunken Barbarian: Celts, Germans, Native Americans and the Construction of the Other.
EAA 14th Annual Meeting, Malta September 16-21, 2008. Talk title: Graeco-Centrism and the Tyranny of Texts: Interpretations of Mediterranean Interactions with the Early Iron Age Centers of Southwest Germany.
Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, New York, NY May 23-25, 2008. Session title: Mortuary Landscapes. Talk title: “‘The Dead Made Manifest’: Mortuary Monuments of the Early Iron Age in Southwest Germany”.
Invited speaker, Franke Institute for the Humanities Conference, University of Chicago, April 11-13, 2008. Talk title: “Beasts of the Forest and Beasts of the Field”: Animal Sacrifice in Pre-Roman Iron Age Europe.
Invited speaker, Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Conference, University of Buffalo, April 3-5, 2008. Talk title: “Mad Builder or Architect of Social Change? Eventful Archaeology, the Heuneburg Mud-brick Wall and the Early Iron Age of Southwest Germany.
Invited speaker, Washington University, Department of Anthropology, February 27, 2008. Talk title: The Material Culture of Social Structure: The early Iron Age Mortuary Record in Southwest Germany.
AIA 109th Annual Meeting, Chicago January 3-6, 2008. Session title: Iron Age Europe and Rome. Talk title: “Barbarians at the Gates”: Pre-Roman Iron Age Societies of Temperate Europe.
Invited speaker, American Geographical Society, UWM Golda Meier Library “Academic Adventurers” Lecture, November 16, 2007. Talk title: Memory Maps and the European Iron Age: The Landscape of Ancestors Project.
Center for Celtic Studies Annual Samhain Lecture, Hefter Center, October 31, 2007. Talk title: “Human Sacrifice in the Celtic World”.
AIA La Follette Lecture, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, October 4, 2007. Talk title: A Landscape of Ancestors: Early Iron Age Societies in Southwest Germany.
EAA 13th Annual Meeting, Zadar, Croatia September 18-23, 2007. Session co-organizer, with Derek Counts, UWM Dept. of Art History. Session title: The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography. Talk title: “Ahunting we will go”: The Fellbach-Schmiden Triptych and Elite Hunting in Iron Age Europe.
EAA 13th Annual Meeting, Zadar, Croatia September 18-23, 2007. Talk title: The Heuneburg Archaeological Landscape and the Hallstatt/La Tène Transition.
Invited Speaker, SUNY-Buffalo, March 29-31, 2007. Talk titles: When the Past is in a Foreign Country: Fieldwork in Germany and The Material Culture of Social Structure: The Early Iron Age Mortuary Record in Southwest Germany.
Invited Speaker, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA October 13, 2006. The Material Culture of Social Structure: The Early Iron Age Mortuary Record in Southwest Germany.
Invited Speaker, Wisconsin Lutheran College, September 16, 2006. Damnatio memoriae: The Teutoburg Forest Battle of 9 AD.
UISPP Conference, Lisbon, Portugal September 4-9, 2006. Talk title: Memory Maps: The Mnemonics of West-Central European Iron Age Burial Mounds. Organized session: Material Mnemonics in European Prehistory.
SAA Annual Meeting, San Juan April 26-30, 2006. Talk title: Landscapes of the Living Dead: The Early Iron Age of West Central Europe. Organized session: The Multiple Dimensions of Archaeological Landscapes.
SAA Annual Meeting, San Juan April 26-30, 2006. Discussant in organized session entitled: In the Wake of the Archaeology of Death: 25 Years After.
Invited Speaker, Annual Archaeology Lecture, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI. Gender and Mortuary Analysis in Iron Age Europe. April 5, 2006. Sponsored by the Office of the Dean and the Departments of Religious Studies and Classical Studies.
Workshop in Ancient Mediterreanean Studes, sponsored by the Center for 21st Century Studies, UWM. Talk title: Barbarians at the Gates: Interactions between West-Central Europe and the Mediterranean. December 2, 2005, Center for 21st Century Studies.
German Studies Association 29th Annual Conference. Moderator. Session title: Between History and Literature: Archaeology in 19th century Germany. Milwaukee, September 29-October 2, 2005.
German Studies Association 29th Annual Conference Session Chair October, 2005.
Archaeological Institute of America 106th Annual Meeting Session Chair January, 2005.
Chacmool 2004 15th Anniversary Gender Conference Que(e)rying Archaeology. Talk title: Embodied gender performances in early Iron Age mortuary ritual. Session title: Interpretations of Gender Identity in Mortuary Contexts. University of Calgary, November 12, 2004.
Invited Speaker, Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Totenritual und Grabkult in frühen Gesellschaften. Talk title: Körperinszenierung und Geschlechterdifferenz im Totenritual der frühen Eisenzeit. University of Tübingen October 14-16, 2004.
Invited Speaker, Celtic Women First Friday Lecture Series, Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe. Irish Cultural Heritage Center, Milwaukee, WI. October 1, 2004.
