LSPPE Graduate Students Present at Regional Conference

Laboratory for Sport Psychology and Performance Excellence (LSPPE) graduate students Anthony Magdaleno and Elizabeth Menden recently presented a paper talk at the Midwest Psychological Association (MPA) 2021 Annual Conference. In their presentation “Burnout in Health Care Providers”, Magdaleno and Menden discussed the occurrence of burnout across a wide range of health care providers.

The presentation by Magdaleno and Menden emerged out of a fall semester course project and provided the opportunity to apply categorical statistical methods learned in the course. When asked what they gained from the experience, Magdaleno stated “The opportunity to present our work at a regional conference provided a valuable learning experience. From conceptualization to presentation, every step of the process provided new challenges and resulting lessons that will be applied to future projects”. Similarly, Menden stated “This was a great learning experience and wonderful opportunity to understand all the hard work and due diligence that goes into a conference presentation. I really enjoyed being able to apply what I learned in the classroom to a real-life research project and presentation”.

For more information on the work complete by LSPPE graduate students: