Publications Since 2001

Last updated December 2022

Hoar, C., McClary-Gutierrez, J., Bivins, A., Wolfe, M., Bibby, K., Silverman, A., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Looking Forward: The Role of Academic Researchers in Building Sustainable Wastewater Surveillance Programs (preprint). LIFE SCIENCES.

Meyers, B.C., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Influence of Nutrients and the Native Community on E. coli Survival in the Beach Environment. Appl Environ Microbiol e01043-22.

Roguet, A., Newton, R.J., Eren, A.M., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Guts of the Urban Ecosystem: Microbial Ecology of Sewer Infrastructure. mSystems 7, e00118-22.

Passante, E.K., Dechant, L.E., Paradis, C.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Halophilic bacteria in a Lake Michigan drainage basin as potential biological indicators of chloride-impacted freshwaters. Science of The Total Environment 846, 157458.

Dila, D.K., Koster, E.R., McClary-Guterriez, J., Khazaei, B., Bravo, H.R., Bootsma, M.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Assessment of Regional and Local Sources of Contamination at Urban Beaches Using Hydrodynamic Models and Field-Based Monitoring. ACS EST Water 2, 1715–1724.

Schussman, M.K., Roguet, A., Schmoldt, A., Dinan, B., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Wastewater surveillance using ddPCR accurately tracked Omicron emergence due to altered N1 probe binding efficiency. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol. 10.1039.D2EW00194B.

Schussman, M.K., McLellan, S.L.*, 2022. Effect of Time and Temperature on SARS-CoV-2 in Municipal Wastewater Conveyance Systems. Water 14, 1373.

Williams, N.L.R., Siboni, N., McLellan, S.L., Potts, J., Scanes, P., Johnson, C., James, M., McCann, V., Seymour, J.R., 2022. Rainfall leads to elevated levels of antibiotic resistance genes within seawater at an Australian beach. Environmental Pollution 307, 119456.

Kim, S., Kennedy, L.C., Wolfe, M.K., Criddle, C.S., Duong, D.H., Topol, A., White, B.J., Kantor, R.S., Nelson, K.L., Steele, J.A., Langlois, K., Griffith, J.F., Zimmer-Faust, A.G., McLellan, S.L., Schussman, M.K., Ammerman, M., Wigginton, K.R., Bakker, K.M., Boehm, A.B., 2022. SARS-CoV-2 RNA is enriched by orders of magnitude in primary settled solids relative to liquid wastewater at publicly owned treatment works. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol. 10.1039.D1EW00826A.

Feng, S., Roguet, A., McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., Newton, R.J., Kloczko, N., Meiman, J.G., McLellan, S.L.*, 2021. Evaluation of Sampling, Analysis, and Normalization Methods for SARS-CoV-2 Concentrations in Wastewater to Assess COVID-19 Burdens in Wisconsin Communities. ACS EST Water 1, 1955–1965.

McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., Mattioli, M.C., Marcenac, P., Silverman, A.I., Boehm, A.B., Bibby, K., Balliet, M., de Los Reyes, F.L., Gerrity, D., Griffith, J.F., Holden, P.A., Katehis, D., Kester, G., LaCross, N., Lipp, E.K., Meiman, J., Noble, R.T., Brossard, D., McLellan, S.L.*, 2021. SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance for Public Health Action. Emerg Infect Dis 27, 1–8.

Codello, A., McLellan, S.L., Steinberg, P., Potts, J., Scanes, P., Ferguson, A., Hose, G.C., Griffith, M., Roguet, A., Lydon, K.A., Maher, W.A., Krikowa, F., Chariton, A., 2021. A weight-of-evidence approach for identifying potential sources of untreated sewage inputs into a complex urbanized catchment. Environ Pollut 275, 116575.

Rumball, N.A., Mayer, H.C., McLellan, S.L.*, 2020. Selective survival of Escherichia coli phylotypes in freshwater beach sand. Appl Environ Microbiol AEM.02473-20.

Corsi, S.R., De Cicco, L.A., Hansen, A.M., Lenaker, P.L., Bergamaschi, B.A., Pellerin, B.A., Dila, D.K., Bootsma, M.J., Spencer, S.K., Borchardt, M.A., McLellan, S.L.*, 2021. Optical Properties of Water for Prediction of Wastewater Contamination, Human-Associated Bacteria, and Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Surface Water at Three Watershed Scales. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 13770–13782.