Invited Speaker, Irish Genealogical Society of Wisconsin. “The Enigma of the Celts: Dispelling the Mists”. May 3, 2004. Shorewood Public Library, Shorewood, WI.
CSAS Annual Meeting, Milwaukee April 16, 2004. Landscapes of the Living Dead: The Early Iron Age of West-Central Europe. Paper presented in session entitled “The Landscape Perspective in Archaeology: The Cultural Use of Space in the Past”, organized by P. Nick Kardulias (College of Wooster) and Derek Counts (UW-Milwaukee).
Invited speaker, University of Pittsburgh Department of Anthropology Colloquium. Talk title: “Bringing the Dead Back to Life: The Early Iron Age Heuneburg and its Mortuary Landscape”. March 27, 2004. Pittsburgh, PA.
UWM Center for 21st Century Studies “Museums and Difference” Conference November 14-15, 2003. Moderator/Commentator in “Embodying Difference” session.
40th Anniversary Celebration of the UWM Museum Studies Graduate Certificate Program November 5, 2003. “The UWM Museum Studies Program and the Department of Anthropology: Past, Present and Future”.
Invited presenter, University of Utah Press “Foundations of Archaeological Inquiry” Conference. Talk title: “Archaeological Fieldwork in the Country of Death: Monuments and Mortuary Variability”. Snowbird, Utah October 17-19 2003.
SAA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee April 10, 2003. Power and Status Shifts in the Heuneburg Archaeological Landscape. Session organized with Seth A. Schneider: Cultural Landscapes of the Living and the Dead in the West-Central European Iron Age.
SAA Annual Meeting, Milwaukee April 9, 2003. Beer and barbarians: alcohol and power in Iron Age Europe. Invited Speaker, Opening Session: Thinking and Drinking Beer: Archaeological Perspectives.
Invited Speaker, University of Würzburg Graduiertenkolleg 5. International Symposion “Machtbeziehungen, Geschlechterdifferenz und Religion”. Talk title: “Machtbeziehungen und Geschlechterdifferenz in der vorgeschichtlichen Eisenzeit Europas”. January 16-18 2003, Würzburg, Germany.
AIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans January 2003. European Archaeology Committee Colloquium “Identity, Space and Funerary Practice in Iron Age and Early Medieval Europe. From Town to Tomb: an early Iron Age mortuary landscape revisited”. With Matthew L. Murray, University of Mississippi.
Invited Speaker, Mitgliederversammlung des Vereins Heuneburgmuseum e.V., Heuneburg Freilichtmuseum, Hundersingen, June 14, 2002. “Die Grabhügel im ‘Speckhau’ und die Heuneburg ‘Landschaft der Ahnen'”.
Nineteenth Visiting Scholar Conference, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, April 19-20, 2002: Biomolecular Archaeology. “A Landscape of Ancestors: Early Iron Age social organization and regional interaction in southwest Germany”. With Fredericka Kaestle, Indiana University-Bloomington.
SAA Annual Meeting, Denver March 2002. Sponsored Symposium “Critical Perspectives on Archaeologists Working Abroad”. Willey Symposium/History of Archaeology. “When the Past is in a Foreign Country: Fieldwork in Germany”.
SAA Annual Meeting, Denver March 2002. “From Tomb to Town: A Reexamination of an Early Iron Age Landscape”. With Matthew L. Murray, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Invited Speaker, Charles E.. Brown Chapter, Wisconsin Archaeological Society, Madison. January 16, 2002. Winter Dinner Lecture: “Early Iron Age Celts on the Upper Danube: A Landscape of Ancestors.”
Invited speaker, Wisconsin Archaeological Society. December 17, 2001. Public lecture: “Celts on the Upper Danube: Tumulus 17 Revisited.”
Public Lecture, Celtic Women International, Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, Milwaukee “Archaeological Evidence for Celtic Women” December 7, 2001.
Public Lecture, UWM Center for Celtic Studies Halloween Inaugural Celebration, UWM Hefter Center October 31, 2001 “Halloween Customs in the Celtic World”.
Invited Speaker, Northern Illinois University Seminar (“The Landscape of Ancestors Project: Iron Age Celtic mortuary ritual in southwest Germany”) and Public Lecture (“The Past as Propaganda: Archaeology in Nazi Germany”) October 15, 2001.
EAA Annual Meeting, Esslingen (Germany) September 19-23, 2001 “Continuity and change in the Iron Age Landscape: The Heuneburg hillfort in regional perspective”.
Milwaukee Irish Fest Hedge School Presentation “Drinking and Feasting in the Celtic World”. Saturday August 18 , 2:30-3:30pm; Sunday August 19, 12:30-1:30pm, 2001.
UWM-Irish Fest Summer School Mini-course “Archaeology of the Celtic World” August 13-16, 9:00-10:15am, 2001.
Invited Speaker, Anthropology Department Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison May 4, 2001. “A Landscape of Ancestors: Social Organization and Mortuary Analysis in Early Iron Age Europe.”
