Attending: Cherie Barta, Catherine Chan, Scott Cooper, Will Hoyer, Julie O’Leary, Jalal Nawash, Jessica Schuld, and Molly Van Wagner.
- Welcome and introductions – incoming Executive Committee members Will Hoyer (UW-Platteville), Jessica Schuld (UW-Milwaukee), and Molly Van Wagner (UW-River Falls) were welcomed.
- WisCUR Annual Meeting – The 2021 annual meeting will be scheduled for late September or early October, and will be virtual, given the ongoing uncertainty around travel and COVID-19 variants. The intention is to focus the meeting on a discussion of challenges that programs are facing, potential solutions, and how WisCUR and UW-System can provide support for URSCA at this time of transition. A survey will be sent to URSCA campus contacts ahead of the meeting to gather input for the agenda. Proposed meeting dates will be circulated as well.
- Campus survey – A draft survey circulated ahead of the meeting was reviewed and discussed. The survey will ask questions about program status, impacts of the pandemic, support that would be helpful from WisCUR, and will also ask for input on professional development needs/activities. WisCUR has some funds available from a previous grant for professional development and holding WisCUR activities that can (and should) be spent for activities in the coming year. Some ideas were suggested and more will be solicited via the survey, which will be sent out in early August with a two-week window to return it. The exec committee will discuss the survey results ahead of the annual meeting.
- The next meeting will be scheduled via when2meet poll after the results of the survey are received