Ahmed, W., Simpson, S.L., Bertsch, P.M., Bibby, K., Bivins, A., Blackall, L.L., Bofill-Mas, S., Bosch, A., Brandão, J., Choi, P.M., Ciesielski, M., Donner, E., D’Souza, N., Farnleitner, A.H., Gerrity, D., Gonzalez, R., Griffith, J.F., Gyawali, P., Haas, C.N., Hamilton, K.A., Hapuarachchi, H.C., Harwood, V.J., Haque, R., Jackson, G., Khan, S.J., Khan, W., Kitajima, M., Korajkic, A., La Rosa, G., Layton, B.A., Lipp, E., McLellan, S.L., McMinn, B., Medema, G., Metcalfe, S., Meijer, W.G., Mueller, J.F., Murphy, H., Naughton, C.C., Noble, R.T., Payyappat, S., Petterson, S., Pitkänen, T., Rajal, V.B., Reyneke, B., Roman, F.A., Rose, J.B., Rusiñol, M., Sadowsky, M.J., Sala-Comorera, L., Setoh, Y.X., Sherchan, S.P., Sirikanchana, K., Smith, W., Steele, J.A., Sabburg, R., Symonds, E.M., Thai, P., Thomas, K.V., Tynan, J., Toze, S., Thompson, J., Whiteley, A.S., Wong, J.C.C., Sano, D., Wuertz, S., Xagoraraki, I., Zhang, Q., Zimmer-Faust, A.G., Shanks, O.C., 2022. Minimizing errors in RT-PCR detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for wastewater surveillance. Science of The Total Environment 805, 149877.

McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., Aanderud, Z.T., Al-Faliti, M., Duvallet, C., Gonzalez, R., Guzman, J., Holm, R.H., Jahne, M.A., Kantor, R.S., Katsivelis, P., Kuhn, K.G., Langan, L.M., Mansfeldt, C., McLellan, S.L., Grijalva, L.M.M., Murnane, K.S., Naughton, C.C., Packman, A.I., Paraskevopoulos, S., Radniecki, T.S., Roman, F.A., Shrestha, A., Stadler, L.B., Steele, J.A., Swalla, B.M., Vikesland, P., Wartell, B., Wilusz, C.J., Wong, J.C.C., Boehm, A.B., Halden, R.U., Bibby, K., Vela, J.D., 2021. Standardizing data reporting in the research community to enhance the utility of open data for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance. Environ Sci (Camb) 9.

Levican, A., Fisher, J.C., McLellan, S.L., Avendaño-Herrera, R., 2020. Microbial Communities Associated with Farmed Genypterus chilensis: Detection in Water Prior to Bacterial Outbreaks Using Culturing and High-Throughput Sequencing. Animals 10, 1055.

Bivins, A., North, D., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, W., Alm, E., Been, F., Bhattacharya, P., Bijlsma, L., Boehm, A.B., Brown, J., Buttiglieri, G., Calabro, V., Carducci, A., Castiglioni, S., Cetecioglu Gurol, Z., Chakraborty, S., Costa, F., Curcio, S., de Los Reyes, F.L., Delgado Vela, J., Farkas, K., Fernandez-Casi, X., Gerba, C., Gerrity, D., Girones, R., Gonzalez, R., Haramoto, E., Harris, A., Holden, P.A., Islam, M.T., Jones, D.L., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Kitajima, M., Kotlarz, N., Kumar, M., Kuroda, K., La Rosa, G., Malpei, F., Mautus, M., McLellan, S.L., Medema, G., Meschke, J.S., Mueller, J., Newton, R.J., Nilsson, D., Noble, R.T., van Nuijs, A., Peccia, J., Perkins, T.A., Pickering, A.J., Rose, J., Sanchez, G., Smith, A., Stadler, L., Stauber, C., Thomas, K., van der Voorn, T., Wigginton, K., Zhu, K., Bibby, K., 2020. Wastewater-Based Epidemiology: Global Collaborative to Maximize Contributions in the Fight Against COVID-19. Environ Sci Technol 54, 7754–7757.

Roguet, A., Esen, Ö.C., Eren, A.M., Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2020. FORENSIC: an Online Platform for Fecal Source Identification. mSystems 5, e00869-19.