SAA Annual Meeting, New Orleans April 2001 Symposium “Ideologies in the Past”. The Illusion of Power, the Power of Illusion: Ideology and the Concretization of Social Difference in Early Iron Age Europe.
SAA Annual Meeting, New Orleans April 2001. Mortuary Structures and Cultural Constructions: Final Excavation of an Early Iron Age Burial Monument in Southwest Germany. With Matthew L. Murray.
Paper presented by Frederika Kaestle and Bettina Arnold October 14, 2000 at the Archaeology Society of Connecticut Fall Meeting, Norwalk, CT. “A Landscape of Ancestors: Ancient DNA evidence for Early Iron Age social organization and regional interaction in southwest Germany”.
Invited speaker, Wisconsin Archaeological Society. April 17, 2000. Public lecture: A Landscape of Ancestors: Early Iron Age Celts on the Upper Danube in Southwest Germany.
SAA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia April 2000 Symposium “Continuity or Change: The Role of Analytical Scale in European Archaeology”. Continuity and Change in the Iron Age Landscape: The Heuneburg Hillfort in Regional Focus. With Matthew L. Murray.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America, Milwaukee Chapter. March 5, 2000. A Landscape of Ancestors: Early Celts on the Upper Danube in Southwest Germany.
Invited speaker, Archaeological Institute of America, Minneapolis Chapter. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, January 6, 2000. Public lecture: A Landscape of Ancestors: Early Iron Age Celts on the Upper Danube.
AAA Annual Meeting, Chicago November 1999 Symposium “The Limits of Agency: Lebenswelt and Doxa”. Pushing the Envelope: The Limits of Agency in the Analysis of Elite Iron Age Burials.
Invited speaker, Charles E. Brown Archaeological Society. Wisconsin Historical Society October 14, 1999. Public lecture: The Power of the Past: The Use and Abuse of Archaeology in Nazi Germany.
SAA Annual Meeting, Chicago March 1999: Symposium “The Space and Place of Death”. A Landscape of Ancestors: The space and place of death in Iron Age west-central Europe.
Invited speaker, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse February 22, 1999: Class lecture: Death and the Afterlife in the Celtic World. Public lecture: The Power of the Past: the Use and Abuse of Archaeology in Nazi Germany.
AIA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. December 1998: Colloquium “Mediterranean civilizations and their European neighbors”: ‘Ministers of Mead and Wine’: The Mediterranean wine trade and the institutionalization of Iron Age elites.
AAA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia December 1998: Invited Session “The Anthropology of Genocide”: Justifying genocide: the supporting role of archaeology in ethnic cleansing.
Invited speaker, Ripon College, Department of Anthropology and Sociology November 20, 1998: Archaeology and nationalism: power, politics and the past in Nazi Germany.
Participant and presenter, The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Center 943rd Conference “Worldwide Perspectives on Women and Gender”, Bellagio, Italy October 12-16, 1998.
Invited Speaker, Anthropology of Europe Workshop, University of Chicago June 5, 1998: Heroes and Hero Incubators: The cultural construction of gender and the Volk in Nazi Germany.
Invited Speaker, Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, UC-Berkeley May 17, 1998: Beer and Culture Symposium.
SAA Annual Meeting, Seattle March 1998: Social organization, gender and the gene key: Unlocking the mysteries of late Hallstatt tumulus burials.
Invited speaker, Northwestern University Anthropology Department Colloquium November 14, 1997: The archaeology of ethnicity and gender in National Socialist Germany.
Invited speaker, UWM Geography Department Colloquium, October 29, 1997: Iron Age Europe: Gender, power and the gene key.
Invited speaker, Lecture Series: Hermann Monument Centennial, New Ulm, Minnesota, August 9, 1997: Multiple Hermanns: Arminius as historical figure, national symbol, monument and myth.
Invited speaker, Department of Anthropology brown Bag Lunch, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 7, 1997: Archaeological correlates of sex, gender and status in mortuary ritual.
Invited speaker, Jewish Community Center Senior Men’s Club of Milwaukee, December 3 1996: Archaeology in Germany from 1918 to the present: The Jewish experience.
AAA Annual Meeting, San Francisco November 1996: Archaeology as the “Mother of Invention”: National mythmaking in Nazi Germany.
Fourth Gender and Archaeology Conference, East Lansing, MI October 1996: Are you a boy or are you a girl? Archaeological correlates of sex and gender disjunction in mortuary ritual.
Invited speaker, Brock University Archaeological Symposium, St. Catherines, Ontario March 1996. Symposium title: “Social Personae in the Past: Constructing Sociopolitical Status, Gender and Ethnicity from the Archaeological Record”. Talk title: ‘Honorary males’ or women of substance? Gender, status and power in Iron Age Europe.
AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. November 1995: Archaeology and the creation of modern German identity.
SAA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis May 1995: The archaeology of gender in Iron Age Europe.
Public Lecture, 3M Auditorium Minnesota History Center. Minnesota Archaeology Week, May 1995: The power of the past: History, archaeology, and politics.
