Port 360: The Visual Arts of the Lusophone World, Fall 2024
In this course, we explored the rich and diverse artistic traditions of Portuguese-speaking countries, delving into influences from film and music to contemporary digital art, while also embracing the diasporic harmonies that shape these vibrant cultures.
Each podcast reflects the students’ unique perspectives and insights, showcasing their engagement with the vibrant cultural heritage and creative expressions of the Lusophone world. We invite you to listen, learn, and be inspired by their discoveries!
Brazilian Cinema
Group Members: Michelle, Elysia, Laura
Musical Influences
Group Members: Dejah, Cagney, Aidan
Group Members: Elena, Marissa, Jun, Mohamed
Group Members: Shalisha, Lucca, Valentina
Technology & Music
Group Members: Leo, Tianna, Alyssa
Diasporic Harmonies
Group Members: Paige, Alexus, Jason
Fall 2023: The visual arts of the Lusophone world
Street art in São Paulo
Group Members: Autumn Gethers, Gema Makeizie Garcia-Paez, Bucky Buckwalter, Abigail Sky Jean Hansen
Art in the Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance
Jessica Louise Rieder
Graffiti art in Brazil
Group Members: Liam Sheriff, Brooke Weissenborn, Laura Tiemi Nojima
Group Members: Shyla Christopher, Abigail Marie Haider, Wiktoria Wasik
Azulejos in Portugal
Group Members: Sophia Marie Kvalheim, Chloe Anna Priatko, Jerusha Juliette Smith
Fall 2022: A journey through the music of the Lusophone world
The current selection of podcasts is the creative result of the research and production developed by the Portuguese 360 students during the Fall 2022 semester. These podcasts are focused on exploring different dimensions of the music of the Lusophone world. It presents different perspectives on music as means of reflecting on Portuguese-speaking countries social structure, social dynamics, social institutions, cultures, multiple ethnicities, collective memory, and both colonial and post-colonial history.
Bossa Nova
Description: My podcast is on the music genre of Bossa Nova. Please excuse my pronunciation of some of the Portuguese words. Below is the reference for the music clip played at the beginning of the podcast in addition to all of the references I used to put together this podcast.
Group Members: Haneen Daher
Capoeira and Patua
Group Members: Phong Nguyen
Cesaria Evora
Description: Podcast about Cesaria Evora and her career.
Group Members: Elvira Felipe-Fercano
Chico Buarque
Description: My podcast was about Portguese Chico Buarque and how he was Bossa Nova singer. I will provide reference for the information I talked about in the podcast.
Group Members: Noah Geluk
Claudia Leitte
Description: Podcast about Claudia Leitte, a Brazillian singer.
Group Members: Zahra Noor
Dance in the Brazilian Culture as seen Through Soccer
Description: How dance plays an integral role in Brazilian soccer celebrations and the cultural implications that it has.
Group Members: Janna Zaibak
Description: Podcast about the artist Emicida and his career.
Group Members: Jeneva McMartin
Description: Podcast about the Brazilian musical genre forró.
Group Members: Leah Lucille Kuester
Influence of Myra Adrade
Description: Mayra is a talented singer/song artist that climbed her way up the latter with influential music.
Group Members: Marissa Dieringer
Group Members: Tommy Benson
Jorge Ben Jor
Description: For my presentation I choose to focus on the life and times of Jorge Ben Jor. One of the most influential and interesting musicians from Brazil. Jorge Ben Jor has a king and distinguished career. In my podcast I will discuss his role as a social figure in Brazil. Focusing mainly on his role in 60 and 70s. And how Jorge Ben Jor was able to use his music to impact society.
Group Members: Nicholas Lee Meulemans
Description: My podcast discusses the famous 1989 Brazilian song Lambada by Kaoma; its origins, social history, and reactions it provoked from conservative media. I will also attach the music video itself for reference. Thank you for listening!