Feng, S., Ahmed, W., McLellan, S.L.*, 2020. Ecological and Technical Mechanisms for Cross-Reaction of Human Fecal Indicators with Animal Hosts. Appl Environ Microbiol 86, e02319-19.

Ahmed, W., Gyawali, P., Feng, S., McLellan, S.L.*, 2019. Host Specificity and Sensitivity of Established and Novel Sewage-Associated Marker Genes in Human and Nonhuman Fecal Samples. Appl Environ Microbiol 85, e00641-19.

Feng, S., McLellan, S.L., 2019. Highly Specific Sewage-Derived Bacteroides Quantitative PCR Assays Target Sewage-Polluted Waters. Appl Environ Microbiol 85, e02696-18.

McLellan, S.L., Roguet, A., 2019. The unexpected habitat in sewer pipes for the propagation of microbial communities and their imprint on urban waters. Curr Opin Biotechnol 57, 34–41.

Roguet, A., Eren, A.M., Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2018. Fecal source identification using random forest. Microbiome 6, 185.

Dila, D.K., Corsi, S.R., Lenaker, P.L., Baldwin, A.K., Bootsma, M.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2018. Patterns of Host-Associated Fecal Indicators Driven by Hydrology, Precipitation, and Land Use Attributes in Great Lakes Watersheds. Environ Sci Technol 52, 11500–11509.

Olds, H.T., Corsi, S.R., Dila, D.K., Halmo, K.M., Bootsma, M.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2018. High levels of sewage contamination released from urban areas after storm events: A quantitative survey with sewage specific bacterial indicators. PLoS Med 15, e1002614.

Feng, S., Bootsma, M., McLellan, S.L.*, 2018. Human-Associated Lachnospiraceae Genetic Markers Improve Detection of Fecal Pollution Sources in Urban Waters. Appl Environ Microbiol 84, e00309-18.

Lenaker, P.L., Corsi, S.R., McLellan, S.L., Borchardt, M.A., Olds, H.T., Dila, D.K., Spencer, S.K., Baldwin, A.K., 2018. Human-Associated Indicator Bacteria and Human-Specific Viruses in Surface Water: A Spatial Assessment with Implications on Fate and Transport. Environ Sci Technol 52, 12162–12171.

Delmont, T.O., Quince, C., Shaiber, A., Esen, Ö.C., Lee, S.T., Rappé, M.S., McLellan, S.L., Lücker, S., Eren, A.M., 2018. Nitrogen-fixing populations of Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria are abundant in surface ocean metagenomes. Nat Microbiol 3, 804–813.

McLellan, S.L.*, Sauer, E.P., Corsi, S.R., Bootsma, M.J., Boehm, A.B., Spencer, S.K., Borchardt, M.A., 2018. Sewage loading and microbial risk in urban waters of the Great Lakes. Elementa (Wash D C) 6, 46.

Bravo, H.R., McLellan, S.L., Klump, J.V., Hamidi, S.A., Talarczyk, D., 2017. Modeling the fecal coliform footprint in a Lake Michigan urban coastal area. Environmental Modelling & Software 95, 401–419.

Cloutier, D.D., McLellan, S.L., 2017. Distribution and Differential Survival of Traditional and Alternative Indicators of Fecal Pollution at Freshwater Beaches. Appl Environ Microbiol 83, e02881-16.

Bartelme, R.P., McLellan, S.L., Newton, R.J., 2017. Freshwater Recirculating Aquaculture System Operations Drive Biofilter Bacterial Community Shifts around a Stable Nitrifying Consortium of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea and Comammox Nitrospira. Front Microbiol 8, 101.

Templar, H.A., Dila, D.K., Bootsma, M.J., Corsi, S.R., McLellan, S.L.*, 2016. Quantification of human-associated fecal indicators reveal sewage from urban watersheds as a source of pollution to Lake Michigan. Water Res 100, 556–567.

