A Mathematical Model of Liposome-Mediated Drug Delivery in Brain Blood Vessel Networks

Benjamin Delebreau, “A Mathematical Model of Liposome-Mediated Drug Delivery in Brain Blood Vessel Networks”
Mentor: Peter Hinow, Mathematical Sciences

A major challenge to the delivery of drugs to the brain is posed by the blood-brain barrier. Recent research has shown liposomes to be a possible delivery method, being safer and precise as their cargo is be released by an ultrasound signal. Mathematical modelling of drug delivery is a useful tool in analyzing transport processes in the brain. We focus on the drug L-Dopa which is used to treat the neurodegenerative Parkinson’s disease and has to cross the blood-brain barrier to reach its target. We start by constructing a simplified model of a vessel network in a small tissue volume. The blood vessel network is a graph with edges that are straight capillaries, each initially assigned a length and radius. On this model, we implement a system of differential equations that describe the release of the drug from the liposomes and its crossing of the blood-brain barrier. The goal of our numerical implementation is to devise optimal ultrasound delivery strategies that minimize potential tissue damage due to overheating.

Synchronous Presentation April 16th at 2:45pm

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