Acknowledging SAILARC in scholarly articles:
Whenever we help analyze your samples, train to use our facility or contribute in any other way to the success of your experiments, you must acknowledge our support in your scholarly reports like journal articles, posters, thesis, reports, or any other scholarly presentations. This reflects the successful use of our facility that leads to the publishable results and potential grants. We are here to help you with reading your methods and any other technical advice as needed.
Please notify us (Drs. Mirza and Benko) whenever you acknowledge us to keep track of the successful outcome of our services.
You can use example 1 to acknowledge the use of any services provided by us in SAILARC. Otherwise, you can use other examples to be more specific as needed.
Example 1:
Data reported in this publication were obtained using the instrumentation at the State-of-the-art Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory and Research Core (SAILARC) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
More examples:
· Mass spectrometry analysis was performed at the State-of-the-art Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory and Research Core (SAILARC) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
· The authors thank Dr. Shama Mirza and Dr. Anna Benko for the technical advice/help in SAILARC (method development, sample preparation, sample analysis, data interpretation, helpful discussions, and manuscript preparation).