Solo-Gabriele, H.M., Harwood, V.J., Kay, D., Fujioka, R.S., Sadowsky, M.J., Whitman, R.L., Wither, A., Caniça, M., Carvalho da Fonseca, R., Duarte, A., Edge, T.A., Gargaté, M.J., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Hagen, F., McLellan, S.L., Nogueira da Silva, A., Novak Babič, M., Prada, S., Rodrigues, R., Romão, D., Sabino, R., Samson, R.A., Segal, E., Staley, C., Taylor, H.D., Veríssimo, C., Viegas, C., Barroso, H., Brandão, J.C., 2016. Beach sand and the potential for infectious disease transmission: observations and recommendations. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 96, 101–120.

McLellan, S.L.*, Fisher, J.C., Newton, R.J., 2015. The microbiome of urban waters. Int Microbiol 18, 141–149.

Green, H.C., Fisher, J.C., McLellan, S.L., Sogin, M.L., Shanks, O.C., 2015. Identification of Specialists and Abundance-Occupancy Relationships among Intestinal Bacteria of Aves, Mammalia, and Actinopterygii. Appl Environ Microbiol 82, 1496–1503.

Fisher, J.C., Eren, A.M., Green, H.C., Shanks, O.C., Morrison, H.G., Vineis, J.H., Sogin, M.L., McLellan, S.L.*, 2015. Comparison of Sewage and Animal Fecal Microbiomes by Using Oligotyping Reveals Potential Human Fecal Indicators in Multiple Taxonomic Groups. Appl Environ Microbiol 81, 7023–7033.

Cloutier, D.D., Alm, E.W., McLellan, S.L., 2015. Influence of Land Use, Nutrients, and Geography on Microbial Communities and Fecal Indicator Abundance at Lake Michigan Beaches. Appl Environ Microbiol 81, 4904–4913.

Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L., Dila, D.K., Vineis, J.H., Morrison, H.G., Eren, A.M., Sogin, M.L., 2015. Sewage reflects the microbiomes of human populations. mBio 6, e02574.

Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2015. A unique assemblage of cosmopolitan freshwater bacteria and higher community diversity differentiate an urbanized estuary from oligotrophic Lake Michigan. Front Microbiol 6, 1028.

Fisher, J.C., Newton, R.J., Dila, D.K., McLellan, S.L.*, 2015. Urban microbial ecology of a freshwater estuary of Lake Michigan. Elementa (Wash D C) 3, 000064.

Lee, P.O., McLellan, S.L., Graham, L.E., Young, E.B., 2015. Invasive dreissenid mussels and benthic algae in Lake Michigan: characterizing effects on sediment bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 91, 1–12.

Eren, A.M., Sogin, M.L., Morrison, H.G., Vineis, J.H., Fisher, J.C., Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2015. A single genus in the gut microbiome reflects host preference and specificity. ISME J 9, 90–100.

McLellan, S.L.*, Eren, A.M., 2014. Discovering new indicators of fecal pollution. Trends Microbiol 22, 697–706.

Koskey, A.M., Fisher, J.C., Eren, A.M., Ponce-Terashima, R., Reis, M.G., Blanton, R.E., McLellan, S.L.*, 2014. Blautia and Prevotella sequences distinguish human and animal fecal pollution in Brazil surface waters. Environ Microbiol Rep 6, 696–704.

Ponce-Terashima, R., Koskey, A.M., Reis, M.G., McLellan, S.L., Blanton, R.E., 2014. Sources and distribution of surface water fecal contamination and prevalence of schistosomiasis in a Brazilian village. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8, e3186.

Fisher, J.C., Levican, A., Figueras, M.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2014. Population dynamics and ecology of Arcobacter in sewage. Front Microbiol 5, 525.

Silva, M.R., Bravo, H.R., Cherkauer, D., Val Klump, J., Kean, W., McLellan, S.L.*, 2014. Effect of hydrological and geophysical factors on formation of standing water and FIB reservoirs at a Lake Michigan beach. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, 778–789.

Halliday, E., McLellan, S.L., Amaral-Zettler, L.A., Sogin, M.L., Gast, R.J., 2014. Comparison of bacterial communities in sands and water at beaches with bacterial water quality violations. PLoS One 9, e90815.

Koskey, A.M., Fisher, J.C., Traudt, M.F., Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2014. Analysis of the gull fecal microbial community reveals the dominance of Catellicoccus marimammalium in relation to culturable Enterococci. Appl Environ Microbiol 80, 757–765.

Kappell, A.D., Wei, Y., Newton, R.J., Van Nostrand, J.D., Zhou, J., McLellan, S.L., Hristova, K.R., 2014. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation potential of Gulf of Mexico native coastal microbial communities after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Front Microbiol 5, 205.

