- Joseph Patrick Soldenwagner defended his master thesis on January 10, 2025. He was co-supervised by Dr. Premnath and Dr. Dabagh. The title of his thesis is: A quantitative study on the correlation between mechanical stress and vascularization in a healing murine callus. Congrats Joey!
- Reza Bozorgpour passed his prelim exam successfully on December 10th, 2025. Title of his presentation is: Developing a massively parallel computational fluid dynamics code for quantifying blood flow characteristics in patient-specific vasculature. Congrats Reza!
- Soheil Arbabi join Dabagh lab as Research Associate. Welcome Soheil!
- Dr Dabagh gives a talk at “Building Bridges Across NIH and the Broader Engineering Community Event”. Title: Correlation between Stresses and Malignancy Stage of a Patient-Specific Breast Tumor, October 21st, 24.
- Dr Dabagh gives a talk in BMES 2024 Annual Meeting. Title: Assessment of Breast Tumor’s Malignancy through Developing Virtual Physiology of Human Tumor Tissue (Session: Cancer Technologies), October 25th, 24.
- Dr. Dabagh joins NIH as reviewer, 2024.
- Dr. Dabagh receives a travel award to attend the 2024 IMAG/MSM Consortium Meeting. This award is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS).
- Our journal article with the title of “Impact of stroma remodeling on forces experienced by cancer cells and stromal cells within a pancreatic tumor tissue” is published in BioMedical Engineering OnLine.
Our CIberCATSS program has been partially featured in astrobites.
- Dabagh lab participates SB3C 2024 conference, June 11-14, 2024, held at the Grand Geneva Resort, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!
- Morgan Connaughton defended her master thesis on June 7, 2024. The title of her thesis is: Virtual physiology modeling of breast tissue for malignancy assessment. Congrats Morgan!
- Dr. Dabagh (as PI) and her 2 collaborators received a National Science Foundation grant. The project title is: I-Corps: Translation Potential of a Wound Healing Monitoring Device using Deep Learning-Assisted Multi-Modal Imaging. Read more here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2418649&HistoricalAwards=false
- Andrea Alonso defended her master thesis on May 6, 2024. The title of her thesis is: Biomechanical Modeling of Progressive Wound Healing: Elderly and Diabetic Skin. Congrats Andrea!
- Our journal article with the title of ” Modeling physical forces experienced by cancer and stratal cells within different organ-specific tumor tissue” is published in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.
- Hannah Vincent’s abstract was selected as a finalist for the 2024 SB3C BS Level Student Paper Competition.
- Nathanael Earl Sovitzky’s abstract was selected as a finalist for the 2024 SB3C BS Level Student Paper Competition.
- Dr. Dabagh has been selected for the NSF CAREER Award!
This project is developing virtual tumor tissues to address the shortcomings of in-vitro models and reduce the reliance on animal models by replicating human tissue. These virtual tissues are applied to enhance the understanding of tumor malignancy and mechanisms involved that increase the accuracy of early diagnosis and treatment decision-making for the most prevalent type of pancreatic tumor, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).
- Dr. Dabagh’s NSF-award news appears in. newswise, Public, Wisconsin Technology Council, Spectrum NEWS1, CEAS news,UWM news,Universities of Wisconsin:
Dabagh lands $542,000 NSF Early CAREER Award for modeling virtual tumor tissues
UWM scientist lands $542,000 NSF award for modeling virtual tumor tissues
- Dr. Dabagh joins NSF as reviewer, 2024.
- Our paper “Role of Mechanotransduction on Decision Making for Treatment of Chronic Wounds” is published in AIChE J. 2024;e18390. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.18390
- Ahmad joins our group as doctoral student, starting Spring 2024. Welcome Ahmad!
- Dani and Setayesh join our group as undergraduate research fellow, starting Spring 2024. Welcome!
- Our latest research paper is published in Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. Our study focuses on how cells and subcellular organelle sense and response to changes in their microenvironment. Read here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10237-023-01743-0
- Pushyan Jhaveri defended his master thesis on June 30th, 2023. The title of his thesis is: CFD-Trained Machine Learning Algorithm to predict hemodynamic features in patient-specific vascular geometries . Congrats Pushyan!
Pushyan Jhaveri was selected as one of 6 finalists in the CEAS 2023 Graduate Research Poster Competition, on April 22, 2023.