Group Members: Gianna Rupnick
Description: My podcast is about Brazilian singer, Ludmilla! I’m excited to check out all of your podcasts, thanks for a great semester!
Group Members: Caity Garris
Lundu Dance
Description: Going more in-depth about the rich history of the Lundu Dance and what perspectives it has to offer to the world.
Group Members: Alberto Imanol Vilchis
Marisa Monte
Description: My podcast is about the Portuguese and Brazilian artist Marisa Monte. The references are attached at the bottom! I hope you enjoy!
Group Members: Stephanie LaKayla Laird
Music, Film and Stereotypes about Brazil
Description: My podcast discusses the various music and inaccurate stereotypes in the film Rio (2011). The podcast highlights how the film incorporates elements of fusion by collaborating with both American and Brazilian artists and performers that results in music that showcases American and Brazilian elements. Despite the clear evidence of cultural connection the film provides, my podcast discusses how harmful stigmas can be portrayed simultaneously which in turn prompts the question: does films like Rio (2011) do more harm than good when they capitalize on inaccurate stereotypes? Thank you all for listening and for a great semester!
Group Members: Allison Keenan
Nara Leao
Description: This is a podcast about Brazilian bossa-nova musician and singer Nara Leao.
Group Members: Orla Brigid O’Connell
Description: My podcast is about the Portuguese music genre – Pimba. Here are the references for the information I talked about within my podcast, and please excuse my pronunciation, I tried.
Group Members: Vanessa Hoene
Rodrigo Amarante
Description: My podcast is about the Brazilian multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, Rodrigo Amarante. I’ve included the songs I used within the podcast, as well as resources I utilized for information.
Group Members: Savannah Claire Rasmussen
Description: I wanted to focus on the importance of sertanejo in the like of the Brazilian people, and how meaningful I could be. I hope you like it.
Group Members: Livia Arcanjo
Turtle Island
Description: This is a small sampling of Indigenous music from Brazil and Turtle Island. What is Turtle Island? Listen and find out! Obrigada, Philámayayapi. Thank you for listening.
Opening Song: Soft Stud by Black Belt Eagle Scout
Closing Song: Ahiani: Elsewhere by Piqsiq
Group Members: Rowan Bradley
Zeca Afonso
Group Members: Luis Dimitri Piceno
Spring 2022: Understanding Brazil through Film
The current selection of podcasts is the creative result of the research and production developed by the Portuguese 360 students during the Spring 2022 semester. These podcasts are focused on exploring different dimensions of the
Brazilian film and television landscape. It presents different perspectives on film and television as means of reflecting on Brazilian social structure, social dynamics, social institutions, cultures, multiple ethnicities, collective memory, and both colonial and post-colonial history. Students-authors analyzed different works about gender, native populations, race, ethnicity, music, filmmaking, urban and rural poverty and inequality, popular culture, police brutality, and other contemporary themes that characterize Brazilian history and society.
Description: An analysis of the Weird Western Brazilian film Bacurau and its sociopolitical commentary.
Group Members: Alma Martinez
The Circle Brazil – A Social Experiment
Description: The Circle Brazil highlights the social sleight-of-hand that disguises the realities of Brazilian racial inequity through a popularity contest in which players create a profile and interact ONLY on a social media platform. The goal is to win by being the most liked – but the question is… when you can be anybody, a catfish, a real person, or someone in between… who would YOU choose?!
Group Members: Belinda Dorn
John of God
Description: A podcast discussing the unique spiritually healer John of God and explores healthcare and spirituality in Brazil.
Group Members: Daniela Steiner
A Fine Line: Democracy in Brazil and the U.S. through Film
Description: Discussion of how cinema illustrates the weakening of democracy through the influence of large corporations in Brazil and the U.S.
Group Members: Halle Berres
Description: This Brazilian film shows how an indigenous community has been affected due to white migrators, invaders, loggers, and the influence of Western society.