Newton, R.J., Huse, S.M., Morrison, H.G., Peake, C.S., Sogin, M.L., McLellan, S.L.*, 2013. Shifts in the microbial community composition of Gulf Coast beaches following beach oiling. PLoS One 8, e74265.

Newton, R.J., Bootsma, M.J., Morrison, H.G., Sogin, M.L., McLellan, S.L.*, 2013. A microbial signature approach to identify fecal pollution in the waters off an urbanized coast of Lake Michigan. Microb Ecol 65, 1011–1023.

McLellan, S.L.*, Newton, R.J., Vandewalle, J.L., Shanks, O.C., Huse, S.M., Eren, A.M., Sogin, M.L., 2013. Sewage reflects the distribution of human faecal Lachnospiraceae. Environ Microbiol 15, 2213–2227.

Shanks, O.C., Newton, R.J., Kelty, C.A., Huse, S.M., Sogin, M.L., McLellan, S.L.*, 2013. Comparison of the microbial community structures of untreated wastewaters from different geographic locales. Appl Environ Microbiol 79, 2906–2913.

Vandewalle, J.L., Goetz, G.W., Huse, S.M., Morrison, H.G., Sogin, M.L., Hoffmann, R.G., Yan, K., McLellan, S.L.*, 2012. Acinetobacter, Aeromonas and Trichococcus populations dominate the microbial community within urban sewer infrastructure. Environ Microbiol 14, 2538–2552.

Newton, R.J., Vandewalle, J.L., Borchardt, M.A., Gorelick, M.H., McLellan, S.L.*, 2011. Lachnospiraceae and Bacteroidales alternative fecal indicators reveal chronic human sewage contamination in an urban harbor. Appl Environ Microbiol 77, 6972–6981.

Sauer, E.P., Vandewalle, J.L., Bootsma, M.J., McLellan, S.L.*, 2011. Detection of the human specific Bacteroides genetic marker provides evidence of widespread sewage contamination of stormwater in the urban environment. Water Res 45, 4081–4091.

Shanks, O.C., Kelty, C.A., Archibeque, S., Jenkins, M., Newton, R.J., McLellan, S.L., Huse, S.M., Sogin, M.L., 2011. Community structures of fecal bacteria in cattle from different animal feeding operations. Appl Environ Microbiol 77, 2992–3001.

Gorelick, M.H., McLellan, S.L., Wagner, D., Klein, J., 2011. Water use and acute diarrhoeal illness in children in a United States metropolitan area. Epidemiol Infect 139, 295–301.

Mueller-Spitz, Sabrina R., Stewart, L.B., Klump, J.V., McLellan, S.L., 2010. Freshwater suspended sediments and sewage are reservoirs for enterotoxin-positive Clostridium perfringens. Appl Environ Microbiol 76, 5556–5562.

McLellan, S.L.*, Huse, S.M., Mueller-Spitz, S.R., Andreishcheva, E.N., Sogin, M.L., 2010. Diversity and population structure of sewage-derived microorganisms in wastewater treatment plant influent. Environ Microbiol 12, 378–392.

Drayna, P., McLellan, S.L., Simpson, P., Li, S.-H., Gorelick, M.H., 2010. Association between rainfall and pediatric emergency department visits for acute gastrointestinal illness. Environ Health Perspect 118, 1439–1443.

Sogin, M.L., Morrison, H., McLellan, S.L., Welch, D., Huse, S., 2010. The rare biosphere: sorting out fact from fiction. Genome Biol 11, I19.

Mueller-Spitz, S. R., Stewart, L.B., McLellan, S.L., 2010. Reliability of mCP method for identification of Clostridium perfringens from faecal polluted aquatic environments. J Appl Microbiol 108, 1994–2002.

Jeter, S.N., McDermott, C.M., Bower, P.A., Kinzelman, J.L., Bootsma, M.J., Goetz, G.W., McLellan, S.L., 2009. Bacteroidales diversity in ring-billed gulls (Laurus delawarensis) residing at Lake Michigan beaches. Appl Environ Microbiol 75, 1525–1533.

Kinzelman, J.L., McLellan, S.L., 2009. Success of science-based best management practices in reducing swimming bans—a case study from Racine, Wisconsin, USA. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 12, 187–196.

