ATM SCI 330: Textbook Assignments

Most weeks you will have an assignment consisting of one or more of the questions about the Jacobson book chapters. These questions will be graded on a pass/fail basis. The assignments are as follows:

Chapter Question(s)
1 1.4, 1.7
4 4.3, 4.6, 4.10
5 5.1, 5.13
7 7.4, 7.5
8 8.3, 8.7
9 9.2, 9.5
10 10.6, 10.10
11 11.1, 11.5, 11.7
12 12.5, 12.7, 12.17
13 13.6, 13.10

Grading of Textbook Assignments

There are 10 textbook assignments. Each assignment will be graded as either “acceptable” or “unacceptable”. Assignments will be collected at the beginning of class each Thursday. Late assignments will not be accepted. Your “Textbook Assignment” grade for the course (10% of the total course grade) will be the number of acceptable assignments divided by 9. This means that i) you are allowed to miss one assignment without penalty; and ii) you can receive a small amount of extra credit if you hand in 10 acceptable assignments.