AAA Annual Meeting, Atlanta November 1994: “Payment for their mead”: Drinking and feasting in prehistoric Celtic societies.
27th Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 1994: “Put out the geese, the Celts are coming!” Iron Age migration and social change in West-Central Europe.
Presentation and discussion at Borders Bookstore, Calhoun Square, Minneapolis on Riane Eisler’s The Chalice and the Blade. March 23, 1994.
26th Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 1993: Cups of bronze and gold: Drinking equipment and status in early Iron Age Europe.
SAA Annual Meeting, St. Louis April 1993: In vino veritas: Perishable exotica in early Iron Age Trade between the West Hallstatt Zone and the Mediterranean.
Invited AIA lecture, Hamline University January 1993: The politics of the past: Archaeology in Nazi Germany
Workshop/mini-course, Institute for Minnesota Archaeology December 12, 1992.: Who Owns the Past?
CAS Lunchtime Talk, University of Minnesota October 1992: The politics of the past: Archaeology in Nazi Germany.
AAA Annual Meeting, Chicago November 1991: Nazi archaeology: The legacy of the Faustian bargain, with Henning Haßmann, University of Kiel.
47th International Congress of Americanists, New Orleans July 1991: Trade in alcohol as a catalyst for change in early Iron Age Europe and post-contact North America: Two contrasting examples.
SAA Annual Meeting, New Orleans April 1991: “Drinking the feast”: Alcohol and the legitimation of power in Iron Age Europe.
Guildersleeve Lecture Series, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul March 1991: A tale of two Hermanns: The cultural construction of national symbols.
SAA Annual Meeting, Las Vegas April 1990: An intrasite analysis of ceramic material from the Heuneburg: Decoding early Iron Age social organization.
SAA Annual Meeting, Las Vegas April 1990: Co-organized Symposium “Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State” with D. Blair Gibson, UCLA.
AAA Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. November 1989: Places and politics: the production of national symbols in modern Germany.
22nd Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 1989: The deposed princess of Vix: the need for an engendered European prehistory.
SAA Annual Meeting, Atlanta March 1989: The Kartomat: a field drawing machine.
First Joint Archaeological Congress, Baltimore January 1989: The social dimensions of urbanism in Iron Age Europe.
First Joint Archaeological Congress, Baltimore January 1989: The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany.
AAA Annual Meeting, Phoenix November 1988: Drinking paraphernalia in the European Iron Age: The material culture of power.
SAA Annual Meeting, Toronto May 1987: Slavery in late prehistoric Europe: Recovering the evidence for social structure in Iron Age society.
Field Projects
Co-Director of excavations at Tumulus 18 of the Hohmichele/Speckhau mound group. In cooperation with the Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Außenstelle Tübingen (May-August 2002).
Co-Director of excavations at Tumulus 17 of the Hohmichele Mound Group. In cooperation with the Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Außenstelle Tübingen (June-August 2000)
Co-Director of excavations at Tumulus 17 of the Hohmichele Mound Group. In cooperation with the Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Außenstelle Tübingen (June – August 1999)
Preliminary site survey in the Hohmichele-“Speckhau” tumulus group, Altheim-Heiligkreuztal, Baden-Württemberg (Germany). Early Iron Age tumulus cemetery. In cooperation with the Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Außenstelle Tübingen (June 20-July 30 1997)
Dissertation research at the Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, University of Tübingen, Germany. (August-October 1989; July-August 1988)
Excavations at Hundersingen, Baden-Württemberg (Germany). Early Iron Age settlement and associated tumuli. (May-July 1988)
University of Minnesota excavations at Kelheim-Mitterfeld, Bavaria (Germany). Late Iron Age hillfort; trench supervisor. (July-August 1987)
Excavations at Bad Buchau, Baden-Württemberg (Germany). Bronze Age lake settlement; trench supervisor. (May-July 1987; June-August 1985)
Harvard University excavations at Landshut, Bavaria (Germany). Early Iron Age settlement. (June-August 1983)
Wesleyan University excavations at Soissons, (France). Fourteenth century Gothic abbey. (June-August 1982)
Excavations at Ellingen, Mittelfranken (Germany). Provincial Roman fort. (June-November 1981)
Documentary/Media Interviews/Consulting
Interviewed live on September 21, 2022 by Wisconsin Public Radio “The Morning Show”, hosted by Kate Archer, about ancient beer and brewing.
Interviewed on September 13, 2022 by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Beck Salgado about ancient beer and brewing.
Interviewed by Shepherd Express reporter Mike Muckian on August 11, 2022 about ancient beer and brewing.
Interviewed by Bridget Alex on August 25, 2021 for Archaeology magazine article on the site of Hallstatt.
Interviewed on July 26, 2021 by Holly Regan for Good Beer Hunting article:
Interviewed on March 12, 2021 by History Channel reporter/writer Dave Roos of for an article on the Celts. Quoted in the story posted online on March 17, 2021.