Group Members: Hannah Thorpe
Examining Intersectional Identities Through Film in Brazil and the US
Description: In this podcast, I look at the films Moonlight and Sócrates as a way of comparing queer experiences in two countries.
Group Members: John Stropes
Neon Bull
Description: Discussing writer/director Gabriel Mascaro’s artistic commentary on socioeconomic mobility and combating gender norms through Brazil’s rodeo sport of Vaquejada.
Group Members: Kendall Clair Frank
A vida dele foi uma Peça
Description: Overview of Paulo Gustavo’s work and achievements in the brazilian film industry
Group Members: Livia Arcanjo
Made in Honorio
Description: A podcast exploring the Brazilian documentary centered around women empowerment, funk, and Brazilian pop culture.
Group Members: Livia Klechefski
Walter Salles
Description: Discussion of the works and influence of Brazilian film director, Walter Salles, onto Brazil’s culture and society.
Group Members: Naomi Esquivel Zavala
The Way He Looks (2014)
Description: My podcast discusses both the disability and queer representation in this film and its themes that make it a film for anyone to relate to. (Just a comment- as an abled person, I feel as though it is important for me to recognize my privilege as such. I have tried to include the voices and opinions of disabled people in regards to their representation in media, as I did not want to speak over this community in any way.)
Group Members: Nico Molek
Boca Do Lixo: Trash Cinema
Description: A podcast exploring the genre born in the midst of a military dictatorship. Boca Do Lixo or Trash Mouth cinema and what it means to the people.
Group Members: Rowan Bradley
“The Brazilian Bombshell” aka Sonia Braga
Description: Getting to know one of the most well-known Brazilian actors today, a brief biographical podcast on actor Sonia Braga.
Group Members: Sadie Martin
Tropa de Elite
Description: The theme of my podcast is the police brutality that has been occurring in Rio and how this film highlights this theme.
Group Members: Sam Balistreri
Description: This Brazilian film follows the story of Sócrates, a 15-year-old from Santos in São Paulo struggling to find his place in the world against all the obstacles he faces as a young, Black, gay Brazilian.
Group Members: Tasneem Badani
Fall 2021: The Visual Arts of the Lusophone World
The current selection of podcasts are the creative result of the research and production developed by the Portuguese 360 students during the Fall 2021 semester.
These podcasts are focused on exploring different dimensions of the Lusophone World’s visual arts, its multiple societies and cultures, collective memory, and both independent and shared history. Students-authors analyzed different and amazing stories about sculpture and history in Braga, street art in Covilhã, Cape Verde and Brazil, architecture, monuments, and visual arts in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the traditions, gender roles and costumes of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnaval festivities.
A Walk Through Covilhã
Description: We discuss the city of Covilha and the influential WOOL Urban Art Festival. We look into the city’s history, the festival’s history, and the festival’s impact on the city.
Group Members: Vanessa Goltz, Naomi Esquivel, Levi Montee
Galeria de Céu Aberto
Description: In Galeria de Céu Aberto we delve into the history of street art, particularly graffiti, in Brazil, its importance to social and political causes, and how it was used as a tool for protesting the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
Group Members: Alma Martínez, Tasneem Badani, Brytanny Solis
Fountain of the Idol
Description: A personal look at some of the potential meanings of the Fountain of the Idol in Braga.
Group Members: Jun Wilkinson
Talking through Brazilian Carnival!
Description: Brief dive into carnival and the cultural significance of their attire.
Group Members: Miguel Varela, John Aponte, Courtney Olson
Description: We discuss Rio de Janeiro’s architecture, murals, and street art. All three of us have been to Rio and we wanted to share our experiences.
Group Members: Livia Klechefski, Livia Arcanjo, Dani Steiner
The Art World History Podcast: Cape Verdean Street Art
Description: The Art World History Podcast is a series that examines world history through the lens of art. In this podcast episode, we examine the influences of Cape Verdean art in Cape Verde and Portugal.
Group Members: Dwayne Sparks, Angelina Giacomin