- Dr. Dabagh joins NIH as early career reviewer.
- Pilhwan Kim is admitted to Master of Science program in department of Biomedical Engineering. He will start his MSc on fall 2023 after he graduates from undergraduate program on May 2023. Congrats Pilhwan!
- Andrea receives University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Graduate School Advanced Opportunity Program (AOP) Fellowship award for the 2023-2024 academic year. Congrats Andrea!
- Reza passed his qualifying exam. He took the exam on February 2023. Congrats Reza!
- Dr Dabagh is accepted for participation in the Early Career Reviewer (ECR) program at the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), National Institutes of Health (02/16/2023).
- Dr Dabagh has joined as “faculty mentor” the WiscAMP STEM-Inspire Program which is committed to improving the recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented minorities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) majors. Read more here :https://uwm.edu/steminspire/staff/
- Dr Dabagh’s contribution to EnQuest2022 program is now published in the UWM EnQuest / Ansys blog, with the title of: Female High School students Embark on Engineering Quests at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It has been also posted in CEAS NEWS.
EnQuest: Global software engineering company promotes UWM’s girls-only engineering camp
- Dr. Dabagh receives “Teacher Excellence Award”. She is recognized for excellent teaching by UWM-Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, , through Student “Shout Out” for Teaching Excellence (December 2022).
- Morgan and Andrea join Dabagh lab as Master of Science students, starting January 2023. Welcome!
- Congratulations to Morgan, Andrea, Kelly, Parker, and Nada on completing their undergraduate studies. All your hard-work and dedication are appreciated!
- Our journal article “Impact of Wound Dressing on Mechanotransduction within Tissues of Chronic Wounds” has been published in “Biomedicines 2022, 10, 3080”.
- News on our new NSF grant appears on UWM Reports:
Students learn to apply high-performance computing to research through new grant
- Dabagh Lab members participates BMES 2022, San Antonio, TX, October 12-15. Morgan, Kelly, and Pushyan present their research works in BMES!
- Dr Dabagh (as co-PI) and her 2 collaborators received a National Science Foundation grant to create three-annual summer schools to teach machine learning, computational methods, high-performance computing, and cyberinfrastructure to support research projects.
- Dr. Dabagh will co-chair two sessions in 2022 BMES Annual Meeting – Biomedical Engineering Society, San Antonio, Texas, October 12-15, 2022:
- “Microengineered Models of Tumor-Stromal Interactions” session on “Cancer Technologies Track”
- “Imaging Tissue, Organs, and Physiological Systems” session on “Imaging and Instrumentation Track”.
- Reza joins our group as doctoral student, starting Fall 2022. Welcome Reza!
- John joins our group as master student, starting Fall 2022. Welcome John!
- Andrea is accepted for accelerated master program to continue her research in the lab, starting Fall 2022. Congrats Andrea!
- Our journal article “Mechanotransduction in Endothelial Cells in Vicinity of Cancer Cells” has been published in “Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering”.
- Our journal article “Association of Hypertension and Organ-Specific Cancer: A Meta-Analysis” has been published in “Healthcare” . This paper emphasizes on the prevalence of hypertension and cancer comorbidity.
- Dr Dabagh joins Frontiers in Medicine as Review Editor on the Editorial Board.
- Morgan Suzanne Connaughton wins first place in CEAS 2022 Student Research Poster Competition Award. Congrats Morgan!
- News on Dr Dabagh’s DIG grant In CEAS News!
- Morgan Suzanne Connaughton wins “Outstanding Presentation Award” at 2022 UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats Morgan!
- Dr Dabagh (PI) and Dr Gopalakrishnan (co-PI) received Discovery and Innovation Grant! This will be active from July 2022 to December 2023.
- Reza has been awarded the CEAS Dean’s Fellowship. Congrats Reza!
- Our abstract “Role of mechanotransduction in promoting intracellular and intercellular transmigration of cancer cells through endothelium in microvasculature” has been accepted for oral presentation at the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), London, UK on 21-23 June 2022.
- Dr. Dabagh is nominated by students as “Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2022!