Contacted by NYT science reporter Becky Ferreira for a comment on the controversy over the dating of the Nebra Sky Disk, November 18, 2020. Quoted in the article posted online on January 19, 2021 and featured on the cover of the NYT Science section:
Ancillary coverage:
Interviewed for Seven Ages podcast on “Propaganda and the Past: National Socialist Archaeology”, June 10, 2020. Podcast aired July 9, 2020.
Interviewed for a documentary film entitled “Die Salz-Saga: Das weiße Gold der Alpen”, a co-production of the Austrian and Bavarian Broadcasting networks. June 5, 2020.
Excavation project and publications featured in an online science news publication in the Czech Republic in March 2020:
Provided comment by invitation from Bruce Bower, Science News reporter, on an article in Science published on October 10, 2019 on late Neolithic/early Bronze Age social organization on the basis of genomic and isotope analysis:
Mentioned in Urban Milwaukee in connection with an event at the Pabst Mansion on September 28:
Interviewed and quoted in an article for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation entitled Early Celts drank local beer and imported wine from Greece more than 2,000 years ago, about a PLoS One article on the chemical analysis of ceramic vessels from Mont Lassois containing alcoholic beverages, June 17, 2019.
Quoted in Newsweek in an article entitled Oldest evidence of evidence of alcohol production found from 13,000 years ago on the discovery of fermented beverages in Natufian contexts, September 22, 2018.
Quoted in Newsweek in the article Ancient Egypt: Did Researchers Just Find the World’s Oldest Cheese?. August 17, 2018.
Interviewed by Susanne Utzt by phone for ORT (Austrian Television) for a documentary on mobility and exchange in the Hallstatt period in Europe. May 9, 2018.
Interviewed by Tom Luljak for UWM Today for WUWM, with Jennifer Jordan (Sociology) and Barry Cameron (Geosciences) about fermentation-related research and the Fermentation Studies program, March 27, 2018. Program aired Thursday March 29, 2018 at 1:00pm. Audio:
Interviewed and filmed by SipMilwaukee about the Brew Garden/Fermentation Studies program July 10, 2017.
Interviewed by Deutschlandfunk (German National Radio) about the Lakefront braggot experiment November 11, 2016. Audio:; Transcript:
Interviewed by America in the Morning and the Jim Bohannon Show (CBS Radio affiliates) about the Lakefront braggot experiment on November 1, 2016.
Interviewed by Chemical and Engineering News about the Lakefront braggot experiment October 31, 2016.
NPR Facebook story posted about the Lakefront braggot experiment October 21, 2016.
Interviewed by WUWM’s Lake Effect host Bonnie North at Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee about the Wisconsin Science Festival event “Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe”. Aired October 20, 2016.
Filmed and interviewed by ARTE TV crew (Director Alexis de Favitski) at the Hohmichele and the Speckhau tumuli, Heiligkreuztal, Germany: “L’enigme de la Tombe Celte”. July 2-3, 2016.
Filmed and interviewed by ARTE TV crew (Director Alexis de Favitski) at the Hohmichele and the Speckhau tumuli, Heiligkreuztal, Germany. July 2-3, 2016.
Interviewed by ARTE TV staff writer Jonas Rosales about the elite grave of Lavau discovered in Burgundy, France in 2014; Brussels 2015.
Interviewed by phone by BBC TV Researcher Mark Edger January 27, 2015; consultant on series on The Celts, in production for release in Fall 2015.
Interviewed by Bernhard Kirschner for the Südwestrundfunk Radio 4 Tübingen on April 26, 2012 in connection with the “Landscape of Ancestors” project and the “Year of the Celts” celebration in Baden-Württemberg. Program to air in May 2012.
Der Spiegel April 2, 2012 p. 108. “Archäologie: Keltische Biker-Brëute”. Brief note on the use of CT-scan technology in costume reconstruction in Iron Age Europe.
Featured on UWM Research Report 2012 (p. 31), on the UWM Web page (week of March 8, 2012) and interviewed by Tom Luljak for Lake Effect-WUWM with Kevin Cullen March 8, 2012 about Anthropology Department Colloquium March 16, 2012 and Discovery World Program March 22, 2012.
Featured in Science Daily article on March 19, 2012 on “Beer and Bling in Iron Age Europe”.
Interviewed by ABC News for article on the discovery of a Chalcolithic burial in the Czech Republic which contained the remains of a male individual buried according to female orientation and with female grave goods. Article by Brian Braiker posted online at on April 7, 2011.
Consulted for article on ancient brewing and cited in “Reviving the taste of an Iron Age beer: Barley grains offer savory insights into ancient Celtic malt beverage” by Bruce Bower, Web edition ScienceNews: Magazine of the Society for Science and the Public Friday, January 14th, 2011.
Featured in National Geographic News web site on October 28, 2010 in an essay on Halloween:
Interviewed by Brazilian science and technology magazine Superinteressante ( Monday July 14, 2008 for an article on Nazi archaeology.
Interviewed by National Geographic Television at UWM February 21, 2008 for a documentary (working title: Mystery of the Bog Bodies). Producer Wynette Yao.
Field project in Germany featured in article on archaeological conservation and 3D computer tomography; “Blockbergungen und 3D-Computer-tomographie” by Tanja Kreß and Juila Wicha. Archaeologie in Deutschland January 2008:60-61.
Interviewed by UWM Media reporter Kathy Quirk for Web article on the Center for Celtic Studies; story posted online August 13, 2007:
Interviewed by Tom Luljak for the WUWM/Public Radio “Lake Effect” radio show on Friday, August 10, 2007 at 9:30am, WUWM Studios, Plankinton Building, Milwaukee.
Interviewed by Archaeology magazine reporter for feature article on Neolithic henge monuments in central Europe, with a focus on the Goseck circle in Sachsen-Anhalt, February 2, 2006.
Interviewed by Associate Editor Andrew Curry, U.S. News and World Report, for a story on yhr European Bronze Age (“Barbarians Get Sophisticated” November 24, 2003:62).
Interviewed by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for an article on the Celtic-Christian tradition and Halloween customs. “A Natural Link”, by Laurie Pierce. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Saturday, October 26, 2002.
Web report and interview on the Südwestrundfunk Channel 4 Television Internet site written and complied by Diane Scherzler featuring a report on the 2002 Landscape of Ancestors excavation of Tumulus 18 in the Speckhau mound group:
Radio interview with Südwestrundfunk Radio 4 Tübingen featuring a report on the 2002 Landscape of Ancestors excavation of Tumulus 18 in the Speckhau mound group. June 2002.
Article by reporter Waltraud Wolf published in the Schwäbisches Wochenblatt featuring a report on the 2002 Landscape of Ancestors excavation of Tumulus 18 in the Speckhau mound group.Thursday, August 15 p. 1.
Featured on “Today @ UWM” Web page August 29, 2001.”UWM Archeologist Explores Celtic Grave Mysteries.”
Interviewed by Tom Luljak for the WUWM/Public Radio “Milwaukee Ideas” radio show on Tuesday, July 24 at 2:30pm, WUWM Studios, Plankinton Building, Milwaukee. Interview aired Thursday, July 26 at 1:30pm and Sunday, July 29 at 6:30am.
Invited by the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) to contribute to an archaeological film series entitled ” Operation Germania” July 2001. Area of interest: archaeology in Nazi Germany and the excavation of the Hohmichele by Gustav Riek, with a segue to the “Landscape of Ancestors” project.
Interviewed by Irish American Post on drinking and feasting in the Celtic world June 20, 2001. “Who’s Up for the Next Round? Celtic Drinkers Could Boogie on Down”, by Carrie Trousil. Irish American Post 2(3).
Consultant for Granada TV/Channel 4 London series “Secret Histories: The Lost Legions of Varus”. March 2001.
Interviewed in Germany by ZDF/Cinecentrum for German television series “C-14: Heuneburg” July 19, 2000.
Consultant on A&E/BBC Worldwide production of “The Search for Atlantis”. Interviewed in Milwaukee May 23, 2000. Program aired in the United States on September 10, 2000 from 8-10 PM ET.
Jury Panel Member, Cinarchaea 2000 International Archaeology and Art Film Festival, Kiel, Germany April 26-29, 2000.
Consultant on S4C International/Opus Television (Wales) series “Y Celtiad” (“The Celts”). Interviewed in Cardiff, Wales (UK) January 14, 2000. Program aired in the UK and in Germany on October 9, 2000.
Moderator, SAA Roundtable on “Integrating Gender and Archaeology”, Chicago. March 1999.
Translator of Website text from German into English for the Heuneburg Museum, Hundersingen, Germany: 1998.
Consultant on Channel 4 London documentary on archaeology in Himmler’s SS-Ahnenerbe. Interviewed in Germany May 2-6, 1998. Produced by MayaVision.
Research on gender in Iron Age Europe featured in Discover magazine, November 1995, pp. 26-27. “Iron Ladies”.
Consultant for archaeology and nationalism television documentary series “Archaeology”, produced by Arkios Productions, initial air date November 1992 on The Learning Channel; rebroadcast on A&E. Episode entitled “Unraveling Hitler’s Conspiracy”. Provided background material, produced translations. Interviewed at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis June 1992.
Courses Taught
Lecture (only UWM course numbers provided)
Past on Tap: Archaeology of Ancient Alcohol (Anthro 212/312) (Lecture/Discussion) (UWM)
Celtic Women (Celtic 250) (Lecture/Discussion) (UWM)
Celtic World (Anthro 305) (Lecture/Discussion) (UWM)
European Prehistory/European Archaeology (Anthro 306) (Lecture/Discussion) (MSU, UWM)
History of Archaeology (Lecture/Discussion) (UM)
Human Origins/Human Evolution (Anthro 101) (Lecture/Discussion) (MCC, MSU, UM, UWM)
Pleistocene Prehistory (Lecture/Discussion) (MSU)
Rise of Civilization (Lecture/Discussion) (MSU, UM
Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Lecture/Discussion) (MCC)
World Archaeology (Anthro 307) (Lecture/Discussion) (UWM)
Guest lecture
Anthropology “Metals in Archaeology” in Anthro 566 Archaeological Analysis and Report Preparation; one 60 minute presentation on October 28, 2019.
