3/12/2020 WisCUR e-board teleconference minutes
1) WisCUR Annual Meeting date
The tentative meeting date is June 9, 2020 and the location is UW-Eau Claire. Those who would like to attend the meeting and have conflicts on June 9 are asked to provide alternative date(s) after consulting the current list of conflicts listed on https://doodle.com/poll/iwf7q6xxdrhsbe6t (note dates shown are conflict dates). If someone other than UW-Eau Claire would like to host the meeting and/or would like to volunteer to be on the planning committee, please let us know as well. Please send information to Catherine (chancw@uwec.edu ). Currently, we have Lissa (UW-RF) and Julie (UW-Superior) who volunteered to help with the planning (thank you!).
2) WisCUR e-board member election
We need to fill three vacancies on the e-board. Please consider nominating yourself or nominate someone else after consulting with him/her. We are a fun group focused on collective problem-solving! Please send names to Catherine at your earliest convenience but no later than Apr 17.
3) New members in the URSCA realm?
We will be working to update the WisCUR listserv. Please send known staffing changes, especially key coordinators/directors, to Catherine. Campus coordinators are encouraged to send names of new mentors/advocates and other parties interested in joining the listserv as a batch in early fall.
4) Other business
New WisCUR web page in the works, thanks to Nigel at UW-Milwaukee! See sites.uwm.edu/wiscur. Check it out. There will be a function to allow campuses to post announcements, events, etc. A form will be there soon for you to post your own announcements.