
McLellan Lab Summer of 2023

Ice cream after Shuchen Feng’s successful Ph.D. thesis defense – 2019


Sandra McLellan


The major research focus of my laboratory is to investigate the connections between environmental processes and human health. Urban coastal areas are greatly impacted by pollution sources including stormwater runoff and sewage overflows. Oftentimes, pathogens are present that can contaminate our beaches and drinking water supplies. The overall goal of our research is to understand pathogen fate in large freshwater systems such as the Great Lakes, and develop new approaches for assessing pollution sources so that strategies can be devised to protect the Great Lakes and human health. Click for more information about Sandra


Shuchen Feng

Research Assistant Professor

I am a Research Assistant Professor in the McLellan lab. I am a microbiologist and bioinformatics scientist specializing in public health microbiology. I earned my Ph.D. in Freshwater Sciences with a focus on Environmental Microbiology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee under the mentorship of Dr. Sandra McLellan. My doctoral research involved developing innovative molecular assays (TaqMan qPCR) to quantify human fecal contamination in water using extensive datasets from deep sequencing of microbial communities. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have contributed to SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance in Wisconsin and Illinois, focusing on quantification (ddPCR) and genomic surveillance, respectively. My research also extends to investigating SARS-CoV-2 evolution in hospitalized and immunosuppressed patients and controlled laboratory settings, where I have led efforts in custom viral genome sequencing and host transcriptomics. My current role in the McLellan Lab focuses on understanding environmental antibiotic resistance and the microorganisms associated with it.



Melissa Schussman

Lab Manager

I’m a research specialist and lab manager in our highly collaborative lab. I earned my M.S. in environmental engineering at UW-Milwaukee under the mentorship of Dr. Sandra McLellan. My thesis research explored the various dimensions of wastewater-based epidemiology and surveillance, analyzing how various wastewater parameters can modulate viral analyte signals. Currently, I aid in our lab’s efforts to expand the use of wastewater surveillance, validating new viral and bacterial targets for analysis, and exploring options to improve the efficiency and accuracy of this testing. My other research focus is assessing the best approaches to quantifying and analyzing pollutants in urban water sources, specifically stormwater, and freshwater systems. As a lab manager, I also play a critical role in managing all aspects of complex multi-disciplinary projects including contributing to study design, coordinating implementation, managing budgets, external collaborations, lab personnel, documentation, data analysis, reporting, and communication.


Kieyarrah  Dennis

Graduate Student

I am a graduate research assistant in the McLellan lab with a focus in multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). I am currently working on identifying viable ARG targets to then observe their population variability in MDROs in the environment. I have also done E. coli source tracking in Laguna Bacalar in Bacalar, Mexico as an extension of the McLellan lab. I received my B.A. in Biochemistry and History from the College of Saint Benedict.


Melinda Bootsma


I am a chemist in the McLellan lab and validate/run qPCR assays on a variety of projects that track host-associated bacterial markers in the environment. Additionally, I train incoming students and other laboratory personnel on the qPCR assays we use in the lab. Prepping lab samples for high-throughput sequencing is also a regular activity.


Patricia Bower

Research Technician

I am a research technician in McLellan lab.  I have a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and I’m semi-retired.  My lab duties are predominantly involved with molecular biology methods such as cloning and qPCR/digital drop PCR technologies.  I am involved in the development of new molecular biology procedures and troubleshoot procedures pertaining to molecular biological techniques.  I am also responsible for the biological and chemical safety issues in the lab.


Nicole Price

Research Technician

I am a research technician in the McLellan Lab, and I provide laboratory support for various research projects associated with the fate and transport of urban coastal microbial ecology and the urban freshwater microbiome. Currently, I work with various DNA isolation methods and qPCR for environmental water samples including coastal beach, stormwater, and wastewater samples. I received my B.S. in Freshwater Ecology and Marine Biology at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater with a minor in Chemistry. I have worked in a molecular diagnostics research and development laboratory focusing on SARS-CoV-2 surveillance and vaccine efficacy, as well as other infectious disease studies before joining as a research technician in the McLellan Lab!

Benjamin Gallion

Undergraduate Student

I am an undergraduate research assistant in McLellan lab, working under the SURF grant. I am currently in the Freshwater Science undergraduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Within the lab, I help quantify DNA from freshwater samples and bacterial isolates via concentrating and extracting samples and performing PCR analysis.


Former Lab Members

Sophia Ward –
Quality Assurance & Quality Control Lab Analyst/Chemist,  Proximity Malt

Brenden Nihart –
Water Quality Specialist, Watertech of America Inc.

Deb Dila

Elexius (Lexi) Passante – Stormwater Specialist,WI DNR

Brigid Meyers – Watershed Program Coordinator, Sweet Water

Adelaide Roguet – Scientist, Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene

Autumn Saunders -Research technician, Marquette University

Natalie Rumball – Scientist, PSN Labs

Emily Koster

Jill McClary-Gutierrez – Postdoc Researcher, University of Notre Dame, NSF Research Coordination Network

Ryan Bartelme – Postdoc Researcher, Univ of Arizona, Soil, Water and Enviromental Science

Alexis McAdams – Research Analyst at Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

Patrick Siwula – Field Scientist at Terracon Consultants

Katie Halmo – Master’s program, Univ of Colorado, Sustainable Agriculture

Danielle Cloutier – Policy Director for American Sportfishing Association (ASA)

Jen Fisher – Assistant Professor at Indiana University Northwest

Hayley Templar – Hydrologist with U.S. Geological Survey

Morgan Schroeder – Bioinformatician at Stowers Institute for Medical Research

Kristina Surfus – Legislative Director for National Association of Clean Water Agencies

Chelsea Corson – Project Manager at Drake Environmental Consulting

Marcia Silva – Facility Manager at Water Technology Accelerator (Global Water Center)

Amber Koskey – Epidemiologist at Minnesota Dept. of Public Health

Ian DeTunq – Associate Scientist at Luminex Corp.

Beth Sauer – Supervisor at Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

Keri Lydon

Caleb Abfall – School of Dentistry Marquette University

Kendra Dahmer