Note to Researchers

For researchers interested in (1) following up on some of my writings (or doubling back) or (2) the general subject of governmental and nonprofit PR in the US, I have donated my files to relevant archival collections:

  • Most of the research files I accumulated on American governmental and nonprofit/NGO PR are in the History of Public Relations & Advertising Collection in the Archives & Special Collections of Bournemouth University’s Talbot campus library (UK). The materials consist of (1) general collections on those subjects in chronological order and (2) research notes for my writings on government and nonprofit PR (exclusive of those that are FDR-related, see below). Here is a link to the Finding Aid: Papers of Mordecai Lee. (The formal title used for these donated materials embarrassingly conflates their importance.)
  • Research files for my historical writings relating to Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency (articles, books, and FDR-related portions of several other books) are at the Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park (NY) in the Mordecai Lee Papers. They are generally arranged in chronological order. See: Research notes from my early writings are mostly in hard-copy and the latter ones are digitized. Note: At the time of this posting, the listing of my accretions to the collection is out of date, mostly limited to my book on the Office of Government Reports (2005). Later accruals of research files from my subsequent publications were not yet listed in the finding aid. Adapting to technology, instead of donating hard-copies of the research records of my last three books (Wayne Coy, 2018; the US Travel Bureau, 2020, and Harold Smith, 2021), I scanned them. So they should be available in in digitized form.
  • Research files for my 2006 book on the US Bureau of Efficiency (and its head, Herbert Brown) are at the Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch (IA).
  • Research materials for my 2008 book on governmental and nonprofit bureaus of efficiency in Chicago and Milwaukee are at the Chicago Historical Society and the Milwaukee County Historical Society respectively.
  • Interviews conducted for my 2010 book on President Nixon’s super-secretaries are at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda (CA). They are located in the Small Deeded Collections.
  • Research files on the recall of the city manager in Long Beach (CA) in 1922, published in chapter 3 of my History of Public Administration in the United States (2023), are located in the archives of the Historical Society of Long Beach.