
Here you can find a number of resources made available by members of the RIIO Alliance. If you happen to use any of these resources, please be certain to cite the appropriate paper when doing so.


OptiMiS DC — software for spectral unmixing of spectrally resolved fluorescence images, as described in

  • Experimental verification of the kinetic theory of FRET using optical microspectroscopy and obligate oligomers, S. Patowary, L.F. Pisterzi, G. Biener, J.D. Holz, J.A. Oliver, J.W. Wells, V. Raicu. Biophysical Journal, 108:7 (2015) 1613-1622
  • FRET spectrometry: a new tool for the determination of protein quaternary structure in living cells, V. Raicu and D. Singh, Biophysical Journal 105, 1937-1945 (2013)
  • Determination of supramolecular structure and spatial distribution of protein complexes in living cells, V. Raicu, M. R. Stoneman, R. Fung, M. Melnichuk, D. B. Jansma, L. F. Pisterzi, S. Rath, M. Fox, J. W. Wells, and D. K. Saldin, Nature Photonics 3, 107-113 (2009)

2D FIF Spectrometry — Software for analysis of Fluorescence Intensity data, as described in

  • M. R. Stoneman, G. Biener, R. J. Ward, J. D. Pediani, D. Badu, A. Eis, I. Popa, G. Milligan, and V. Raicu, A general method to quantify ligand-driven oligomerization from flourescence-based images Nature Methods (2019)
  • M. R. Stoneman, G. Biener, & V. Raicu, Reply to: Spatial heterogeneity in molecular brightness. Nature Methods 17, (2020). 276–278
  • T. D. Killeen, S. Rahman, D. N. Badu, G. Biener, M. R. Stoneman, & V. Raicu, Fluorescence intensity fluctuation analysis of protein oligomerization in cell membranes Current Protocols, (2022)

FRET Spectrometry meta-histogram analysis

  • M. R. Stoneman, N. Raicu, G. Biener, & V. Raicu, Fluorescence-based methods for the study of protein-protein interactions modulated by ligand binding, Current Pharmaceutical Design 26, (2020)


Biophysical Microspectroscopy Facility

  • Determination of supramolecular structure and spatial distribution of protein complexes in living cells, V. Raicu, M. R. Stoneman, R. Fung, M. Melnichuk, D. B. Jansma, L. F. Pisterzi, S. Rath, M. Fox, J. W. Wells, and D. K. Saldin, Nature Photonics 3, 107-113 (2009)
  • Development and experimental testing of an optical micro-spectroscopic technique incorporating true line-scan excitation, G. Biener, M.R. Stoneman, G. Acbas, J.D. Holz, L. Komorova, M. Orlova, S. Kuchin, V. Raicu, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15 (2014) 261-276