RedLine Milwaukee artists contributed to a collaborative collage workshop and exhibition in conjunction with the 2015 Hidden River Art Festival at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts.
Participating artists: Cynthia Brinich-Langlois [organizer], Nina Ghanbarzadeh [organizer], Sue Lawton, Katie Ryan, Kate Zolandz, Jamie Bilgo Bruchman, Luke Farley, Dara Larson, Tori Tasch, Blanche Brown, Ann Wydeven, with collaborative input from visitors and volunteers at the Hidden River Art Festival.
This large-scale scroll was unrolled slowly over the course of the festival to reveal the contours of the Fox River that run the length of the paper. As workshop participants added content to the river and its surroundings, the work was progressively rolled and unrolled to incorporate new imagery along the length of the collage.
In preparation for the workshop, RedLine Milwaukee artists traced the contours of the Fox River onto the large roll of paper. Each artist had complete creative control over his or her segment of the waterway and incorporated whatever media and stylistic language best articulated their intentions. The only stipulation was that the river must be continuous, and should more or less follow the actual river’s path.
This river drawing formed the foundation of the collaborative collage workshop, Finding the River, in which art festival attendees were encouraged to add their own content to the work. The river is the unifying visual and conceptual element of the collage, and members of the public responded to the varied interpretations of “river” that RedLine artists created.
Collaborative Collage Workshop at the Hidden River Art Festival
scroll detail (Tori Tasch and Jamie Bilgo Bruchman)
scroll detail (Sue Lawton and Nina Ghanbarzadeh)