Mueller-Spitz, S.R., Goetz, G.W., McLellan, S.L., 2009. Temporal and spatial variability in nearshore bacterioplankton communities of Lake Michigan. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 67, 511–522.

Patz, J.A., Vavrus, S.J., Uejio, C.K., McLellan, S.L., 2008. Climate change and waterborne disease risk in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. Am J Prev Med 35, 451–458.

Kinzelman, J., McLellan, S.L., Amick, A., Preedit, J., Scopel, C.O., Olapade, O., Gradus, S., Singh, A., Sedmak, G., 2008. Identification of human enteric pathogens in gull feces at Southwestern Lake Michigan bathing beaches. Can J Microbiol 54, 1006–1015.

Gorelick, M.H., Wagner, D., McLellan, S.L., 2008. Development and validation of a self-administered questionnaire to measure water exposures in children. Ambul Pediatr 8, 388–391.

McLellan, S.L.*, Hollis, E.J., Depas, M.M., Van Dyke, M., Harris, J., Scopel, C.O., 2007. Distribution and Fate of Escherichia coli in Lake Michigan Following Contamination with Urban Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflows. J GREAT LAKES RES 33, 566.[566:DAFOEC]2.0.CO;2

Beversdorf, L.J., Bornstein-Forst, S.M., McLellan, S.L., 2007. The potential for beach sand to serve as a reservoir for Escherichia coli and the physical influences on cell die-off. J Appl Microbiol 102, 1372–1381.

Li, J., McLellan, S.L., Ogawa, S., 2006. Accumulation and fate of green fluorescent labeled Escherichia coli in laboratory-scale drinking water biofilters. Water Res 40, 3023–3028.

Scopel, C.O., Harris, J., McLellan, S.L., 2006. Influence of Nearshore Water Dynamics and Pollution Sources on Beach Monitoring Outcomes at Two Adjacent Lake Michigan Beaches. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32, 543–552.[543:IONWDA]2.0.CO;2

Olapade, O.A., Depas, M.M., Jensen, E.T., McLellan, S.L., 2006. Microbial communities and fecal indicator bacteria associated with Cladophora mats on beach sites along Lake Michigan shores. Appl Environ Microbiol 72, 1932–1938.

Salmore, A.K., Hollis, E.J., McLellan, S.L., 2006. Delineation of a chemical and biological signature for stormwater pollution in an urban river. J Water Health 4, 247–262.

Jensen, E.T., McLellan, S.L., 2005. Beach Closings: Science versus Public Perception. BioScience 55, 536.[0536:A]2.0.CO;2

Bower, P.A., Scopel, C.O., Jensen, E.T., Depas, M.M., McLellan, S.L., 2005. Detection of genetic markers of fecal indicator bacteria in Lake Michigan and determination of their relationship to Escherichia coli densities using standard microbiological methods. Appl Environ Microbiol 71, 8305–8313.

McLellan, S.L.*, 2004. Genetic diversity of Escherichia coli isolated from urban rivers and beach water. Appl Environ Microbiol 70, 4658–4665.

Kinzelman, J., McLellan, S.L., Daniels, A.D., Cashin, S., Singh, A., Gradus, S., Bagley, R., 2004. Non-point source pollution: determination of replication versus persistence of Escherichia coli in surface water and sediments with correlation of levels to readily measurable environmental parameters. J Water Health 2, 103–114.

McLellan, S.L.*, Daniels, A.D., Salmore, A.K., 2003. Genetic characterization of Escherichia coli populations from host sources of fecal pollution by using DNA fingerprinting. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 2587–2594.

McLellan, S.L.*, Salmore, A.K., 2003. Evidence for localized bacterial loading as the cause of chronic beach closings in a freshwater marina. Water Res 37, 2700–2708.

McLellan, S.L.*, Warshawsky, D., Shann, J.R., 2002. The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the degradation of benzo[a]pyrene by Mycobacterium sp. strain RJGII-135. Environ Toxicol Chem 21, 253–259.

McLellan, S.L.*, Daniels, A.D., Salmore, A.K., 2001. Clonal populations of thermotolerant Enterobacteriaceae in recreational water and their potential interference with fecal Escherichia coli counts. Appl Environ Microbiol 67, 4934–4938.