“Archaeological Mortuary Analysis” in Anthro 281 Introduction to Forensic Science; one 1.5 hour lecture every fall semester except when on sabbatical from 2000-present.
Guest lecture “Politics of the Past” in Anthro 723 Museum Curation and Interpretation; one 2.5 hour lecture/discussion in fall semester except when on sabbatical from 2000-2011.
Celtic Studies
Guest lecture “Archaeology of Celtic Europe” in Celtic 133 Celtic Crossings; two 2.5 hour lectures every fall semester from 2004-2008.
Food and Beverages
Guest lectures “Archaeology of Ancient Alcohol” in FoodBev 102 Taste; two 2.5 hour lectures once a year beginning spring 2017; organized fieldtrip; helped organize expert panel.
Women’s Studies
Guest lecture WGS 799 Advanced Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies; one 2.5 hour lecture April 2018.
Guest lecture WGS 700 Feminist Issues and Scholarship; one 1.5 hour lecture October 22 2018.
The Archaeology of Armageddon (Honors/Anthro 381)(Seminar)(UWM)
Archaeology of Iron Age Europe (Anthro 942 Graduate Seminar in Archaeology and Prehistory)(UWM)
Archaeological Method and Theory (Anthro 802)(Graduate Seminar)(MSU, UM, UWM)
Archaeological Research Design (Senior Seminar)(UM)
Computer Applications in Anthropology (Lecture/Lab)(UM)
Fantastic Archaeology (Anthro 193)(Freshman Seminar)(UWM)
Gender and Archaeology (Anthro 641 and 942)(Graduate/Senior Seminar; Honors Seminar)(MSU, UM, UWM)
Professionalism in Anthropology (Anthro 641 and 763)(Seminar)(UWM)
Text-Aided Archaeology (Graduate Seminar)(UM)
Who Owns the Past? (Anthro 641 and 426)(Seminar)(MSU, UM, UWM)
Anthropology Student Union Faculty Advisor (1998-present)
Colloquium Committee Member (2018-present)
Distinguished Professor Committee, Chair (2018)
Forensic Anthropology Committee (1997-2000)
Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (1996-present)
Graduate Student External Funding Committee (2014-present)
Museum Studies Committee (Chair) (1996-2012)
Museum Studies Committee (Member) (1996-2017)
Undergraduate Program Committee (1996-2000)
U/G Museum Studies Internship Coordinator (1998-2013)
Web Site Committee (Chair) (1998-2018)
Web Committee Member (2018-present)
Total UWM Ph.D. Committees Chaired: 22
Total UWM Ph.D. Committees Served: 42
Outside Ph.D. Committee Memberships: 4
Total MS Committees Chaired: 68
Total MS Committee Service: 28
Outside Masters Committee Memberships: 3
College of Letters and Science:
Museum Studies Graduate Certificate Program Advisory Board (2017-present)
Museum Studies Graduate Certificate Program Chair (2018-2019)
Certificate in Ancient Mediterranean Studies Committee Member (2003-present)
Certificate in Fermentation Studies Committee (2015-present)
Co-Director, Center for Celtic Studies (2001-2009)
L&S Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching: Strategic Plan (1996)
Course and Curriculum Committee: Sub-Subcommittee: Writing Intensive Curriculum Steering Committee (1997-2000)
L&S Course and Curriculum Committee (1998-2001)
Celtic Studies Advisory and Curriculum Committee Member (1999-present)
Certificate in Ancient Mediterranean Studies Committee Member (2003-present)
Honors Program Committee (2000-2003)
Honors Bradley Professor Search Committee: History (2000-2001)
Global Studies Search in CIE: History/Anthropology (2000-2001)
University Committee (2018-2021)
Faculty Senate (1997-00; 2018-2021)
Research-R1 Working Group (October 25, 2019-August 22, 2020)
Search Committee Helen Bader School of Social Welfare Dean (September 5, 2019-August 1, 2020)
Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work Executive Committee Augmentation (2018-2019; 2022-2023)
Academic Policy and Budget Committee (2010-2013; 2018-2021)
Research-R1 Working Group (October 25, 2019-January 201, 2019)
Honors College Advisory Council (2015-2018)
Graduate School RACAS Grant Proposal Internal Reviewer (2015)
Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee (2010-2013)
Academic Policy Committee (2000-2003)
Graduate Faculty Council (2003-2006)
Graduate Curriculum Committee (2003-2006)
NEH Summer Stipend Review Panel (ad hoc 1999-present)
NEH Summer Stipends Faculty/Academic Staff Workshop Panelist (2004)
PFFP Dissertation Milestones Panelist, UWM Graduate School, October 3, 2018
Research Policy Committee (1997-2000)
Community Outreach and Service
Archaeological Institute of America International October 5, 2019. What in the World? Historical Artifact Identification. Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Brown Deer, WI.
Wisconsin Science Festival presentation (with Anthropology PhD candidate Josh Driscoll) on Power Drinking in Iron Age Europe, October 2016.
Archaeological Institute of America International Archaeology Day October 2016. Copper as Personal Adornment in Prehistoric Europe.
Exhibit at Forest Home Cemetery, Doors Open Milwaukee September 2014, on MPM donor William Frankfurth (with UWM MS student Barbara McClendon)
Archaeological Institute of America International Archaeology Day October 18, 2014. Pottery Production in Iron Age Europe.
Adjunct Curator of Anthropology, Milwaukee Public Museum (2010-present); participated in Behind the Scenes at the MPM in Spring 2010 presenting the Robenhausen Swiss Lake Dwelling collection
Archaeological Institute of America Annual Public Lecture Series (service as President and Vice-President alternating with Art History faculty, intermittently 1998-present)
Center for Celtic Studies Community Public Events
Irish Fest Summer School (Instructor)
Irish Fest Hedge School (Presenter)
Consultant on Black Holocaust Museum Collections Strategy Committee
Professional Service
General Editor, e-Keltoi
Co-editor, Cambridge University Press/European Association of Archaeologists, Elements in European Archaeology series, 2017-present
Editorial Board, American Anthropologist, 2016-2019
Editorial Board, Keltische Forschungen, 2009-present
Editorial Board, Archaeological Dialogues, 2003-present
Editorial Board, Oxford University Press History of Archaeology series, 2006-2018
Editorial Board, HRAF Prehistory Database
Reviewer for American Antiquity
Reviewer for Journal of Archaeological Science
Reviewer for Journal of Archaeological Research
Reviewer for American Anthropologist
Reviewer for Current Anthropology
Reviewer for Antiquity
Reviewer for Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress
Reviewer for PLOS ONE
Reviewer for AltaMira Press
Reviewer for Routledge
Reviewer for Allyn and Bacon
Reviewer for Cambridge University Press
Reviewer for Oxford University Press
Reviewer for Thames and Hudson
Reviewer for Springer Verlag
Grant Reviews
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Full Professor fellowship review panelist, 2019-2020
Israel Science Foundation grant proposal reviewer, February 2016
Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science/New Eurasia Foundation grant proposal reviewer, February 21, 2013-April 8, 2013
International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship Program (IDRF), Social Science Research Council Reviewer
NSF IGERT (2004)/REU (2005) Fellowship Review Panelist
UWM NEH Summer Stipend Proposals Review Panelist 2004
NEH Summer Stipend Review Panelist 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2007-2008
National Geographic Society Proposal Reviewer
Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)/Hertha Firnberg-Stelle für Frauen Proposal Reviewer
Tenure and Promotion
Referee for appointment of Dr. Peter Biehl to Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate Division at the University of California Santa Cruz.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Melanie Giles to Full Professor at the University of Manchester.
Referee for promotion to the Abercrombie Chair in Archaeology of Dr. Manuel Fernández-Götz at the University of Edinburgh.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Rachel Pope to Full Professor at the University of Liverpool.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Benjamin Luley to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Anthropology, Gettysburg College. September 2021.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Rachel Scott to Associate Professor with tenure in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University. August 2012.
Referee for promotion of Associate Professor Janet Levy to Full Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. July 2010.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Peter S. Biehl to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Anthropology at University of Buffalo. August 2009.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Bryan Hanks to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Anthropology at University of Pittsburgh. August 2008.
Referee for promotion of Dr. Tina (Tim) Thurston to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Anthropology at University of Buffalo. August 2007.
Sigma Xi Membership Application Reviewer August 2020-present
Advisory Board/Steering Committee, Leverhulme Trust project “Ancestral Landscapes in Southeast Europe: Memory and Transitions”, 2019-2021 (invited).
Nominations Committee, European Association of Archaeologists, 2016-2020 (elected position)
Archaeological Institute of America Corresponding Member Committee, 2016-2023
UISPP Commission on History of Archaeology, 2010-present
UISPP Commission on the Archaeology of the Metal Ages, 2015-present
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Program Committee, 2010-present
SAA Dissertation Committee, 1999-2002
Jury Member, Cinarchea International Archaeological and Art Film Festival, Kiel, Germany 1999-2001
Organizing Committee, Minnesota Archaeology Week, 1995-1996
Local Arrangements Committee, Society for American Archaeology Minneapolis, 1995
Professional Memberships
American Anthropological Association (Fellow since 1993)
American Association of Museums
American Association of University Professors
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of University Women, Milwaukee Chapter
Archaeological Institute of America (President or Vice-President, Milwaukee Chapter 1998 – present)
Celtic Studies of North America
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e.V.
European Association of Archaeologists
FemArc Network
Förderkreis Archäologie in Baden
Heuneburg Museumsverein e.V.
Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society)
Society for American Archaeology (1988-2010)
Society for German American Studies
Tübinger Verein zur Förderung der Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie e.V.