- Morgan (Modeling of Organ-Specific Tumor Microenvironment To Analyze Cell-To-Cell Interactions) and Andrea’s (The Impact of Disturbed Flow Induced Arterial Stiffness on Mechanotransduction in Endothelial cells) abstracts have been accepted to the 2022 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C2022), June 21-23 at Cambridge, Maryland. Congrats Morgan and Andrea!
- Kelly’s abstract has been accepted for oral presentation at the UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity at UW-Whitewater on Friday, April 22, 2022.
- UWM- College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) supports Dr. Dabagh’s application for recruitment of one postdoctoral researcher.
- Dr Dabagh and her collaborators innovative idea is accepted to Milwaukee I-Corps program (Funded by the NSF as an I-Corps Site of Southeastern Wisconsin).
- News on Dr Dabagh and her collaborators NSF grant In UWM Report
Students learn to apply high-performance computing to research through new grant
- Dr. Dabagh is selected to serve as an application evaluator for the SMART Scholarship Program, starting January 2022.
- Kelly join Joins the lab starting Spring 2022. Welcome Kelly!
- Our abstract has been accepted for an oral presentation on APWCA’s Wound Week 2022, February 24-27 at Philadelphia . Congrats Joshua, Kelly, and Alessandra!
- Our NSF funding news appears in UWM Research Foundation, Inc news
- Joshua and Arwa will graduate on December, 2021. Congrats to both of you. I really appreciate your hard work and contribution to the research projects!
- Our NSF funding news appears in CEAS news feed:
- Dr Dabagh has been selected as a mentor for XSEDE EMPOWER program (Expert Mentoring Producing Opportunities for Work, Education, and Research).
- Alessandra graduated on August 2021. Congrats Alessandra! Thank you for hard work and great contributions to research projects of the lab.
- Arwa Joins the lab. Welcome Arwa!
Dr Dabagh (as co-PI) and her 3 collaborators received a National Science Foundation grant, titled” CC* Compute: A Balanced Cluster For Science and Engineering in the Great Lakes Region”.
- Dr Dabagh is selected as a member of CEAS- Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC).
- Dr Dabagh is selected as a member of CEAS-Academic Policy Committee (APC).
- Dr Dabagh is nominated to BMES’ Board of Directors as an Academic Director.
- Aleksa and Madison graduated on May 2021. Congrats! Thank you for hard work and great contributions to research projects of the group.
- Morgan Suzanne Connaughton wins CEAS 2021 Student Research Poster Competition Award. Congrats Morgan!
- Annalise, Madison, and Morgan are selected as the finalists for College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) 2021 Student Research Poster Competition. Congrats everyone!
- Dabagh’s lab receives second XSEDE Startup award supported by NSF in advanced computing infrastructure for U.S.
- Madison Rose Schillinger wins “Outstanding Presentation Award” at 2021 Virtual UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats Madison!
- Dr. Dabagh joins the topics board editors of the journal Applied Sciences (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/topic_editors).
- Aleksa, Andrea, Matthew, and Morgan join to the group starting January 2021. Welcome!
- Adeda, Eisa, and John graduated on December 2020. Congrats! Thank you for hard work and great contributions to research projects of the group.
- John Quinn wins the Department Award in The College of Engineering & Applied Science annual Student Research Poster Competition 2020, in his undergraduate research . Congrats John!
- Dr. Dabagh is nominated by the Office of Undergraduate Research as “UWM-Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2020”.
- Dr Dabagh has been accepted to attend the 2020 Advancing Cancer Biology at the Frontiers of Machine Learning and Mechanistic Modeling Innovation Lab, August 10-14 at Skamania, Oregon. The Innovation Lab is hosted by the National Cancer Institute and Carnegie Mellon University.
- Dabagh lab is participating the 2020 UWM Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Adeda, Alessandra, Eisa, John, and Samantha are presenting their research work in the Research Symposium, May 1st, 2020.
- Dr. Dabagh’s work on Cancer Metastasis has been published in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering: http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12195-020-00610-7
- Dr. Dabagh’s work on Aneurysm Treatment has been published in operative neurosurgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31665489
- Congratulations to Sam for receiving College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Academic Excellence Award, 2019!
- Dr. Dabagh’s work on aneurysm has been published in Neurological Focus. https://thejns.org/focus/view/journals/neurosurg-focus/47/1/article-pE13.xml
- Dr. Dabagh’s work on cancer has been published in PLOS ONE. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0211418