Flowing Fluids Can Generate Electricity

Telemachos Agoudemos, “Flowing Fluids Can Generate Electricity” Mentor: Robert Balmer, Mechanical Engineering Poster #147 Something interesting happens when some fluids flow past a solid object – a high electrical charge can be generated which can produce hazardous conditions for workers…… Read More

Hemodynamic Analysis Using Particle Image Velocimetry”

Telemachos Agoudemos, “Hemodynamic Analysis Using Particle Image Velocimetry” Mentor: Roshan D’Souza, Mechanical Engineering Poster #148 Blood pressure is traditionally determined by inflating and deflating a cuff that produces values for the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Critically ill patients often…… Read More

STARS@UWM: The Search for Pulsars

Herbert De Leon, Sparrow Roch, Claire Bolda, Telemachos Agoudemos, Ben Lorenz, Nick Gilhaus, Nathaniel Valentine, Sky Majerus, Melissa Gleiter, and Lucas Patron, “STARS@UWM: The Search for Pulsars” Mentors: David Kaplan and Sarah Vigeland, Physics Poster #149 Pulsars are a type…… Read More