LSPPE Students, Faculty, and Alumni Present Research at 35th Annual AASP Virtual Conference

The 35th Annual Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) conference moved online this year to adapt to coronavirus. Originally planned to take place in Orlando, Florida, the new virtual format was presented on October 21-24, 2020 with members from across the globe participating. Over the course of four days, Laboratory for Sport Psychology and Performance Excellence (LSPPE) students, faculty, and alumni presented symposiums, panels, lectures, and posters.

LSPPE faculty Dr. Barbara Meyer presented a live symposium on Gatekeeping the Profession of Applied Sport and Performance Psychology. Gatekeeping issues that occur at three specific milestones during a sport psychology graduate program (i.e., pre-admission, post-admission, matriculation into professional spaces) were identified. Dr. Meyer discussed strategies for preventing and/or remediating these issues.

LSPPE faculty Dr. Monna Arvinen-Barrow served as a discussant on a cross-cultural research symposium on Bridging the Gap Between Sport Science and NGBs: A Cross-Cultural, Youth Sport Partnership Between the USA and Sweden. Following presentations by Dr. Amanda Visek (The George Washington University), Dr. Andreas Ivarsson (Halmstad University, Sweden), John Lind and Anders Wahlström (both Swedish Ice Hockey Federation), Dr. Arvinen-Barrow led the robust conversation and concluding remarks regarding international relations and closing the science-to-practice gap in meaningful and impactful ways.

Doctoral student Carly Wahl presented an on demand lecture presentation on Influence of Call Volume on Perceptions of Stress and Recovery in Active-Duty Firefighters. Wahl discussed research examining how acute training load dose (i.e., call volume) influences firefighters’ perceptions of recovery and stress and identified implications for recovery-specific interventions for firefighters.

Doctoral student Derek Zike presented an on demand lecture presentation entitled Athletes’ Experiences of Leaving Sport Due to Spinal Cord Injury: A Multiple Case Study Examination. Zike discussed research examining patterns and plausible relationships related to what is happening (and not) in individuals’ transitions from sport due to spinal cord injury (SCI), and applied implications aimed at practitioners working with athletes who have transitioned out of sport due to SCI.

Alumnus Dr. Jessica Ford presented an on demand lecture presentation on Conceptualizing Psychological Performance Enhancement in a Music Domain. Dr. Ford discussed research that explored musicians’ psychosocial responses to performance, the psychological skills and strategies that musicians use during practice/rehearsal and performance, the professionals specialized in performance enhancement with whom musicians have worked, and musicians’ lived experiences of psychological performance enhancement.

The AASP conference is also famous for its high quality poster presentations. There were fascinating posters presented on the virtual platform. LSPPE students and faculty made a contribution to the posters on hand.

LSPPE Poster Presentations

Ildefonso, K., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (October, 2020). Using Discourse Analysis in Sport, Exercise, and Health Research: Systematic Review of the Literature.

Magdaleno, A., Wiersma, L., Wilson, K., & Barros, J. (October, 2020). A Comparison of Subjective Mental Fatigue Following Completion of the Stroop Test and a Task Designed to Replicate the Observation of Game Film.

See conference details at