19th Annual Research in the Rotunda

The “Research in the Rotunda” event gives students and faculty advisors from across the UW System with the opportunity to share their research findings with Wisconsin legislators, state leaders, UW alumni and members of the public. The 19th Annual Research in the Rotunda was held on March 8th in the Wisconsin State Capitol.

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WisCUR Executive Committee Meeting November 9, 2022

Attendance: Molly Van Wagner, Kyla Esguerra, Anne Hoeltke, Laura Dunek, Allison Steil, Jessica Schuld, Will Hoyer, Nicholas Bakken, Catherine Chan, Cheri Rossi Group introductions; introductions of guests Allison Steil and Laura Dunek from UW-System. Discussion about opportunities/vision/ideas for System collaboration and support. a. Past and current support: system symposium ($5k), CUR institutional membership, research in […]

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WisCUR Executive Committee Meeting October 6, 2022

Attendance: Nicholas Bakken, Catherine Chan, Julie Dresen, Kyla Esguerra, Karen Havholm, Anne Hoeltke, Cheri Rossi, Jessica Schuld, Molly Van Wagner Website Please send dates of your campus symposia and/or other relevant events to  to be added. Having a visible and updated web presence can assist in efforts to gain more UW System support. News, events & […]

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UW-River Falls sends 40 students to UW Symposium

The UW-River Falls sent 40 student researchers to the UW Symposium being hosted at UW Whitewater. This is the 20th annual symposium for Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity. This event showcases undergraduate creativity, achievement, research, service-learning and community-based research from all over the state of Wisconsin in all areas of study, including the humanities, fine arts, […]

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UW-System Symposium at UW-Whitewater April 22nd

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is excited to host the 20th annual UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity. This event showcases undergraduate creativity, achievement, research, service-learning and community-based research from all over the state of Wisconsin in all areas of study, including the humanities, fine arts, biological sciences, physical sciences, and social […]

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WisCUR Executive Committee Meeting, November 3, 2021

Attendance: Anny Morrobel-Sosa, Jeff Buhrandt, Catherine Chan, Scott Cooper, Will Hoyer, Jessica Schuld, Julie O’Leary, Cheri Rossi, Molly Van Wagner 1. Brief Introductions: Brief intro of the history of WisCUR Started in 2013 as a result of an NSF-CUR grant to provide leadership to advance, enhance and expand URSCA across the University of Wisconsin System. […]

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WisCUR Annual Meeting, September 23, 2021

Annual Meeting Minutes Julie O’Leary provided a welcome and took roll call. The following campuses and UW System staff were represented: Concordia University Wisconsin, Carthage, UW Eau Claire, UW La Crosse, UW Madison, Jeff Buhrandt-UW System, UW Milwaukee, UW Oshkosh, UW River Falls, UW Stout, Alison Steil-UW System, UW Superior, Kathy Divine-UW System, Marissa Jablonski-UW […]

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Dr. Molly Gerrish Recently Accepted the URSCA Director Position at UW-River Falls

Dr. Molly Gerrish recently accepted the URSCA Director position for the 2021-2022 academic year. In addition to her role as Professor in Teacher Education, Molly has extensive leadership experience across campus as Program Director for all early childhood programs, Co-chair of the Teacher Education Department, and Interim Director for the Educational Leadership program. Molly will […]

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WisCUR Executive Committee Meeting, July 29, 2021

Attending: Cherie Barta, Catherine Chan, Scott Cooper, Will Hoyer, Julie O’Leary, Jalal Nawash, Jessica Schuld, and Molly Van Wagner. Welcome and introductions – incoming Executive Committee members Will Hoyer (UW-Platteville), Jessica Schuld (UW-Milwaukee), and Molly Van Wagner (UW-River Falls) were welcomed. WisCUR Annual Meeting – The 2021 annual meeting will be scheduled for late September […]

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New WisCUR Executive Committee Members Selected

Congratulations and welcome to incoming members Will Hoyer (UW-Platteville), Jessica Schuld (UW-Milwaukee), and Molly Van Wagner (UW-River Falls) Will and Jessica will serve 3-year terms, and Molly will serve a 2-year term. New board terms, begin July 15th. I’d like to extend thanks on behalf of the whole group to outgoing Executive Committee members Nigel […]

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