NMR operations during COVID-19 outbreak

UWM Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility COVID-19 Operational Safety Plan

Adhere to the following protocol when using the NMR equipment:

    • Do not enter the lab if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or show any of the symptoms.
    • Face mask are required inside public spaces by UWM policy, City of Milwaukee ordinance and State of Wisconsin Emergency order.
    • Reservation required.  You need to reserve time and come only down to the lab when it is your time. Wait in B-10 if the previous person is not finished
    • Wash your hands before entering.  Bathrooms are just across the stairway/elevator doors.
    • Keep your distance: Only one user at a time on each instrument.
    • One additional person can watch by logging into the computer in the opposite wall and use Remote Desktop to supervise/observe the spectrometer computer
    • Wash your hands before entering
    • If users are waiting in B-10, leave through the back door (one-way traffic)
    • Wash your hand before returning to your lab

Additional precautionary measures

    • Use disposable gloves (available next to door inside of B-10) OR
    • Use the hand sanitizer provided before touching keyboards/ sample holders
    • Use the 70% ethanol in the plastic squeeze bottle and Kimwipes to sanitize Keyboards/mouse, sample holder, sample gauge, and the part of the Sample Case carousel you are using.
    • Refill of 70% ethanol is in glass bottles on the counter next to the sink.
    • Table surfaces can be wiped with Chlorox wipes.