Attending: Cherie Barta, Catherine Chan, Scott Cooper, Nigel Rothfels, Julie O’Leary, Lissa Schneider-Rebozo, Jalal Nawash, and Julie Dresen.
- UW-System Symposium Update –Since the last meeting, Jalal Nawash received notice that UW-System would provide the $5,000 in support that has been typical. Julie O’Leary and Jalal had a meeting with Kathy Divine and Jeff Buhrandt regarding promoting the Symposium to legislators as a place to learn more about undergraduate research on their campuses. UWW will provide a list of students and addresses to Kathy and Jeff once registration closes and they will take the responsibility for notifying legislators if there are students from their district presenting and invite them to attend. There are still details to be worked out, but Kathy will communicate with legislators and provide directions on how they can access the event for those who are interested. Campus URSCA contacts should be aware that the list of students presenting at the Symposium will be shared with legislators, and may want to notify their campus legislative liaisons as well.
Jalal provided an update on the Symposium logistics, responded to questions, and and requested that people forward any issues they are experiencing with the registration site. Attendance is free for non-presenters this year, so all are asked to promote this and encourage family of students and community members to attend. A flyer promoting the keynote speaker will be coming out in the next week or so.
Campuses are generally seeing fewer students registering for events. Some of this is due to less research in the pipeline over the past year, but also to general COVID-19 weariness.
- Summer student professional development opportunities – Given that summer research programs are looking like they may again be virtual, there is interest in banding together to work with students on professional development, banding together and sharing what we are doing with each other. This discussion is postponed until the April meeting, when there is more clarity about what summer programs will look like – virtual, hybrid, or in person. Karen Havholm will be invited to the discussion as she had previously inquired about how CUR could provide support for virtual URSCA. UWEC – in person activity