Selected Manuscripts:
(Only the past decade– the C.V., above, contains a complete list of all publications)
- On Smoothing of the Crank-Nicolson Scheme and
Higher Order Schemes for Pricing Barrier Options (with A.Q.M.
Khaliq, M. Yousuf, J. Vigo-Aguiar, and R. Deininger), Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM), V. 204, No. 1, July, 2007, pp. 144-158. - Adapted BDF Algorithms Applied to Parabolic
Problems (with J. Mart\’in-Vaquero & J. Vigo-Aguiar), Numerical
Methods for Partial Differential Equations (NMPDE), V. 23, No. 2, pp.
350-365, 2007. - Stability of Phase-Based Gain Modulation with
Designer-Chosen Switch Functions, (with B. Armstrong, J.A.
Gutierrez, and R. Joseph), International Journal of Robotics
Research, V. 25, No. 8, August, 2006, pp. 781–796. - High Order Smoothing Schemes for Inhomogeneous
Parabolic Problems with Applications to Nonsmooth Payoff in Option
Pricing (with A.Q. M. Khaliq, M. Yousuf, and J. Vigo-Aguiar),
Numer. Methods for Partial Differential Equations (NMPDE) V. 23(5),
2007, 1249–1276. - Numerical Solution of a Long-term Average Control Problem
for Singular Stochastic Processes, (with P. Kaczmarek, S.T. Kent,
G.A. Rus, and R.H. Stockbridge), Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, V. 66, 2007, 451–473. - Smoothing Schemes for Reaction-Diffusion Systems with
Nonsmooth Data, (with A.Q.M. Khaliq, J. Mart\’in-Vaquero, and M.
Yousuf,) J. Comput. & Appl. Math (JCAM), V. 223(1), January, 2009, 374–386. - On the Approximation of Controlled Singular Stochastic Processes, (with G. Rus and R.H. Stockbridge), Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, ISBN 978-84-612-9727-6, V. 3, June, 2009, 954–964.
- An ETD Crank-Nicolson Method for Reaction-Diffusion Systems (with B. Kleefeld & A.Q.M. Khaliq,), Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (NMPDE), V. 28, May, 2012, 1309-1335.
- On efficient numerical methods for an initial-boundary value problem with nonlocal boundary conditions, (with J. Mart\’in Vaquero),
Applied Mathematical Modelling, V. 38(8), 2012, 3411–3418; DOI 10.1016/j.apm.2011.10.021. - Exponential Time Differencing Schemes for Reaction-Diffusion Problems,
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computational and
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, J. Vigo Aguiar et al, ed., V. 3, July, 2012, 1227–1236. - On the Periodic Solutions of a Rigid Dumbbell Satellite in a Circular Orbit, (with J.L.G. Guirao & Juan A. Vera), Astrophysics & Space Science, Springer, V. 4, 2013, 1–6.
- A Real Distinct Poles Exponential Time Differencing Scheme for Reaction-Diffusion Systems, (with E.O. Asante-Asamani & A.Q.M. Khaliq), J.
Comput. & Appl. Math (JCAM), V. 299, 2016, 24–34. - A Dimensional Splitting of ETD Schemes for Reaction-Diffusion Systems, (with E.O. Asante-Asamani), Comm. in Comput. Phys. (CICP), V. 19, No. 5, pp. 1343-1356, May, 2016. doi:10.4208/cicp.scpde14.25s
- Time Discretization and Stability Regions for Dissipative-Dispersive Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation Arising in Turbulent Gas Flow Over Laminar Liquid, (with A. Moulouda, H. Fellouahb, and M. Kessald), Computer Physics Communications, submitted, Dec., 2016.
- Efficient Time Discretization Scheme for Nonlinear Space Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equations, (with K. Furati, O.S. Iyiola, A.Q.M., Khaliq). Submitted, Int. J. Computer Math., April, 2017.
- A Mathematical Model for Simulation of Colloidal Dispersions Under External Vibration and Temperature Variation, (with E. Asante-Asamani, L. Wang, J. Glass, Z. Chen, D. Lay). In preparation, 2017.
- Dimensional Splitting Method for Space Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Systems, (with O.S. Iyiola). In preparation, 2017.
- A Real Distinct Pole L-Acceptable Rational Approximation of Generalized Mittag-Leffler Functions and Their Inverses, (with E. Asante-Asamani & O.S. Iyiola). In preparation, 2017.
University Administration:
- I am currently on the UWM Faculty Senate and Department Chair.
- I created the Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (AMCS) degree and serve as primary supervisor of the program.
- I created the Industrial & Interdisciplinary MS and Ph.D. degrees and serve as primary advisor.