PORODRY is a CFD tool originally designed for simulating porous media drying problems, which is capable of couple solving the pore-scale porous media interior and lab-scale outside field simultaneously. Right now, PORODRY is mainly used in 3 categories of problems: general fluid flow, porous media interior transportation, and transportation between porous media and external flow field. The results can be output in VTK format, which can be post-processed with ParaView.

PORODRY is written in C++ with OOP technology, which make it easier to extend to include more physical models, algorithms and schemes. Free linear library Eigen is used for the linear equations solver, which keeps the cost low and is the only module currently capable of parallel computing.

Major Features for Pore-Scale Porous Media Interior:

  •  Implicit time marching solver for 2D/3D pore network evaporation model with invasion-percolation rule and film effect considered
  •  The complex shape pore network is acceptable, 2D regular/irregular pore network generator is included

Major Features for Lab-Scale Outside Field:

  •  Implicit 2D/3D steady flow finite volume solver for Navier-Stokes equations
  •  Implicit 2D/3D time marching solver for convection and diffusion evaporation model
  •  Complex geometry is acceptable, 2D meshing tool is included
  •  Optional Boundary Conditions: Inlet, Outlet, Periodic, Static Wall, Sliding Wall, Porous Media Opening
  •  Optional Algorithms for Flow Solver: SIMPLE, SIMPLER
  •  Optional Algorithm for Evaporation Solver: Convection-Diffusion Operator Splitting, Diffusion-Convection Operator Splitting, Non Operator Splitting
  •  Optional Schemes: Hybrid, Hayase QUICK