Attendance: Nicholas Bakken, Catherine Chan, Julie Dresen, Kyla Esguerra, Karen Havholm, Anne Hoeltke, Cheri Rossi, Jessica Schuld, Molly Van Wagner
- Website
- Please send dates of your campus symposia and/or other relevant events to to be added. Having a visible and updated web presence can assist in efforts to gain more UW System support. News, events & updates can be added using this form:
- UW System Support
- Kyla and Catherine shared recent discussion with Allison Steil (Director for Federal Relations) and Laura Dunek (Associate Vice President, Research and Academic Innovation, and Senior Advisor, Governance and Strategic Initiatives) at UW System about potential system support for undergraduate research.
- Allison and Laura expressed interest in learning more about WisCUR and founding documents, survey and minutes were shared. There is some doubt for discovery-like grants at this time due to changing leadership, but other support such as meeting support and/or faculty liaison support is more likely.
- Allison will join future meeting. Allison may also be a helpful resource as a connection to federal funding mechanisms.
- Research in the Rotund
- March 8 (Kathy Divine); possibility of requesting support for an associated WisCUR meeting discussed, as well as using existing research administrators meetings as a convenient time to meet. The research administrators meeting in the Dells Dec. 5-6 was brought up as a possibility.
- NCUR 2023, April 13-15 at UW-Eau Claire
- La Crosse, Stout, River Falls, Milwaukee all planning/hoping to bring large groups of students. Madison and Madison College hopeful to bring some.
- Abstract deadline November 30.
- Some bussing issues discussed.
- One possibility for system support would be defraying the cost of NCUR attendance for system students.
- Karen is helping organize FAN sessions.
- Conference planners aren’t sure how many people to expect
- UW System Symposium 2023
- It is not looking like Madison will agree to host; Karen will ask Eau Claire if they would be interested in hosting System after hosting NCUR. La Crosse and Milwaukee are other possibilities.
- Annual meeting/workshop idea
- Support for mentors rose to the top as an issue that resonated with many of the campuses “post-Covid.” This is particularly needed as work/life balances are being readjusted.
- Anne mentioned a virtual workshop being offered at Stout by Sylvia Tiala that could perhaps be made available to WisCUR members.
- Cheri is willing to facilitate CIMER’s Entering Mentoring curricula if/when we would like to offer it through WisCUR.
- Freshwater Collaborative information shared (forwarded via email)
- Other issues, discussion or announcements?
- Karen mentioned that the value of undergraduate research figured prominently at the recent Regents meeting at Eau Claire. We don’t know yet if it will be a high priority for the new UW System President.
- Molly wondered if there were other System individuals who could be more immediate resources and connections to BOR.
- Group agreed to meet again in about a month and invite Allison and Laura for direct discussion with System representative.